blob: 6ea65d274a4ee2437388bdb40edf70711c333852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protoc;
final _dartIdentifier = new RegExp(r'^\w+$');
/// Generates the Dart output files for one .proto input file.
/// Outputs include .pb.dart, pbenum.dart, and .pbjson.dart.
class FileGenerator extends ProtobufContainer {
/// Reads and the declared mixins in the file, keyed by name.
/// Performs some basic validation on declared mixins, e.g. whether names
/// are valid dart identifiers and whether there are cycles in the `parent`
/// hierarchy.
/// Does not check for existence of import files or classes.
static Map<String, PbMixin> _getDeclaredMixins(FileDescriptorProto desc) {
String mixinError(String error) =>
'Option "mixins" in ${}: $error';
if (!desc.hasOptions() ||
!desc.options.hasExtension(Dart_options.imports)) {
return <String, PbMixin>{};
var dartMixins = <String, DartMixin>{};
Imports importedMixins = desc.options.getExtension(Dart_options.imports);
for (DartMixin mixin in importedMixins.mixins) {
if (dartMixins.containsKey( {
throw mixinError('Duplicate mixin name: "${}"');
if (! {
throw mixinError(
'"${}" is not a valid dart class identifier');
if (mixin.hasParent() && !mixin.parent.startsWith(_dartIdentifier)) {
throw mixinError('Mixin parent "${mixin.parent}" of "${}" is '
'not a valid dart class identifier');
dartMixins[] = mixin;
// Detect cycles and unknown parents.
for (var mixin in dartMixins.values) {
if (!mixin.hasParent()) continue;
var currentMixin = mixin;
var parentChain = <String>[];
while (currentMixin.hasParent()) {
var parentName = currentMixin.parent;
bool declaredMixin = dartMixins.containsKey(parentName);
bool internalMixin = !declaredMixin && findMixin(parentName) != null;
if (internalMixin) break; // No further validation of parent chain.
if (!declaredMixin) {
throw mixinError('Unknown mixin parent "${mixin.parent}" of '
if (parentChain.contains(parentName)) {
var cycle = parentChain.join('->') + '->$parentName';
throw mixinError('Cycle in parent chain: $cycle');
currentMixin = dartMixins[parentName];
// Turn DartMixins into PbMixins.
final pbMixins = <String, PbMixin>{};
PbMixin resolveMixin(String name) {
if (pbMixins.containsKey(name)) return pbMixins[name];
if (dartMixins.containsKey(name)) {
var dartMixin = dartMixins[name];
var pbMixin = new PbMixin(,
importFrom: dartMixin.importFrom,
parent: resolveMixin(dartMixin.parent));
pbMixins[name] = pbMixin;
return pbMixin;
return findMixin(name);
for (var mixin in dartMixins.values) {
return pbMixins;
final FileDescriptorProto descriptor;
// The relative path used to import the .proto file, as a URI.
final Uri protoFileUri;
final List<EnumGenerator> enumGenerators = <EnumGenerator>[];
final List<MessageGenerator> messageGenerators = <MessageGenerator>[];
final List<ExtensionGenerator> extensionGenerators = <ExtensionGenerator>[];
final List<ClientApiGenerator> clientApiGenerators = <ClientApiGenerator>[];
final List<ServiceGenerator> serviceGenerators = <ServiceGenerator>[];
/// True if cross-references have been resolved.
bool _linked = false;
FileGenerator(FileDescriptorProto descriptor)
: descriptor = descriptor,
protoFileUri = new Uri.file( {
if (protoFileUri.isAbsolute) {
// protoc should never generate an import with an absolute path.
throw "FAILURE: Import with absolute path is not supported";
var declaredMixins = _getDeclaredMixins(descriptor);
var defaultMixinName =
descriptor.options?.getExtension(Dart_options.defaultMixin) ?? '';
var defaultMixin =
declaredMixins[defaultMixinName] ?? findMixin(defaultMixinName);
if (defaultMixin == null && defaultMixinName.isNotEmpty) {
throw ('Option default_mixin on file ${}: Unknown mixin '
// Load and register all enum and message types.
for (EnumDescriptorProto enumType in descriptor.enumType) {
enumGenerators.add(new EnumGenerator(enumType, this));
for (DescriptorProto messageType in descriptor.messageType) {
messageGenerators.add(new MessageGenerator(
messageType, this, declaredMixins, defaultMixin));
for (FieldDescriptorProto extension in descriptor.extension) {
extensionGenerators.add(new ExtensionGenerator(extension, this));
for (ServiceDescriptorProto service in descriptor.service) {
var serviceGen = new ServiceGenerator(service, this);
clientApiGenerators.add(new ClientApiGenerator(serviceGen));
/// Creates the fields in each message.
