blob: 7f3ff9981b19d63af3e121af6fe6344cf9249956 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'utils.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): When sdk#26488 is fixed, use overloads to ensure that if [key]
// or [value] isn't passed, `K2`/`V2` defaults to `K1`/`V1`, respectively.
/// Creates a new map from [map] with new keys and values.
/// The return values of [key] are used as the keys and the return values of
/// [value] are used as the values for the new map.
Map/*<K2, V2>*/ mapMap/*<K1, V1, K2, V2>*/(Map/*<K1, V1>*/ map,
{/*=K2*/ key(/*=K1*/ key, /*=V1*/ value),
/*=V2*/ value(/*=K1*/ key, /*=V1*/ value)}) {
key ??= (mapKey, _) => mapKey as dynamic/*=K2*/;
value ??= (_, mapValue) => mapValue as dynamic/*=V2*/;
var result = /*<K2, V2>*/{};
map.forEach((mapKey, mapValue) {
result[key(mapKey, mapValue)] = value(mapKey, mapValue);
return result;
/// Returns a new map with all key/value pairs in both [map1] and [map2].
/// If there are keys that occur in both maps, the [value] function is used to
/// select the value that goes into the resulting map based on the two original
/// values. If [value] is omitted, the value from [map2] is used.
Map/*<K, V>*/ mergeMaps/*<K, V>*/(Map/*<K, V>*/ map1, Map/*<K, V>*/ map2,
{/*=V*/ value(/*=V*/ value1, /*=V*/ value2)}) {
var result = new Map/*<K, V>*/.from(map1);
if (value == null) return result..addAll(map2);
map2.forEach((key, mapValue) {
result[key] = result.containsKey(key)
? value(result[key], mapValue)
: mapValue;
return result;
/// Groups the elements in [values] by the value returned by [key].
/// Returns a map from keys computed by [key] to a list of all values for which
/// [key] returns that key. The values appear in the list in the same relative
/// order as in [values].
Map<dynamic/*=T*/, List/*<S>*/> groupBy/*<S, T>*/(Iterable/*<S>*/ values,
/*=T*/ key(/*=S*/ element)) {
var map = /*<T, List<S>>*/{};
for (var element in values) {
var list = map.putIfAbsent(key(element), () => []);
return map;
/// Returns the element of [values] for which [orderBy] returns the minimum
/// value.
/// The values returned by [orderBy] are compared using the [compare] function.
/// If [compare] is omitted, values must implement [Comparable<T>] and they are
/// compared using their [Comparable.compareTo].
/*=S*/ minBy/*<S, T>*/(Iterable/*<S>*/ values, /*=T*/ orderBy(/*=S*/ element),
{int compare(/*=T*/ value1, /*=T*/ value2)}) {
compare ??= defaultCompare/*<T>*/();
var/*=S*/ minValue;
var/*=T*/ minOrderBy;
for (var element in values) {
var elementOrderBy = orderBy(element);
if (minOrderBy == null || compare(elementOrderBy, minOrderBy) < 0) {
minValue = element;
minOrderBy = elementOrderBy;
return min;
/// Returns the element of [values] for which [orderBy] returns the maximum
/// value.
/// The values returned by [orderBy] are compared using the [compare] function.
/// If [compare] is omitted, values must implement [Comparable<T>] and they are
/// compared using their [Comparable.compareTo].
/*=S*/ maxBy/*<S, T>*/(Iterable/*<S>*/ values, /*=T*/ orderBy(/*=S*/ element),
{int compare(/*=T*/ value1, /*=T*/ value2)}) {
compare ??= defaultCompare/*<T>*/();
var/*=S*/ maxValue;
var/*=T*/ maxOrderBy;
for (var element in values) {
var elementOrderBy = orderBy(element);
if (maxOrderBy == null || compare(elementOrderBy, maxOrderBy) > 0) {
maxValue = element;
maxOrderBy = elementOrderBy;
return max;
/// Returns the [transitive closure][] of [graph].
/// [transitive closure]:
/// This interprets [graph] as a directed graph with a vertex for each key and
/// edges from each key to the values associated with that key.
/// Assumes that every vertex in the graph has a key to represent it, even if
/// that vertex has no outgoing edges. For example, `{"a": ["b"]}` is not valid,
/// but `{"a": ["b"], "b": []}` is.
Map<dynamic/*=T*/, Set/*<T>*/> transitiveClosure/*<T>*/(
Map<dynamic/*=T*/, Iterable/*<T>*/> graph) {
// This uses [Warshall's algorithm][], modified not to add a vertex from each
// node to itself.
// [Warshall's algorithm]:
var result = /*<T, Set>*/{};
graph.forEach((vertex, edges) {
result[vertex] = new Set/*<T>*/.from(edges);
// Lists are faster to iterate than maps, so we create a list since we're
// iterating repeatedly.
var keys = graph.keys.toList();
for (var vertex1 in keys) {
for (var vertex2 in keys) {
for (var vertex3 in keys) {
if (result[vertex2].contains(vertex1) &&
result[vertex1].contains(vertex3)) {
return result;