blob: a0cb89cde0c98081bb1c2fa4369d7de5f2062d40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Test unmodifiable collection views.
// The collections should pass through the operations that are allowed,
// an throw on the ones that aren't without affecting the original.
void main() {
var list = <int>[];
testUnmodifiableList(list, UnmodifiableListView(list), 'empty');
list = [42];
testUnmodifiableList(list, UnmodifiableListView(list), 'single-42');
list = [7];
testUnmodifiableList(list, UnmodifiableListView(list), 'single!42');
list = [1, 42, 10];
testUnmodifiableList(list, UnmodifiableListView(list), 'three-42');
list = [1, 7, 10];
testUnmodifiableList(list, UnmodifiableListView(list), 'three!42');
list = [];
testNonGrowableList(list, NonGrowableListView(list), 'empty');
list = [42];
testNonGrowableList(list, NonGrowableListView(list), 'single-42');
list = [7];
testNonGrowableList(list, NonGrowableListView(list), 'single!42');
list = [1, 42, 10];
testNonGrowableList(list, NonGrowableListView(list), 'three-42');
list = [1, 7, 10];
testNonGrowableList(list, NonGrowableListView(list), 'three!42');
var aSet = <int>{};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, UnmodifiableSetView(aSet), 'empty');
aSet = {};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(), 'const empty');
aSet = {42};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, UnmodifiableSetView(aSet), 'single-42');
aSet = {7};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, UnmodifiableSetView(aSet), 'single!42');
aSet = {1, 42, 10};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, UnmodifiableSetView(aSet), 'three-42');
aSet = {1, 7, 10};
testUnmodifiableSet(aSet, UnmodifiableSetView(aSet), 'three!42');
void testUnmodifiableList(List<int> original, List<int> wrapped, String name) {
name = 'unmodifiable-list-$name';
testIterable(original, wrapped, name);
testReadList(original, wrapped, name);
testNoWriteList(original, wrapped, name);
testNoChangeLengthList(original, wrapped, name);
void testNonGrowableList(List<int> original, List<int> wrapped, String name) {
name = 'nongrowable-list-$name';
testIterable(original, wrapped, name);
testReadList(original, wrapped, name);
testWriteList(original, wrapped, name);
testNoChangeLengthList(original, wrapped, name);
void testUnmodifiableSet(Set<int> original, Set<int> wrapped, String name) {
name = 'unmodifiable-set-$name';
testIterable(original, wrapped, name);
testReadSet(original, wrapped, name);
testNoChangeSet(original, wrapped, name);
void testIterable(Iterable<int> original, Iterable<int> wrapped, String name) {
test('$name - any', () {
expect(wrapped.any((x) => true), equals(original.any((x) => true)));
expect(wrapped.any((x) => false), equals(original.any((x) => false)));
test('$name - contains', () {
expect(wrapped.contains(0), equals(original.contains(0)));
test('$name - elementAt', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.elementAt(0), throwsRangeError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.elementAt(0), equals(original.elementAt(0)));
test('$name - every', () {
expect(wrapped.every((x) => true), equals(original.every((x) => true)));
expect(wrapped.every((x) => false), equals(original.every((x) => false)));
test('$name - expand', () {
wrapped.expand((x) => [x, x]), equals(original.expand((x) => [x, x])));
test('$name - first', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.first, throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.first, equals(original.first));
test('$name - firstWhere', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.firstWhere((_) => true), throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.firstWhere((_) => true),
equals(original.firstWhere((_) => true)));
expect(() => wrapped.firstWhere((_) => false), throwsStateError);
test('$name - fold', () {
expect(wrapped.fold(0, (dynamic x, y) => x + y),
equals(original.fold(0, (dynamic x, y) => x + y)));
test('$name - forEach', () {
var wrapCtr = 0;
var origCtr = 0;
// ignore: avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
wrapped.forEach((x) {
wrapCtr += x;
// ignore: avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
original.forEach((x) {
origCtr += x;
expect(wrapCtr, equals(origCtr));
test('$name - isEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isEmpty, equals(original.isEmpty));
test('$name - isNotEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isNotEmpty, equals(original.isNotEmpty));
test('$name - iterator', () {
Iterator wrapIter = wrapped.iterator;
Iterator origIter = original.iterator;
while (origIter.moveNext()) {
expect(wrapIter.moveNext(), equals(true));
expect(wrapIter.current, equals(origIter.current));
expect(wrapIter.moveNext(), equals(false));
test('$name - join', () {
expect(wrapped.join(''), equals(original.join('')));
expect(wrapped.join('-'), equals(original.join('-')));
test('$name - last', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.last, throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.last, equals(original.last));
test('$name - lastWhere', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.lastWhere((_) => true), throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.lastWhere((_) => true),
equals(original.lastWhere((_) => true)));
expect(() => wrapped.lastWhere((_) => false), throwsStateError);
test('$name - length', () {
expect(wrapped.length, equals(original.length));
test('$name - map', () {
expect( => '[$x]'), equals( => '[$x]')));