/// Resolves field types and extension targets using the supplied context.
void resolve(GenerationContext ctx) {
if (_linked) throw new StateError("cross references already resolved");
for (var m in messageGenerators) {
for (var x in extensionGenerators) {
_linked = true;
String get package => descriptor.package;
String get classname => '';
String get fqname => '.${descriptor.package}';
FileGenerator get fileGen => this;
// Extract the filename from a URI and remove the extension.
String _fileNameWithoutExtension(Uri filePath) {
String fileName = filePath.pathSegments.last;
int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
return index == -1 ? fileName : fileName.substring(0, index);
/// Generates all the Dart files for this .proto file.
List<CodeGeneratorResponse_File> generateFiles(OutputConfiguration config) {
if (!_linked) throw new StateError("not linked");
makeFile(String extension, String content) {
Uri protoUrl = new Uri.file(;
Uri dartUrl = config.outputPathFor(protoUrl, extension);
return new CodeGeneratorResponse_File() = dartUrl.path
..content = content;
return [
makeFile(".pb.dart", generateMainFile(config)),
makeFile(".pbenum.dart", generateEnumFile(config)),
makeFile(".pbserver.dart", generateServerFile(config)),
makeFile(".pbjson.dart", generateJsonFile(config)),
/// Returns the contents of the .pb.dart file for this .proto file.
String generateMainFile(
[OutputConfiguration config = const DefaultOutputConfiguration()]) {
if (!_linked) throw new StateError("not linked");
IndentingWriter out = new IndentingWriter();
writeMainHeader(out, config);
// Generate code.
for (MessageGenerator m in messageGenerators) {
// Generate code for extensions defined at top-level using a class
// name derived from the file name.
if (!extensionGenerators.isEmpty) {
// TODO(antonm): do not generate a class.
String className = extensionClassName(descriptor);
out.addBlock('class $className {', '}\n', () {
for (ExtensionGenerator x in extensionGenerators) {
out.println('static void registerAllExtensions(ExtensionRegistry '
'registry) {');
for (ExtensionGenerator x in extensionGenerators) {
out.println(' registry.add(${});');
for (ClientApiGenerator c in clientApiGenerators) {
return out.toString();
/// Writes the header and imports for the .pb.dart file.
void writeMainHeader(IndentingWriter out,
[OutputConfiguration config = const DefaultOutputConfiguration()]) {
// Make sure any other symbols in dart:core don't cause name conflicts with
// protobuf classes that have the same name.
out.println("// ignore: UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME\n"
"import 'dart:core' show int, bool, double, String, List, override;");
// We only add the dart:async import if there are services in the
// FileDescriptorProto.
if (descriptor.service.isNotEmpty) {
out.println("import 'dart:async';\n");
if (_needsFixnumImport) {
out.println("import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';");
if (_needsProtobufImport) {
out.println("import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';");
var mixinImports = findMixinsToImport();
var importNames = mixinImports.keys.toList();
for (var imp in importNames) {
var symbols = mixinImports[imp];
out.println("import '${imp}' show ${symbols.join(', ')};");
if (mixinImports.isNotEmpty) out.println();
// Import the .pb.dart files we depend on.
var imports = new Set<FileGenerator>.identity();
var enumImports = new Set<FileGenerator>.identity();
_findProtosToImport(imports, enumImports);
for (var target in imports) {
_writeImport(out, config, target, ".pb.dart");
if (imports.isNotEmpty) out.println();
for (var target in enumImports) {
_writeImport(out, config, target, ".pbenum.dart");
if (enumImports.isNotEmpty) out.println();
// Export enums in main file for backward compatibility.
if (enumCount > 0) {
Uri resolvedImport =
config.resolveImport(protoFileUri, protoFileUri, ".pbenum.dart");
out.println("export '$resolvedImport';");
bool get _needsFixnumImport {
for (var m in messageGenerators) {
if (m.needsFixnumImport) return true;
for (var x in extensionGenerators) {
if (x.needsFixnumImport) return true;
return false;
bool get _needsProtobufImport =>
messageGenerators.isNotEmpty ||
extensionGenerators.isNotEmpty ||
/// Returns the generator for each .pb.dart file we need to import.
void _findProtosToImport(
Set<FileGenerator> imports, Set<FileGenerator> enumImports) {
for (var m in messageGenerators) {
m.addImportsTo(imports, enumImports);
for (var x in extensionGenerators) {
x.addImportsTo(imports, enumImports);
// Add imports needed for client-side services.
for (var x in serviceGenerators) {
// Don't need to import self. (But we may need to import the enums.)
