blob: cb1daf58ba88b0ec85967f00bb2142ac4e7a9903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protoc;
abstract class ProtobufContainer {
String get package;
String get classname;
String get fqname;
String get packageImportPrefix => package.replaceAll('.', r'$');
class CodeGenerator extends ProtobufContainer {
final Stream<List<int>> _streamIn;
final IOSink _streamOut;
final IOSink _streamErr;
CodeGenerator(this._streamIn, this._streamOut, this._streamErr);
/// Runs the code generator. The optional [optionParsers] can be used to
/// change how command line options are parsed (see [parseGenerationOptions]
/// for details), and [outputConfiguration] can be used to override where
/// generated files are created and how imports between generated files are
/// constructed (see [OutputConfiguration] for details).
void generate({
Map<String, SingleOptionParser> optionParsers,
OutputConfiguration outputConfiguration}) {
var extensions = new ExtensionRegistry();
.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (builder, data) => builder..add(data))
.then((builder) => builder.takeBytes())
.then((List<int> bytes) {
var request =
new CodeGeneratorRequest.fromBuffer(bytes, extensions);
var response = new CodeGeneratorResponse();
// Parse the options in the request. Return the errors is any.
var options = parseGenerationOptions(
request, response, optionParsers);
if (options == null) {
var ctx = new GenerationContext(options,
outputConfiguration == null
? new DefaultOutputConfiguration() : outputConfiguration);
List<FileGenerator> generators = <FileGenerator>[];
for (FileDescriptorProto file in request.protoFile) {
var generator = new FileGenerator(file, this, ctx);
if (request.fileToGenerate.contains( {
response.file.addAll( => filegen.generateResponse()));
String get package => '';
String get classname => null;
String get fqname => '';