blob: 04b97002fd8b0167160dffea3d6d55cc034fa50b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// A formatter and parser for [DateTime] in a fixed format [String] pattern.
/// For example, calling
/// `FixedDateTimeCodec('YYYYMMDDhhmmss').decodeToLocal('19960425050322')` has
/// the same result as calling `DateTime(1996, 4, 25, 5, 3, 22)`.
/// The allowed characters are
/// * `Y` for “calendar year”
/// * `M` for “calendar month”
/// * `D` for “calendar day”
/// * `E` for “decade”
/// * `C` for “century”
/// * `h` for “clock hour”
/// * `m` for “clock minute”
/// * `s` for “clock second”
/// * `S` for “fractional clock second”
/// Non-allowed characters in the format [pattern] are ignored when decoding a
/// string, in this case `YYYY kiwi MM` is the same format string as
/// `YYYY------MM`. When encoding a datetime, the non-format characters are in
/// the output verbatim.
/// Note: this class differs from [DateFormat] in that here, the characters are
/// treated literally, i.e. the format string `YYY` matching `996` would result in
/// the same as calling `DateTime(996)`. [DateFormat] on the other hand uses the
/// specification in,
/// the format string (or "skeleton") `YYY` specifies only the padding, so
/// `1996` would be a valid match. This limits it's use to format strings
/// containing delimiters, as the parser would not know how many digits to take
/// otherwise.
class FixedDateTimeFormatter {
static const _powersOfTen = [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000];
static const _validFormatCharacters = [
static const _yearCode = 0x59; /*Y*/
static const _monthCode = 0x4D; /*M*/
static const _dayCode = 0x44; /*D*/
static const _decadeCode = 0x45; /*E*/
static const _centuryCode = 0x43; /*C*/
static const _hourCode = 0x68; /*H*/
static const _minuteCode = 0x6D; /*m*/
static const _secondCode = 0x73; /*s*/
static const _fractionSecondCode = 0x53; /*S*/
///Store publicly in case the user wants to retrieve it
final String pattern;
///Whether to use UTC or the local time zone
final bool isUtc;
final _blocks = _ParsedFormatBlocks();
/// Creates a new [FixedDateTimeFormatter] with the provided [pattern].
/// The [pattern] interprets the characters mentioned in
/// [FixedDateTimeFormatter] to represent fields of a `DateTime` value. Other
/// characters are not special. If [isUtc] is set to false, the DateTime is
/// constructed with respect to the local timezone.
/// There must at most be one sequence of each special character to ensure a
/// single source of truth when constructing the [DateTime], so a pattern of
/// `"CCCC-MM-DD, CC"` is invalid, because it has two separate `C` sequences.
FixedDateTimeFormatter(this.pattern, {this.isUtc = true}) {
int? current;
var start = 0;
var characters = pattern.codeUnits;
for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
var char = characters[i];
if (current != char) {
_blocks.saveBlock(current, start, i);
if (_validFormatCharacters.contains(char)) {
var hasSeenBefore = _blocks.formatCharacters.indexOf(char);
if (hasSeenBefore > -1) {
throw FormatException(
"Pattern contains more than one '$char' block.\n"
"Previous occurrence at index ${_blocks.starts[hasSeenBefore]}",
} else {
start = i;
current = char;
} else {
current = null;
_blocks.saveBlock(current, start, pattern.length);
/// Convert [DateTime] to a [String] exactly as specified by the [pattern].
String encode(DateTime datetime) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < _blocks.length; i++) {
var start = _blocks.starts[i];
var end = _blocks.ends[i];
var length = end - start;
var previousEnd = i > 0 ? _blocks.ends[i - 1] : 0;
if (previousEnd < start) {
buffer.write(pattern.substring(previousEnd, start));
var formatCharacter = _blocks.formatCharacters[i];
var number = _extractNumFromDateTime(
if (number.length > length) {
if (formatCharacter == _fractionSecondCode) {
//Special case, as we want fractional seconds to be the leading digits
number = number.substring(length);
} else {
number = number.substring(number.length - length);
} else if (number.length < length) {
number = number.padLeft(length, '0');
if (_blocks.length > 0) {
var lastEnd = _blocks.ends.last;
if (lastEnd < pattern.length) {
buffer.write(pattern.substring(lastEnd, pattern.length));
return buffer.toString();
int _extractNumFromDateTime(int? formatChar, DateTime dateTime) {
switch (formatChar) {
case _yearCode:
return dateTime.year;
case _centuryCode:
return (dateTime.year / 100).floor();
case _decadeCode:
return (dateTime.year / 10).floor();
case _monthCode:
return dateTime.month;
case _dayCode:
case _hourCode:
return dateTime.hour;
case _minuteCode:
return dateTime.minute;
case _secondCode:
return dateTime.second;
case _fractionSecondCode:
return dateTime.microsecond;
throw AssertionError("Unreachable, the key is checked in the constructor");
/// Parse a string [formattedDateTime] to a local [DateTime] as specified in the
/// [pattern], substituting missing values with a default. Throws an exception
/// on failure to parse.
DateTime decode(String formattedDateTime) {
return _decode(formattedDateTime, isUtc, true);
/// Same as [decode], but will not throw on parsing erros, instead using
/// the default value as if the format char was not present in the [pattern].
DateTime tryDecode(String formattedDateTime) {
return _decode(formattedDateTime, isUtc, false);
DateTime _decode(
String formattedDateTime,
bool isUtc,
bool throwOnError,
) {
var characters = formattedDateTime.codeUnits;
var year = 0;
var century = 0;
var decade = 0;
var month = 1;
var day = 1;
var hour = 0;
var minute = 0;
var second = 0;
var microsecond = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.length; i++) {
var char = _blocks.formatCharacters[i];
var number = _extractNumFromString(characters, i, throwOnError);
if (number != null) {
if (char == _fractionSecondCode) {
//Special case, as we want fractional seconds to be the leading digits
var numberLength = _blocks.ends[i] - _blocks.starts[i];
number *= _powersOfTen[6 - numberLength + 1];
switch (char) {
case _yearCode:
year = number;
case _centuryCode:
century = number;
case _decadeCode:
decade = number;
case _monthCode:
month = number;
case _dayCode:
day = number;
case _hourCode:
hour = number;
case _minuteCode:
minute = number;
case _secondCode:
second = number;
case _fractionSecondCode:
microsecond = number;
var totalYear = year + 100 * century + 10 * decade;
if (isUtc) {
return DateTime.utc(
} else {
return DateTime(
int? _extractNumFromString(
List<int> characters,
int index,
bool throwOnError,
) {
var parsed = tryParse(
if (parsed == null && throwOnError) {
throw FormatException(
'${String.fromCharCodes(characters)} should only contain digits');
return parsed;
int? tryParse(List<int> characters, int start, int end) {
int result = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var digit = characters[i] ^ 0x30;
if (digit <= 9) {
result = result * 10 + digit;
} else {
return null;
return result;
class _ParsedFormatBlocks {
final formatCharacters = <int>[];
final starts = <int>[];
final ends = <int>[];
int get length => formatCharacters.length;
void saveBlock(int? char, int start, int end) {
if (char != null) {