/// Returns a map from import names to the Dart symbols to be imported.
Map<String, List<String>> findMixinsToImport() {
var mixins = new Set<PbMixin>();
for (MessageGenerator m in messageGenerators) {
var imports = <String, List<String>>{};
for (var m in mixins) {
var imp = m.importFrom;
List<String> symbols = imports[imp];
if (symbols == null) {
symbols = [];
imports[imp] = symbols;
for (var imp in imports.keys) {
return imports;
/// Returns the contents of the .pbenum.dart file for this .proto file.
String generateEnumFile(
[OutputConfiguration config = const DefaultOutputConfiguration()]) {
if (!_linked) throw new StateError("not linked");
var out = new IndentingWriter();
_writeLibraryHeading(out, "pbenum");
if (enumCount > 0) {
// Make sure any other symbols in dart:core don't cause name conflicts
// with enums that have the same name.
out.println("// ignore: UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME\n"
"import 'dart:core' show int, dynamic, String, List, Map;");
out.println("import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';");
for (EnumGenerator e in enumGenerators) {
for (MessageGenerator m in messageGenerators) {
return out.toString();
/// Returns the number of enum types generated in the .pbenum.dart file.
int get enumCount {
var count = enumGenerators.length;
for (MessageGenerator m in messageGenerators) {
count += m.enumCount;
return count;
/// Returns the contents of the .pbserver.dart file for this .proto file.
String generateServerFile(
[OutputConfiguration config = const DefaultOutputConfiguration()]) {
if (!_linked) throw new StateError("not linked");
var out = new IndentingWriter();
_writeLibraryHeading(out, "pbserver");
if (serviceGenerators.isNotEmpty) {
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
// Import .pb.dart files needed for requests and responses.
var imports = new Set<FileGenerator>();
for (var x in serviceGenerators) {
for (var target in imports) {
_writeImport(out, config, target, ".pb.dart");
// Import .pbjson.dart file needed for $json and $messageJson.
if (serviceGenerators.isNotEmpty) {
_writeImport(out, config, this, ".pbjson.dart");
Uri resolvedImport =
config.resolveImport(protoFileUri, protoFileUri, ".pb.dart");
out.println("export '$resolvedImport';");
for (ServiceGenerator s in serviceGenerators) {
return out.toString();
/// Returns the contents of the .pbjson.dart file for this .proto file.
String generateJsonFile(
[OutputConfiguration config = const DefaultOutputConfiguration()]) {
if (!_linked) throw new StateError("not linked");
var out = new IndentingWriter();
_writeLibraryHeading(out, "pbjson");
// Import the .pbjson.dart files we depend on.
var imports = _findJsonProtosToImport();
for (var target in imports) {
_writeImport(out, config, target, ".pbjson.dart");
if (imports.isNotEmpty) out.println();
for (var e in enumGenerators) {
for (MessageGenerator m in messageGenerators) {
for (ServiceGenerator s in serviceGenerators) {
return out.toString();
/// Returns the generator for each .pbjson.dart file the generated
/// .pbjson.dart needs to import.
Set<FileGenerator> _findJsonProtosToImport() {
var imports = new Set<FileGenerator>.identity();
for (var m in messageGenerators) {
for (var x in extensionGenerators) {
for (var x in serviceGenerators) {
imports.remove(this); // Don't need to import self.
return imports;
/// Writes the library name at the top of the dart file.
/// (This should be unique to avoid warnings about duplicate Dart libraries.)
void _writeLibraryHeading(IndentingWriter out, [String extension]) {
Uri filePath = new Uri.file(;
if (filePath.isAbsolute) {
// protoc should never generate a file descriptor with an absolute path.
throw "FAILURE: File with an absolute path is not supported";
var libraryName = _fileNameWithoutExtension(filePath).replaceAll('-', '_');
if (extension != null) libraryName += "_$extension";
if (descriptor.package != '') {
// Two .protos can be in the same proto package.
// It isn't unique enough to use as a Dart library name.
// But we can prepend it.
libraryName = descriptor.package + "_" + libraryName;
// Generated code. Do not modify.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: library_prefixes
library $libraryName;
/// Writes an import of a .dart file corresponding to a .proto file.
/// (Possibly the same .proto file.)
void _writeImport(IndentingWriter out, OutputConfiguration config,
FileGenerator target, String extension) {
Uri resolvedImport =
config.resolveImport(target.protoFileUri, protoFileUri, extension);
out.print("import '$resolvedImport'");
if (package != target.package && target.package.isNotEmpty) {
out.print(' as ${target.packageImportPrefix}');