blob: b28988144d3c752ec6509f3e1a0525a1c64c248b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library is a wrapper around the Dart to JavaScript (dart2js) compiler.
library services.compiler;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:bazel_worker/driver.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'common.dart';
import 'flutter_web.dart';
import 'pub.dart';
import 'sdk_manager.dart';
Logger _logger = Logger('compiler');
/// An interface to the dart2js compiler. A compiler object can process one
/// compile at a time.
class Compiler {
final Sdk _sdk;
final FlutterSdk _flutterSdk;
final FlutterWebManager _flutterWebManager;
final String _dartdevcPath;
final BazelWorkerDriver _ddcDriver;
Compiler(this._sdk, this._flutterSdk, this._flutterWebManager)
: _dartdevcPath = path.join(_flutterSdk.sdkPath, 'bin', 'dartdevc'),
_ddcDriver = BazelWorkerDriver(
() => Process.start(
path.join(_flutterSdk.sdkPath, 'bin', 'dartdevc'),
maxWorkers: 1);
bool importsOkForCompile(Set<String> imports) {
return !_flutterWebManager.hasUnsupportedImport(imports);
Future<CompilationResults> warmup({bool useHtml = false}) {
return compile(useHtml ? sampleCodeWeb : sampleCode);
/// Compile the given string and return the resulting [CompilationResults].
Future<CompilationResults> compile(
String input, {
bool returnSourceMap = false,
}) async {
Set<String> imports = getAllImportsFor(input);
if (!importsOkForCompile(imports)) {
return CompilationResults(problems: <CompilationProblem>[
'unsupported import: ${_flutterWebManager.getUnsupportedImport(imports)}',
Directory temp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dartpad');'Temp directory created: ${temp.path}');
try {
List<String> arguments = <String>[
if (!returnSourceMap) '--no-source-maps',
...['-o', '$kMainDart.js'],
String compileTarget = path.join(temp.path, kMainDart);
File mainDart = File(compileTarget);
await mainDart.writeAsString(input);
File mainJs = File(path.join(temp.path, '$kMainDart.js'));
File mainSourceMap = File(path.join(temp.path, '$'));
final String dart2JSPath = path.join(_sdk.sdkPath, 'bin', 'dart2js');'About to exec: $dart2JSPath $arguments');
ProcessResult result = await, arguments,
workingDirectory: temp.path);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
final CompilationResults results =
CompilationResults(problems: <CompilationProblem>[
CompilationProblem._(result.stdout as String),
return results;
} else {
String sourceMap;
if (returnSourceMap && await mainSourceMap.exists()) {
sourceMap = await mainSourceMap.readAsString();
final CompilationResults results = CompilationResults(
compiledJS: await mainJs.readAsString(),
sourceMap: sourceMap,
return results;
} catch (e, st) {
_logger.warning('Compiler failed: $e\n$st');
} finally {
await temp.delete(recursive: true);'temp folder removed: ${temp.path}');
/// Compile the given string and return the resulting [DDCCompilationResults].
Future<DDCCompilationResults> compileDDC(String input) async {
Set<String> imports = getAllImportsFor(input);
if (!importsOkForCompile(imports)) {
return DDCCompilationResults.failed(<CompilationProblem>[
'unsupported import: ${_flutterWebManager.getUnsupportedImport(imports)}',
Directory temp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dartpad');'Temp directory created: ${temp.path}');
try {
final usingFlutter = _flutterWebManager.usesFlutterWeb(imports);
final mainPath = path.join(temp.path, kMainDart);
final bootstrapPath = path.join(temp.path, kBootstrapDart);
final bootstrapContents =
usingFlutter ? kBootstrapFlutterCode : kBootstrapDartCode;
await File(bootstrapPath).writeAsString(bootstrapContents);
await File(mainPath).writeAsString(input);
List<String> arguments = <String>[
if (usingFlutter) ...[
...['-o', path.join(temp.path, '$kMainDart.js')],
...['--module-name', 'dartpad_main'],
File mainJs = File(path.join(temp.path, '$kMainDart.js'));'About to exec "$_dartdevcPath ${arguments.join(' ')}"');'Compiling: $input');
final WorkResponse response = await _ddcDriver
if (response.exitCode != 0) {
return DDCCompilationResults.failed(<CompilationProblem>[
} else {
final DDCCompilationResults results = DDCCompilationResults(
compiledJS: await mainJs.readAsString(),
modulesBaseUrl: ''
return results;
} catch (e, st) {
_logger.warning('Compiler failed: $e\n$st');
} finally {
await temp.delete(recursive: true);'temp folder removed: ${temp.path}');
Future<void> dispose() => _ddcDriver.terminateWorkers();
/// The result of a dart2js compile.
class CompilationResults {
final String compiledJS;
final String sourceMap;
final List<CompilationProblem> problems;
this.problems = const <CompilationProblem>[],
bool get hasOutput => compiledJS != null && compiledJS.isNotEmpty;
/// This is true if there were no errors.
bool get success => problems.isEmpty;
String toString() => success
? 'CompilationResults: Success'
: 'Compilation errors: ${problems.join('\n')}';
/// The result of a DDC compile.
class DDCCompilationResults {
final String compiledJS;
final String modulesBaseUrl;
final List<CompilationProblem> problems;
DDCCompilationResults({this.compiledJS, this.modulesBaseUrl})
: problems = const <CompilationProblem>[];
: compiledJS = null,
modulesBaseUrl = null;
bool get hasOutput => compiledJS != null && compiledJS.isNotEmpty;
/// This is true if there were no errors.
bool get success => problems.isEmpty;
String toString() => success
? 'CompilationResults: Success'
: 'Compilation errors: ${problems.join('\n')}';
/// An issue associated with [CompilationResults].
class CompilationProblem implements Comparable<CompilationProblem> {
final String message;
int compareTo(CompilationProblem other) => message.compareTo(other.message);
String toString() => message;