blob: 3270def28e50825bb32fd1f05a04cdab300df60f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests wrapper utilities.
import "dart:collection";
import "package:collection/collection.dart";
import "package:test/test.dart";
// Test that any member access/call on the wrapper object is equal to
// an expected access on the wrapped object.
// This is implemented by capturing accesses using noSuchMethod and comparing
// them to expected accesses captured previously.
// Compare two Invocations for having equal type and arguments.
void testInvocations(Invocation i1, Invocation i2) {
String name = "${i1.memberName}";
expect(i1.isGetter, equals(i2.isGetter), reason: name);
expect(i1.isSetter, equals(i2.isSetter), reason: name);
expect(i1.memberName, equals(i2.memberName), reason: name);
expect(i1.positionalArguments, equals(i2.positionalArguments), reason: name);
expect(i1.namedArguments, equals(i2.namedArguments), reason: name);
/// Utility class to record a member access and a member access on a wrapped
/// object, and compare them for equality.
/// Use as `(expector..someAccess()).equals.someAccess();`.
/// Alle the intercepted member accesses returns `null`.
abstract class Expector {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i);
// After calling any member on the Expector, equals is an object that expects
// the *same* invocation on the wrapped object.
var equals;
noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
equals = wrappedChecker(i);
return null;
toString() {
// Cannot return an _Equals object since toString must return a String.
// Just set equals and return a string.
equals = wrappedChecker(toStringInvocation);
return "";
// Parameterization of noSuchMethod. Calls [_action] on every
// member invocation.
class InvocationChecker {
final Invocation _expected;
noSuchMethod(Invocation actual) {
testInvocations(_expected, actual);
return null;
toString() {
testInvocations(_expected, toStringInvocation);
return "";
// Could also handle runtimeType, hashCode and == the same way as
// toString, but we are not testing them since collections generally
// don't override those and so the wrappers don't forward those.
final toStringInvocation = Invocation.method(#toString, const []);
// InvocationCheckers with types Queue, Set, List or Iterable to allow them as
// argument to DelegatingIterable/Set/List/Queue.
class IterableInvocationChecker<T> extends InvocationChecker
implements Iterable<T> {
IterableInvocationChecker(Invocation expected) : super(expected);
class ListInvocationChecker<T> extends InvocationChecker implements List<T> {
ListInvocationChecker(Invocation expected) : super(expected);
class SetInvocationChecker<T> extends InvocationChecker implements Set<T> {
SetInvocationChecker(Invocation expected) : super(expected);
class QueueInvocationChecker<T> extends InvocationChecker implements Queue<T> {
QueueInvocationChecker(Invocation expected) : super(expected);
class MapInvocationChecker<K, V> extends InvocationChecker
implements Map<K, V> {
MapInvocationChecker(Invocation expected) : super(expected);
// Expector that wraps in DelegatingIterable.
class IterableExpector<T> extends Expector implements Iterable<T> {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i) =>
// Expector that wraps in DelegatingList.
class ListExpector<T> extends Expector implements List<T> {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i) =>
// Expector that wraps in DelegatingSet.
class SetExpector<T> extends Expector implements Set<T> {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i) => DelegatingSet<T>(SetInvocationChecker<T>(i));
// Expector that wraps in DelegatingSet.
class QueueExpector<T> extends Expector implements Queue<T> {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i) =>
// Expector that wraps in DelegatingMap.
class MapExpector<K, V> extends Expector implements Map<K, V> {
wrappedChecker(Invocation i) =>
DelegatingMap<K, V>(MapInvocationChecker<K, V>(i));
// Utility values to use as arguments in calls.
Null func0() => null;
Null func1(Object x) => null;
Null func2(Object x, Object y) => null;
var val = Object();
void main() {
testIterable(var expect) {
// Default values of the Iterable interface will be added in the
// second call to firstWhere, so we must record them in our
// expectation (which doesn't have the interface implemented or
// its default values).
