Add a stronglyConnectedComponents() function.

Review URL: .
diff --git a/ b/
index 90312a3..dd5bc2c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+## 1.9.0
+* Add a top-level `stronglyConnectedComponents()` function that returns the
+  strongly connected components in a directed graph.
 ## 1.8.0
 * Add a top-level `mapMap()` function that works like `` on a
diff --git a/lib/src/functions.dart b/lib/src/functions.dart
index 9c973b8..6e5bb0a 100644
--- a/lib/src/functions.dart
+++ b/lib/src/functions.dart
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:math' as math;
+import 'dart:collection';
 import 'utils.dart';
 // TODO(nweiz): When sdk#26488 is fixed, use overloads to ensure that if [key]
@@ -104,12 +107,13 @@
 /// [transitive closure]:
-/// This interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and
-/// edges from each key to the values associated with that key.
+/// Interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and edges
+/// from each key to the values that the key maps to.
 /// Assumes that every vertex in the graph has a key to represent it, even if
-/// that vertex has no outgoing edges. For example, `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid,
-/// but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is.
+/// that vertex has no outgoing edges. This isn't checked, but if it's not
+/// satisfied, the function may crash or provide unexpected output. For example,
+/// `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid, but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is.
 Map<dynamic/*=T*/, Set/*<T>*/> transitiveClosure/*<T>*/(
     Map<dynamic/*=T*/, Iterable/*<T>*/> graph) {
   // This uses [Warshall's algorithm][], modified not to add a vertex from each
@@ -137,3 +141,68 @@
   return result;
+/// Returns the [strongly connected components][] of [graph], in topological
+/// order.
+/// [strongly connected components]:
+/// Interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and edges
+/// from each key to the values that the key maps to.
+/// Assumes that every vertex in the graph has a key to represent it, even if
+/// that vertex has no outgoing edges. This isn't checked, but if it's not
+/// satisfied, the function may crash or provide unexpected output. For example,
+/// `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid, but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is.
+List<Set/*<T>*/> stronglyConnectedComponents/*<T>*/(
+    Map<dynamic/*=T*/, Iterable/*<T>*/> graph) {
+  // This uses [Tarjan's algorithm][].
+  //
+  // [Tarjan's algorithm]:
+  var index = 0;
+  var stack = /*<T>*/[];
+  var result = /*<Set<T>>*/[];
+  // The order of these doesn't matter, so we use un-linked implementations to
+  // avoid unnecessary overhead.
+  var indices = new HashMap/*<T, int>*/();
+  var lowLinks = new HashMap/*<T, int>*/();
+  var onStack = new HashSet/*<T>*/();
+  strongConnect(/*=T*/ vertex) {
+    indices[vertex] = index;
+    lowLinks[vertex] = index;
+    index++;
+    stack.add(vertex);
+    onStack.add(vertex);
+    for (var successor in graph[vertex]) {
+      if (!indices.containsKey(successor)) {
+        strongConnect(successor);
+        lowLinks[vertex] = math.min(lowLinks[vertex], lowLinks[successor]);
+      } else if (onStack.contains(successor)) {
+        lowLinks[vertex] = math.min(lowLinks[vertex], lowLinks[successor]);
+      }
+    }
+    if (lowLinks[vertex] == indices[vertex]) {
+      var component = new Set/*<T>*/();
+      var/*=T*/ neighbor;
+      do {
+        neighbor = stack.removeLast();
+        onStack.remove(neighbor);
+        component.add(neighbor);
+      } while (neighbor != vertex);
+      result.add(component);
+    }
+  }
+  for (var vertex in graph.keys) {
+    if (!indices.containsKey(vertex)) strongConnect(vertex);
+  }
+  // Tarjan's algorithm produces a reverse-topological sort, so we reverse it to
+  // get a normal topological sort.
+  return result.reversed.toList();
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 06c2cb7..f5c8f9f 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: collection
-version: 1.8.0
+version: 1.9.0
 author: Dart Team <>
 description: Collections and utilities functions and classes related to collections.
diff --git a/test/functions_test.dart b/test/functions_test.dart
index 4d928bf..ab56c3b 100644
--- a/test/functions_test.dart
+++ b/test/functions_test.dart
@@ -181,4 +181,97 @@
+  group("stronglyConnectedComponents()", () {
+    test("returns an empty list for an empty graph", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({}), isEmpty);
+    });
+    test("returns one set for a singleton graph", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": []}),
+          equals([new Set.from(["a"])]));
+    });
+    test("returns two sets for a two-element tree", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": ["b"], "b": []}),
+          equals([new Set.from(["a"]), new Set.from(["b"])]));
+    });
+    test("returns one set for a two-element loop", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": ["b"], "b": ["a"]}),
+          equals([new Set.from(["a", "b"])]));
+    });
+    test("returns individual vertices for a tree", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({
+        "foo": ["bar"],
+        "bar": ["baz", "bang"],
+        "baz": ["qux"],
+        "bang": ["zap"],
+        "qux": [],
+        "zap": []
+      }), equals([
+        // This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
+        // the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
+        // future, this test may need to be updated.
+        new Set.from(["foo"]),
+        new Set.from(["bar"]),
+        new Set.from(["bang"]),
+        new Set.from(["zap"]),
+        new Set.from(["baz"]),
+        new Set.from(["qux"])
+      ]));
+    });
+    test("returns a single set for a fully cyclic graph", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({
+        "foo": ["bar"],
+        "bar": ["baz"],
+        "baz": ["bang"],
+        "bang": ["foo"]
+      }), equals([new Set.from(["foo", "bar", "baz", "bang"])]));
+    });
+    test("returns separate sets for each strongly connected component", () {
+      //
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({
+        "a": ["b"],
+        "b": ["c", "e", "f"],
+        "c": ["d", "g"],
+        "d": ["c", "h"],
+        "e": ["a", "f"],
+        "f": ["g"],
+        "g": ["f"],
+        "h": ["g", "d"]
+      }), equals([
+        // This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
+        // the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
+        // future, this test may need to be updated.
+        new Set.from(["a", "b", "e"]),
+        new Set.from(["c", "d", "h"]),
+        new Set.from(["f", "g"]),
+      ]));
+    });
+    test("always returns components in topological order", () {
+      expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({
+        "bar": ["baz", "bang"],
+        "zap": [],
+        "baz": ["qux"],
+        "qux": [],
+        "foo": ["bar"],
+        "bang": ["zap"]
+      }), equals([
+        // This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
+        // the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
+        // future, this test may need to be updated.
+        new Set.from(["foo"]),
+        new Set.from(["bar"]),
+        new Set.from(["bang"]),
+        new Set.from(["zap"]),
+        new Set.from(["baz"]),
+        new Set.from(["qux"])
+      ]));
+    });
+  });