blob: 8ac2718e76bacac3fd189b6d85fcaa0fd4d61b01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A wrapper around an analysis server instance.
library services.analysis_servers;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'analysis_server.dart';
import 'common_server_impl.dart' show BadRequest;
import 'project.dart' as project;
import 'protos/dart_services.pb.dart' as proto;
import 'pub.dart';
final Logger _logger = Logger('analysis_servers');
class AnalysisServersWrapper {
final String _dartSdkPath;
final bool _nullSafety;
AnalysisServersWrapper(this._dartSdkPath, this._nullSafety);
late DartAnalysisServerWrapper _dartAnalysisServer;
late FlutterAnalysisServerWrapper _flutterAnalysisServer;
// If non-null, this value indicates that the server is starting/restarting
// and holds the time at which that process began. If null, the server is
// ready to handle requests.
DateTime? _restartingSince =;
bool get isRestarting => (_restartingSince != null);
// If the server has been trying and failing to restart for more than a half
// hour, something is seriously wrong.
bool get isHealthy => (_restartingSince == null ||!).inMinutes < 30);
Future<List<void>> warmup() async {'Beginning AnalysisServersWrapper init().');
_dartAnalysisServer = DartAnalysisServerWrapper(
dartSdkPath: _dartSdkPath, nullSafety: _nullSafety);
_flutterAnalysisServer = FlutterAnalysisServerWrapper(
dartSdkPath: _dartSdkPath, nullSafety: _nullSafety);
await _dartAnalysisServer.init();'Dart analysis server initialized.');
await _flutterAnalysisServer.init();'Flutter analysis server initialized.');
unawaited(_dartAnalysisServer.onExit.then((int code) {
_logger.severe('dartAnalysisServer exited, code: $code');
if (code != 0) {
unawaited(_flutterAnalysisServer.onExit.then((int code) {
_logger.severe('flutterAnalysisServer exited, code: $code');
if (code != 0) {
_restartingSince = null;
return Future.wait([
Future<void> _restart() async {
await shutdown();'shutdown');
await warmup();
_logger.warning('Restart complete');
Future<dynamic> shutdown() {
_restartingSince =;
return Future.wait(<Future<dynamic>>[
AnalysisServerWrapper _getCorrectAnalysisServer(String source) {
final imports = getAllImportsFor(source);
return project.usesFlutterWeb(imports)
? _flutterAnalysisServer
: _dartAnalysisServer;
Future<proto.AnalysisResults> analyze(String source) => _perfLogAndRestart(
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).analyze(source),
'Error during analyze on "$source"');
Future<proto.CompleteResponse> complete(String source, int offset) =>
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).complete(source, offset),
'Error during complete on "$source" at $offset');
Future<proto.FixesResponse> getFixes(String source, int offset) =>
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).getFixes(source, offset),
'Error during fixes on "$source" at $offset');
Future<proto.AssistsResponse> getAssists(String source, int offset) =>
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).getAssists(source, offset),
'Error during assists on "$source" at $offset');
Future<proto.FormatResponse> format(String source, int offset) =>
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).format(source, offset),
'Error during format on "$source" at $offset');
Future<Map<String, String>> dartdoc(String source, int offset) =>
() => _getCorrectAnalysisServer(source).dartdoc(source, offset),
'Error during dartdoc on "$source" at $offset');
Future<T> _perfLogAndRestart<T>(String source, Future<T> Function() body,
String action, String errorDescription) async {
await _checkPackageReferences(source);
try {
final watch = Stopwatch()..start();
final response = await body();'PERF: Computed $action in ${watch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms.');
return response;
} catch (e, st) {
_logger.severe(errorDescription, e, st);
await _restart();
/// Check that the set of packages referenced is valid.
Future<void> _checkPackageReferences(String source) async {
final unsupportedImports =
if (unsupportedImports.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(srawlins): Do the work so that each unsupported input is its own
// error, with a proper SourceSpan.
final unsupportedUris = => import.uri.stringValue);
throw BadRequest('Unsupported import(s): $unsupportedUris');