(expect..firstWhere(func1, orElse: null)).equals.firstWhere(func1);
(expect..firstWhere(func1, orElse: func0))
.firstWhere(func1, orElse: func0);
(expect..fold(null, func2)).equals.fold(null, func2);
(expect..lastWhere(func1, orElse: null)).equals.lastWhere(func1);
(expect..lastWhere(func1, orElse: func0))
.lastWhere(func1, orElse: func0);
(expect..singleWhere(func1, orElse: null)).equals.singleWhere(func1);
(expect..toList(growable: true)).equals.toList();
(expect..toList(growable: true)).equals.toList(growable: true);
(expect..toList(growable: false)).equals.toList(growable: false);
void testList(var expect) {
(expect..[4] = 5).equals[4] = 5;
(expect..fillRange(4, 5, null)).equals.fillRange(4, 5);
(expect..fillRange(4, 5, val)).equals.fillRange(4, 5, val);
(expect..getRange(4, 5)).equals.getRange(4, 5);
(expect..indexOf(val, 0)).equals.indexOf(val);
(expect..indexOf(val, 4)).equals.indexOf(val, 4);
(expect..insert(4, val)).equals.insert(4, val);
(expect..insertAll(4, [val])).equals.insertAll(4, [val]);
(expect..lastIndexOf(val, null)).equals.lastIndexOf(val);
(expect..lastIndexOf(val, 4)).equals.lastIndexOf(val, 4);
(expect..length = 4).equals.length = 4;
(expect..removeRange(4, 5)).equals.removeRange(4, 5);
(expect..replaceRange(4, 5, [val])).equals.replaceRange(4, 5, [val]);
(expect..setAll(4, [val])).equals.setAll(4, [val]);
(expect..setRange(4, 5, [val], 0)).equals.setRange(4, 5, [val]);
(expect..setRange(4, 5, [val], 3)).equals.setRange(4, 5, [val], 3);
(expect..sublist(4, null)).equals.sublist(4);
(expect..sublist(4, 5)).equals.sublist(4, 5);
void testSet(var expect) {
Set set = Set();
void testQueue(var expect) {
void testMap(var expect) {
Map map = Map();
(expect..[val] = val).equals[val] = val;
(expect..putIfAbsent(val, func0)).equals.putIfAbsent(val, func0);
// Runs tests of Set behavior.
// [setUpSet] should return a set with two elements: "foo" and "bar".
void testTwoElementSet(Set<String> setUpSet()) {
group("with two elements", () {
Set<String> set;
setUp(() => set = setUpSet());
test(".any", () {
expect(set.any((element) => element == "foo"), isTrue);
expect(set.any((element) => element == "baz"), isFalse);
test(".elementAt", () {
expect(set.elementAt(0), equals("foo"));
expect(set.elementAt(1), equals("bar"));
expect(() => set.elementAt(2), throwsRangeError);
test(".every", () {
expect(set.every((element) => element == "foo"), isFalse);
expect(set.every((element) => element is String), isTrue);
test(".expand", () {
expect(set.expand((element) {
return [element.substring(0, 1), element.substring(1)];
}), equals(["f", "oo", "b", "ar"]));
test(".first", () {
expect(set.first, equals("foo"));
test(".firstWhere", () {
expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element is String), equals("foo"));
expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element.startsWith("b")),
expect(() => set.firstWhere((element) => element is int),
expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element is int, orElse: () => "baz"),
test(".fold", () {
expect(set.fold("start", (previous, element) => previous + element),
test(".forEach", () {
var values = [];
expect(values, equals(["foo", "bar"]));
test(".iterator", () {
var values = [];
for (var element in set) {
expect(values, equals(["foo", "bar"]));
test(".join", () {
expect(set.join(", "), equals("foo, bar"));
test(".last", () {
expect(set.last, equals("bar"));
test(".lastWhere", () {
expect(set.lastWhere((element) => element is String), equals("bar"));
set.lastWhere((element) => element.startsWith("f")), equals("foo"));
() => set.lastWhere((element) => element is int), throwsStateError);
expect(set.lastWhere((element) => element is int, orElse: () => "baz"),
test(".map", () {
expect( => element.substring(1)), equals(["oo", "ar"]));
test(".reduce", () {
expect(set.reduce((previous, element) => previous + element),
test(".singleWhere", () {
expect(() => set.singleWhere((element) => element == "baz"),
expect(set.singleWhere((element) => element == "foo"), "foo");
expect(() => set.singleWhere((element) => element is String),
test(".skip", () {
expect(set.skip(0), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
expect(set.skip(1), equals(["bar"]));
expect(set.skip(2), equals([]));
test(".skipWhile", () {
expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element.startsWith("z")),
equals(["foo", "bar"]));
expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element is String), equals([]));
test(".take", () {
expect(set.take(0), equals([]));
expect(set.take(1), equals(["foo"]));
expect(set.take(2), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
test(".takeWhile", () {
expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element.startsWith("z")), equals([]));
expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element is String),
equals(["foo", "bar"]));
test(".toList", () {
expect(set.toList(), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
expect(() => set.toList(growable: false).add("baz"),
expect(set.toList()..add("baz"), equals(["foo", "bar", "baz"]));
test(".toSet", () {
expect(set.toSet(), equals(Set.from(["foo", "bar"])));
test(".where", () {
set.where((element) => element.startsWith("f")), equals(["foo"]));
