blob: 7d3cab24d73373c5aa7d22b4c8814fb1479321e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library protoc.benchmark.string_json;
import '../benchmark.dart';
import '../generated/benchmark.pb.dart'
show BenchmarkID, Request, Params, Sample;
import '../generated/string_grid.pb.dart' as pb;
/// A benchmark that deserializes a grid of string fields.
class StringBenchmark extends Benchmark {
final int width;
final int height;
final int stringSize;
String json;
int lastFieldTag;
StringBenchmark(this.width, this.height, this.stringSize) : super($id);
get summary => "${}($width x $height x $stringSize)";
Params makeParams() => new Params()
..stringFieldCount = width
..messageCount = height
..stringSize = stringSize;
void setup() {
var grid = _makeGrid(width, height, stringSize);
json = grid.writeToJson();
lastFieldTag = getTagForColumn(new pb.Line10(), width - 1);
// makes a rectangle of the of the form:
// "01" "12" "23" "34"
// "12" "23" "34" "45"
// "23" "34" "45" "56"
static pb.Grid10 _makeGrid(int width, int height, int stringSize) {
if (width > 10) throw new ArgumentError("width out of range: ${width}");
var grid = new pb.Grid10();
int zero = "0".codeUnits[0];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
var line = new pb.Line10();
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int tag = getTagForColumn(line, x);
var charCodes = <int>[];
for (var i = 0; i < stringSize; i++) {
charCodes.add(zero + ((x + y + i) % 10));
line.setField(tag, new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes));
return grid;
static int getTagForColumn(pb.Line10 line, int x) {
return line.getTagNumber('cell${x+1}'); // assume x start from 1
void run() {
pb.Grid10 grid = new pb.Grid10.fromJson(json);
var actual = grid.lines[height - 1].getField(lastFieldTag);
if (actual.length != stringSize) throw "failed; got ${actual}";
void setCounts(Sample s) {
s.counts.stringReads = width * height * s.loopCount;
measureSample(Sample s) => stringReadsPerMillisecond(s);
get measureSampleUnits => "string reads/ms";
static const $id = BenchmarkID.READ_STRING_FIELDS_JSON;
static final $type = new BenchmarkType($id, $create);
static StringBenchmark $create(Request r) {
return new StringBenchmark(
r.params.stringFieldCount, r.params.messageCount, r.params.stringSize);