Avoid sender making more progress than the receiver in Isolate/pause_A01_t01/2. (#1242)

In these tests, one isolate continuously sends messages to another without back pressure. If the system is loaded, the sender may send messages at a faster rate then the receiver can process them and the test can time out before receiver processes enough messages to end the test. Instead of processing a large number of messages to ensure some of them would happen after the pause request, use synchronous sleeps.
2 files changed
tree: b9e78bd1384d99c9d88f7f26ff8fc7110604050e
  1. Language/
  2. LanguageFeatures/
  3. LibTest/
  4. Utils/
  6. codereview.settings
  9. README.md
  10. testcfg.py

co19 - Dart language and library conformance test suite

This repository contains conformance tests for Dart language and Dart runtime libraries

Files in this test suite are only considered tests if their filenames match the regexp r"t[0-9]{2}.dart$"