expect(set.where((element) => element.startsWith("z")), equals([]));
expect(set.whereType<String>(), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
test(".containsAll", () {
expect(set.containsAll(["foo", "bar"]), isTrue);
expect(set.containsAll(["foo"]), isTrue);
expect(set.containsAll(["foo", "bar", "qux"]), isFalse);
test(".difference", () {
expect(set.difference(Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
test(".intersection", () {
expect(set.intersection(Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
test(".union", () {
expect(set.union(Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
equals(Set.from(["foo", "bar", "baz"])));
test("Iterable", () {
test("List", () {
test("Set", () {
test("Queue", () {
test("Map", () {
group("MapKeySet", () {
Map<String, dynamic> map;
Set<String> set;
setUp(() {
map = Map<String, int>();
set = MapKeySet<String>(map);
testTwoElementSet(() {
map["foo"] = 1;
map["bar"] = 2;
return set;
test(".single", () {
expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
map["foo"] = 1;
expect(set.single, equals("foo"));
map["bar"] = 1;
expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
test(".toString", () {
expect(set.toString(), equals("{}"));
map["foo"] = 1;
map["bar"] = 2;
expect(set.toString(), equals("{foo, bar}"));
test(".contains", () {
expect(set.contains("foo"), isFalse);
map["foo"] = 1;
expect(set.contains("foo"), isTrue);
test(".isEmpty", () {
expect(set.isEmpty, isTrue);
map["foo"] = 1;
expect(set.isEmpty, isFalse);
test(".isNotEmpty", () {
expect(set.isNotEmpty, isFalse);
map["foo"] = 1;
expect(set.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
test(".length", () {
expect(set, hasLength(0));
map["foo"] = 1;
expect(set, hasLength(1));
map["bar"] = 2;
expect(set, hasLength(2));
test("is unmodifiable", () {
expect(() => set.add("baz"), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.addAll(["baz", "bang"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.remove("foo"), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.removeAll(["baz", "bang"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.retainAll(["foo"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.removeWhere((_) => true), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.retainWhere((_) => true), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => set.clear(), throwsUnsupportedError);
group("MapValueSet", () {
Map<String, String> map;
Set<String> set;
setUp(() {
map = Map<String, String>();
set =
MapValueSet<String, String>(map, (string) => string.substring(0, 1));
testTwoElementSet(() {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
return set;
test(".single", () {
expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set.single, equals("foo"));
map["b"] = "bar";
expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
test(".toString", () {
expect(set.toString(), equals("{}"));
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
expect(set.toString(), equals("{foo, bar}"));
test(".contains", () {
expect(set.contains("foo"), isFalse);
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set.contains("foo"), isTrue);
expect(set.contains("fblthp"), isTrue);
test(".isEmpty", () {
expect(set.isEmpty, isTrue);
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set.isEmpty, isFalse);
test(".isNotEmpty", () {
expect(set.isNotEmpty, isFalse);
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
test(".length", () {
expect(set, hasLength(0));
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set, hasLength(1));
map["b"] = "bar";
expect(set, hasLength(2));
test(".lookup", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
expect(set.lookup("fblthp"), equals("foo"));
expect(set.lookup("bar"), isNull);
test(".add", () {
expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "b": "bar"}));
test(".addAll", () {
set.addAll(["foo", "bar"]);
expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "b": "bar"}));
test(".clear", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
expect(map, isEmpty);
test(".remove", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
test(".removeAll", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
map["q"] = "qux";
set.removeAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
test(".removeWhere", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
map["q"] = "qoo";
set.removeWhere((element) => element.endsWith("o"));
expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
test(".retainAll", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
map["q"] = "qux";
set.retainAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "q": "qux"}));
test(".retainAll respects an unusual notion of equality", () {
map = HashMap<String, String>(
equals: (value1, value2) =>
value1.toLowerCase() == value2.toLowerCase(),
hashCode: (value) => value.toLowerCase().hashCode);
set =
MapValueSet<String, String>(map, (string) => string.substring(0, 1));
map["f"] = "foo";
map["B"] = "bar";
map["Q"] = "qux";
set.retainAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "Q": "qux"}));
test(".retainWhere", () {
map["f"] = "foo";
map["b"] = "bar";
map["q"] = "qoo";
set.retainWhere((element) => element.endsWith("o"));
expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "q": "qoo"}));