test('$name - reduce', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() => wrapped.reduce((x, y) => x + y), throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.reduce((x, y) => x + y),
equals(original.reduce((x, y) => x + y)));
test('$name - single', () {
if (original.length != 1) {
expect(() => wrapped.single, throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.single, equals(original.single));
test('$name - singleWhere', () {
if (original.length != 1) {
expect(() => wrapped.singleWhere((_) => true), throwsStateError);
} else {
expect(wrapped.singleWhere((_) => true),
equals(original.singleWhere((_) => true)));
expect(() => wrapped.singleWhere((_) => false), throwsStateError);
test('$name - skip', () {
expect(wrapped.skip(0), orderedEquals(original.skip(0)));
expect(wrapped.skip(1), orderedEquals(original.skip(1)));
expect(wrapped.skip(5), orderedEquals(original.skip(5)));
test('$name - skipWhile', () {
expect(wrapped.skipWhile((x) => true),
orderedEquals(original.skipWhile((x) => true)));
expect(wrapped.skipWhile((x) => false),
orderedEquals(original.skipWhile((x) => false)));
expect(wrapped.skipWhile((x) => x != 42),
orderedEquals(original.skipWhile((x) => x != 42)));
test('$name - take', () {
expect(wrapped.take(0), orderedEquals(original.take(0)));
expect(wrapped.take(1), orderedEquals(original.take(1)));
expect(wrapped.take(5), orderedEquals(original.take(5)));
test('$name - takeWhile', () {
expect(wrapped.takeWhile((x) => true),
orderedEquals(original.takeWhile((x) => true)));
expect(wrapped.takeWhile((x) => false),
orderedEquals(original.takeWhile((x) => false)));
expect(wrapped.takeWhile((x) => x != 42),
orderedEquals(original.takeWhile((x) => x != 42)));
test('$name - toList', () {
expect(wrapped.toList(), orderedEquals(original.toList()));
expect(wrapped.toList(growable: false),
orderedEquals(original.toList(growable: false)));
test('$name - toSet', () {
expect(wrapped.toSet(), unorderedEquals(original.toSet()));
test('$name - where', () {
wrapped.where((x) => true), orderedEquals(original.where((x) => true)));
expect(wrapped.where((x) => false),
orderedEquals(original.where((x) => false)));
expect(wrapped.where((x) => x != 42),
orderedEquals(original.where((x) => x != 42)));
void testReadList(List original, List wrapped, String name) {
test('$name - length', () {
expect(wrapped.length, equals(original.length));
test('$name - isEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isEmpty, equals(original.isEmpty));
test('$name - isNotEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isNotEmpty, equals(original.isNotEmpty));
test('$name - []', () {
if (original.isEmpty) {
expect(() {
}, throwsRangeError);
} else {
expect(wrapped[0], equals(original[0]));
test('$name - indexOf', () {
expect(wrapped.indexOf(42), equals(original.indexOf(42)));
test('$name - lastIndexOf', () {
expect(wrapped.lastIndexOf(42), equals(original.lastIndexOf(42)));
test('$name - getRange', () {
var len = original.length;
expect(wrapped.getRange(0, len), equals(original.getRange(0, len)));
expect(wrapped.getRange(len ~/ 2, len),
equals(original.getRange(len ~/ 2, len)));
wrapped.getRange(0, len ~/ 2), equals(original.getRange(0, len ~/ 2)));
test('$name - sublist', () {
var len = original.length;
expect(wrapped.sublist(0), equals(original.sublist(0)));
expect(wrapped.sublist(len ~/ 2), equals(original.sublist(len ~/ 2)));
expect(wrapped.sublist(0, len ~/ 2), equals(original.sublist(0, len ~/ 2)));
test('$name - asMap', () {
expect(wrapped.asMap(), equals(original.asMap()));
void testNoWriteList(List<int> original, List<int> wrapped, String name) {
var copy = List.of(original);
void testThrows(name, thunk) {
test(name, () {
expect(thunk, throwsUnsupportedError);
// No modifications happened.
expect(original, equals(copy));
testThrows('$name - []= throws', () {
wrapped[0] = 42;
testThrows('$name - sort throws', () {
testThrows('$name - fillRange throws', () {
wrapped.fillRange(0, wrapped.length, 42);
testThrows('$name - setRange throws', () {
0, wrapped.length, Iterable.generate(wrapped.length, (i) => i));
testThrows('$name - setAll throws', () {
wrapped.setAll(0, Iterable.generate(wrapped.length, (i) => i));
void testWriteList(List<int> original, List wrapped, String name) {
var copy = List.of(original);
test('$name - []=', () {
if (original.isNotEmpty) {
var originalFirst = original[0];
wrapped[0] = originalFirst + 1;
expect(original[0], equals(originalFirst + 1));
original[0] = originalFirst;
} else {
expect(() {
wrapped[0] = 42;
}, throwsRangeError);
test('$name - sort', () {
var sortCopy = List.of(original);
expect(original, orderedEquals(sortCopy));
original.setAll(0, copy);
test('$name - fillRange', () {
wrapped.fillRange(0, wrapped.length, 37);
for (var i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
expect(original[i], equals(37));
original.setAll(0, copy);
test('$name - setRange', () {
List reverseList = original.reversed.toList();
wrapped.setRange(0, wrapped.length, reverseList);
expect(original, equals(reverseList));
original.setAll(0, copy);
test('$name - setAll', () {
List reverseList = original.reversed.toList();
wrapped.setAll(0, reverseList);
expect(original, equals(reverseList));
original.setAll(0, copy);
void testNoChangeLengthList(
List<int> original, List<int> wrapped, String name) {
var copy = List.of(original);
void testThrows(String name, thunk) {
test(name, () {
expect(thunk, throwsUnsupportedError);
// No modifications happened.
