blob: fed533c24a9cc8216961020a8dd81789d408fec3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Keep aligned with min SDK in pubspec.yaml and Dart test version in .travis.yml
FROM google/dart:2.6.0
# The specific commit that dart-services should use. This should be kept
# in sync with the flutter submodule in the dart-services repo.
# (run `git rev-parse HEAD` from the flutter submodule to retrieve this value.
ARG FLUTTER_COMMIT=fbabb264e0ab3e090d6ec056e0744aaeb1586735
ADD tool/ /dart_runtime/
RUN chmod 755 /dart_runtime/ && \
chown root:root /dart_runtime/
ADD pubspec.* /app/
RUN find -name "*" -print
RUN pub get
ADD . /app
RUN pub get --offline
# We install unzip and remove the apt-index again to keep the
# docker image diff small.
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y unzip && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# The Flutter tool won't perform its actions when run as root.
RUN groupadd --system dart && \
useradd --no-log-init --system --home /home/dart --create-home -g dart dart
RUN mkdir flutter && chown dart:dart flutter
# Switch to a new, non-root user to use the flutter tool.
USER dart
ENV PATH="/home/dart/.pub-cache/bin:${PATH}"
# Clone the flutter repo and set it to the same commit as the flutter submodule.
RUN git clone
RUN cd flutter && git checkout $FLUTTER_COMMIT
# Set the Flutter SDK up for web compilation.
RUN flutter/bin/flutter doctor
RUN flutter/bin/flutter config --enable-web
RUN flutter/bin/flutter precache --web --no-android --no-ios --no-linux \
--no-windows --no-macos --no-fuchsia
RUN cat flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/version
EXPOSE 8080 8181 5858
# Clear out any arguments the base images might have set and ensure we start
# the Dart app using custom script enabling debug modes.
CMD []
# Switch back to root to run the application.
USER root
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash /dart_runtime/