blob: 62724457a7c4c88e9792fa7a494b42c4cd6b3ce7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart.pkg.collection.priority_queue;
import "dart:collection" show SplayTreeSet;
* A priority queue is a priority based work-list of elements.
* The queue allows adding elements, and removing them again in priority order.
abstract class PriorityQueue<E> {
* Creates an empty [PriorityQueue].
* The created [PriorityQueue] is a plain [HeapPriorityQueue].
* The [comparison] is a [Comparator] used to compare the priority of
* elements. An element that compares as less than another element has
* a higher priority.
* If [comparison] is omitted, it defaults to [].
factory PriorityQueue([int comparison(E e1, E e2)]) = HeapPriorityQueue<E>;
* Number of elements in the queue.
int get length;
* Whether the queue is empty.
bool get isEmpty;
* Whether the queue has any elements.
bool get isNotEmpty;
* Checks if [object] is in the queue.
* Returns true if the element is found.
bool contains(E object);
* Adds element to the queue.
* The element will become the next to be removed by [removeFirst]
* when all elements with higher priority have been removed.
void add(E element);
* Adds all [elements] to the queue.
void addAll(Iterable<E> elements);
* Returns the next element that will be returned by [removeFirst].
* The element is not removed from the queue.
* The queue must not be empty when this method is called.
E get first;
* Removes and returns the element with the highest priority.
* Repeatedly calling this method, without adding element in between,
* is guaranteed to return elements in non-decreasing order as, specified by
* [comparison].
* The queue must not be empty when this method is called.
E removeFirst();
* Removes an element that compares equal to [element] in the queue.
* Returns true if an element is found and removed,
* and false if no equal element is found.
bool remove(E element);
* Removes all the elements from this queue and returns them.
* The returned iterable has no specified order.
Iterable<E> removeAll();
* Removes all the elements from this queue.
void clear();
* Returns a list of the elements of this queue in priority order.
* The queue is not modified.
* The order is the order that the elements would be in if they were
* removed from this queue using [removeFirst].
List<E> toList();
* Return a comparator based set using the comparator of this queue.
* The queue is not modified.
* The returned [Set] is currently a [SplayTreeSet],
* but this may change as other ordered sets are implemented.
* The set contains all the elements of this queue.
* If an element occurs more than once in the queue,
* the set will contain it only once.
Set<E> toSet();
* Heap based priority queue.
* The elements are kept in a heap structure,
* where the element with the highest priority is immediately accessible,
* and modifying a single element takes
* logarithmic time in the number of elements on average.
* * The [add] and [removeFirst] operations take amortized logarithmic time,
* O(log(n)), but may occasionally take linear time when growing the capacity
* of the heap.
* * The [addAll] operation works as doing repeated [add] operations.
* * The [first] getter takes constant time, O(1).
* * The [clear] and [removeAll] methods also take constant time, O(1).
* * The [contains] and [remove] operations may need to search the entire
* queue for the elements, taking O(n) time.
* * The [toList] operation effectively sorts the elements, taking O(n*log(n))
* time.
* * The [toSet] operation effectively adds each element to the new set, taking
* an expected O(n*log(n)) time.
class HeapPriorityQueue<E> implements PriorityQueue<E> {
* Initial capacity of a queue when created, or when added to after a [clear].
* Number can be any positive value. Picking a size that gives a whole
* number of "tree levels" in the heap is only done for aesthetic reasons.
static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 7;
* The comparison being used to compare the priority of elements.
final Comparator comparison;
* List implementation of a heap.
List<E> _queue = new List<E>(_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
* Number of elements in queue.
* The heap is implemented in the first [_length] entries of [_queue].
int _length = 0;
* Create a new priority queue.
* The [comparison] is a [Comparator] used to compare the priority of
* elements. An element that compares as less than another element has
* a higher priority.
* If [comparison] is omitted, it defaults to [].
