blob: 84ad22066ec5f2dba79e96227c2b20ad8eab114d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.compiler_test;
import 'package:dart_services/src/common.dart';
import 'package:dart_services/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:dart_services/src/sdk.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() => defineTests();
void defineTests() {
Compiler compiler;
for (final nullSafety in [false, true]) {
group('Null ${nullSafety ? 'Safe' : 'Unsafe'} Compiler', () {
setUpAll(() async {
compiler = Compiler(Sdk(), nullSafety);
await compiler.warmup();
tearDownAll(() async {
await compiler.dispose();
test('simple', () async {
final result = await compiler.compile(sampleCode);
expect(result.success, true);
expect(result.compiledJS, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.sourceMap, isNull);
Future<void> Function() _generateCompilerDDCTest(String sample) =>
() async {
final result = await compiler.compileDDC(sample);
expect(result.success, true);
expect(result.compiledJS, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.modulesBaseUrl, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.compiledJS, contains("define('dartpad_main', ["));
'compileDDC simple',
'compileDDC with web',
nullSafety ? sampleCodeWebNullSafe : sampleCodeWeb),
'compileDDC with Flutter',
'compileDDC with Flutter Counter',
? sampleCodeFlutterCounterNullSafe
: sampleCodeFlutterCounter),
'compileDDC with Flutter Sunflower',
? sampleCodeFlutterSunflowerNullSafe
: sampleCodeFlutterSunflower),
'compileDDC with Flutter Draggable Card',
? sampleCodeFlutterDraggableCardNullSafe
: sampleCodeFlutterDraggableCard),
'compileDDC with Flutter Implicit Animations',
? sampleCodeFlutterImplicitAnimationsNullSafe
: sampleCodeFlutterImplicitAnimations),
'compileDDC with async',
nullSafety ? sampleCodeAsyncNullSafe : sampleCodeAsync),
test('compileDDC with single error', () async {
final result = await compiler.compileDDC(sampleCodeError);
expect(result.success, false);
expect(result.problems.length, 1);
contains('Error: Expected \';\' after this.'));
test('compileDDC with multiple errors', () async {
final result = await compiler.compileDDC(sampleCodeErrors);
expect(result.success, false);
expect(result.problems.length, 1);
contains('Error: Method not found: \'print1\'.'));
contains('Error: Method not found: \'print2\'.'));
contains('Error: Method not found: \'print3\'.'));
test('sourcemap', () async {
final result =
await compiler.compile(sampleCode, returnSourceMap: true);
expect(result.success, true);
expect(result.compiledJS, isNotEmpty);
expect(result.sourceMap, isNotNull);
expect(result.sourceMap, isNotEmpty);
test('version', () async {
final result =
await compiler.compile(sampleCode, returnSourceMap: true);
expect(result.sourceMap, isNotNull);
expect(result.sourceMap, isNotEmpty);
test('simple web', () async {
final result = await compiler
.compile(nullSafety ? sampleCodeWebNullSafe : sampleCodeWeb);
expect(result.success, true);
test('web async', () async {
final result = await compiler
.compile(nullSafety ? sampleCodeAsyncNullSafe : sampleCodeAsync);
expect(result.success, true);
test('errors', () async {
final result = await compiler.compile(sampleCodeError);
expect(result.success, false);
expect(result.problems.length, 1);
expect(result.problems[0].toString(), contains('Error: Expected'));
test('good import', () async {
const code = '''
import 'dart:html';
void main() {
var count = querySelector('#count');
final result = await compiler.compile(code);
expect(result.problems.length, 0);
test('bad import - local', () async {
const code = '''
import 'foo.dart';
void main() { missingMethod ('foo'); }
final result = await compiler.compile(code);
expect(result.problems, hasLength(1));
equals('unsupported import: foo.dart'));
test('bad import - http', () async {
const code = '''
import '';
void main() { missingMethod ('foo'); }
final result = await compiler.compile(code);
expect(result.problems, hasLength(1));
equals('unsupported import:'));
test('multiple bad imports', () async {
const code = '''
import 'package:foo';
import 'package:bar';
final result = await compiler.compile(code);
expect(result.problems, hasLength(2));
equals('unsupported import: package:foo'));
equals('unsupported import: package:bar'));
test('disallow compiler warnings', () async {
final result = await compiler.compile(sampleCodeErrors);
expect(result.success, false);
test('transitive errors', () async {
const code = '''
import 'dart:foo';
void main() { print ('foo'); }
final result = await compiler.compile(code);
expect(result.problems.length, 1);
test('errors for dart 2', () async {
final result = await compiler.compile(sampleDart2Error);
expect(result.problems.length, 1);