expect(original, equals(copy));
testThrows('$name - length= throws', () {
wrapped.length = 100;
testThrows('$name - add throws', () {
testThrows('$name - addAll throws', () {
testThrows('$name - insert throws', () {
wrapped.insert(0, 42);
testThrows('$name - insertAll throws', () {
wrapped.insertAll(0, [42]);
testThrows('$name - remove throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeAt throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeLast throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeWhere throws', () {
wrapped.removeWhere((element) => false);
testThrows('$name - retainWhere throws', () {
wrapped.retainWhere((element) => true);
testThrows('$name - removeRange throws', () {
wrapped.removeRange(0, wrapped.length);
testThrows('$name - replaceRange throws', () {
wrapped.replaceRange(0, wrapped.length, [42]);
testThrows('$name - clear throws', () {
void testReadSet(Set<int> original, Set<int> wrapped, String name) {
var copy = Set.of(original);
test('$name - containsAll', () {
expect(wrapped.containsAll(copy), isTrue);
expect(wrapped.containsAll(copy.toList()), isTrue);
expect(wrapped.containsAll([]), isTrue);
expect(wrapped.containsAll([42]), equals(original.containsAll([42])));
test('$name - intersection', () {
expect(wrapped.intersection({}), isEmpty);
expect(wrapped.intersection(copy), unorderedEquals(original));
wrapped.intersection({42}), Set.of(original.contains(42) ? [42] : []));
test('$name - union', () {
expect(wrapped.union({}), unorderedEquals(original));
expect(wrapped.union(copy), unorderedEquals(original));
expect(wrapped.union({42}), equals(original.union({42})));
test('$name - difference', () {
expect(wrapped.difference({}), unorderedEquals(original));
expect(wrapped.difference(copy), isEmpty);
expect(wrapped.difference({42}), equals(original.difference({42})));
void testNoChangeSet(Set<int> original, Set<int> wrapped, String name) {
var originalElements = original.toList();
void testThrows(name, thunk) {
test(name, () {
expect(thunk, throwsUnsupportedError);
// No modifications happened.
expect(original.toList(), equals(originalElements));
testThrows('$name - add throws', () {
testThrows('$name - addAll throws', () {
testThrows('$name - addAll empty throws', () {
testThrows('$name - remove throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeAll throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeAll empty throws', () {
testThrows('$name - retainAll throws', () {
testThrows('$name - removeWhere throws', () {
wrapped.removeWhere((_) => false);
testThrows('$name - retainWhere throws', () {
wrapped.retainWhere((_) => true);
testThrows('$name - clear throws', () {
void testReadMap(Map<int, int> original, Map<int, int> wrapped, String name) {
test('$name length', () {
expect(wrapped.length, equals(original.length));
test('$name isEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isEmpty, equals(original.isEmpty));
test('$name isNotEmpty', () {
expect(wrapped.isNotEmpty, equals(original.isNotEmpty));
test('$name operator[]', () {
expect(wrapped[0], equals(original[0]));
expect(wrapped[999], equals(original[999]));
test('$name containsKey', () {
expect(wrapped.containsKey(0), equals(original.containsKey(0)));
expect(wrapped.containsKey(999), equals(original.containsKey(999)));
test('$name containsValue', () {
expect(wrapped.containsValue(0), equals(original.containsValue(0)));
expect(wrapped.containsValue(999), equals(original.containsValue(999)));
test('$name forEach', () {
var origCnt = 0;
var wrapCnt = 0;
wrapped.forEach((k, v) {
wrapCnt += 1 << k + 3 * v;
original.forEach((k, v) {
origCnt += 1 << k + 3 * v;
expect(wrapCnt, equals(origCnt));
test('$name keys', () {
expect(wrapped.keys, orderedEquals(original.keys));
test('$name values', () {
expect(wrapped.values, orderedEquals(original.values));
void testNoChangeMap(
Map<int, int> original, Map<int, int> wrapped, String name) {
var copy = Map.of(original);
void testThrows(name, thunk) {
test(name, () {
expect(thunk, throwsUnsupportedError);
// No modifications happened.
expect(original, equals(copy));
testThrows('$name operator[]= throws', () {
wrapped[0] = 42;
testThrows('$name putIfAbsent throws', () {
wrapped.putIfAbsent(0, () => 42);
testThrows('$name addAll throws', () {
wrapped.addAll({42: 42});
testThrows('$name addAll empty throws', () {
testThrows('$name remove throws', () {
testThrows('$name clear throws', () {