HeapPriorityQueue([int comparison(E e1, E e2)])
: comparison = (comparison != null) ? comparison :;
void add(E element) {
void addAll(Iterable<E> elements) {
for (E element in elements) {
void clear() {
_queue = const [];
_length = 0;
bool contains(E object) {
return _locate(object) >= 0;
E get first {
if (_length == 0) throw new StateError("No such element");
return _queue[0];
bool get isEmpty => _length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => _length != 0;
int get length => _length;
bool remove(E element) {
int index = _locate(element);
if (index < 0) return false;
E last = _removeLast();
if (index < _length) {
int comp = comparison(last, element);
if (comp <= 0) {
_bubbleUp(last, index);
} else {
_bubbleDown(last, index);
return true;
Iterable<E> removeAll() {
List<E> result = _queue;
int length = _length;
_queue = const [];
_length = 0;
return result.take(length);
E removeFirst() {
if (_length == 0) throw new StateError("No such element");
E result = _queue[0];
E last = _removeLast();
if (_length > 0) {
_bubbleDown(last, 0);
return result;
List<E> toList() {
List<E> list = new List<E>()..length = _length;
list.setRange(0, _length, _queue);
return list;
Set<E> toSet() {
Set<E> set = new SplayTreeSet<E>(comparison);
for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
return set;
* Returns some representation of the queue.
* The format isn't significant, and may change in the future.
String toString() {
return _queue.take(_length).toString();
* Add element to the queue.
* Grows the capacity if the backing list is full.
void _add(E element) {
if (_length == _queue.length) _grow();
_bubbleUp(element, _length++);
* Find the index of an object in the heap.
* Returns -1 if the object is not found.
int _locate(E object) {
if (_length == 0) return -1;
// Count positions from one instead of zero. This gives the numbers
// some nice properties. For example, all right children are odd,
// their left sibling is even, and the parent is found by shifting
// right by one.
// Valid range for position is [1.._length], inclusive.
int position = 1;
// Pre-order depth first search, omit child nodes if the current
// node has lower priority than [object], because all nodes lower
// in the heap will also have lower priority.
do {
int index = position - 1;
E element = _queue[index];
int comp = comparison(element, object);
if (comp == 0) return index;
if (comp < 0) {
// Element may be in subtree.
// Continue with the left child, if it is there.
int leftChildPosition = position * 2;
if (leftChildPosition <= _length) {
position = leftChildPosition;
// Find the next right sibling or right ancestor sibling.
do {
while (position.isOdd) {
// While position is a right child, go to the parent.
position >>= 1;
// Then go to the right sibling of the left-child.
position += 1;
} while (position > _length); // Happens if last element is a left child.
} while (position != 1); // At root again. Happens for right-most element.
return -1;
E _removeLast() {
int newLength = _length - 1;
E last = _queue[newLength];
_queue[newLength] = null;
_length = newLength;
return last;
* Place [element] in heap at [index] or above.
* Put element into the empty cell at `index`.
* While the `element` has higher priority than the
* parent, swap it with the parent.
void _bubbleUp(E element, int index) {
while (index > 0) {
int parentIndex = (index - 1) ~/ 2;
E parent = _queue[parentIndex];
if (comparison(element, parent) > 0) break;
_queue[index] = parent;
index = parentIndex;
_queue[index] = element;
* Place [element] in heap at [index] or above.
* Put element into the empty cell at `index`.
* While the `element` has lower priority than either child,
* swap it with the highest priority child.
void _bubbleDown(E element, int index) {
int rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
while (rightChildIndex < _length) {
int leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
E leftChild = _queue[leftChildIndex];
E rightChild = _queue[rightChildIndex];
int comp = comparison(leftChild, rightChild);
int minChildIndex;
E minChild;
if (comp < 0) {
minChild = leftChild;
minChildIndex = leftChildIndex;
} else {
minChild = rightChild;
minChildIndex = rightChildIndex;
comp = comparison(element, minChild);
if (comp <= 0) {
_queue[index] = element;
_queue[index] = minChild;
index = minChildIndex;
rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
int leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
if (leftChildIndex < _length) {
E child = _queue[leftChildIndex];
int comp = comparison(element, child);
if (comp > 0) {
_queue[index] = child;
index = leftChildIndex;
_queue[index] = element;
* Grows the capacity of the list holding the heap.
* Called when the list is full.
void _grow() {
int newCapacity = _queue.length * 2 + 1;
if (newCapacity < _INITIAL_CAPACITY) newCapacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY;
List<E> newQueue = new List<E>(newCapacity);
newQueue.setRange(0, _length, _queue);
_queue = newQueue;