Add command-line functionality to generate constants.
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index e8063a8..964ea81 100644
@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@
 #   Name/Organization <email address>
-Google Inc.
+Lasse R.H. Nielsen,
+Kevin Moore,
+Phil Quitslund,
+Greg Lowe,
diff --git a/ b/
index 6941772..0145a48 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 ## 1.1.3
-- Added example, fixed recommended lints.
+- Added example, changed lints.
 ## 1.1.2
@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@
 ## 1.1.1
-- Spelling fixes.
-- Linting fixes.
+- Spelling and linting fixes.
 ## 1.1.0
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index 6f5e0ea..59135d0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
-Want to contribute? Great! First, read this page (including the small print at
-the end).
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-copyright to your changes, even after your contribution becomes part of our
-codebase, so we need your permission to use and distribute your code. We also
-need to be sure of various other things—for instance that you'll tell us if you
-know that your code infringes on other people's patents. You don't have to sign
-the CLA until after you've submitted your code for review and a member has
-approved it, but you must do it before we can put your code into our codebase.
+We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project,
+but any larger change should be discussed using the issue tracker
+before submitting a pull request.
+There are a few other guidelines you need to follow.
-Before you start working on a larger contribution, you should get in touch with
-us first through the issue tracker with your idea so that we can help out and
-possibly guide you. Coordinating up front makes it much easier to avoid
-frustration later on.
+## Contributor License Agreement
-### Code reviews
-All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review.
+Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
+Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution;
+this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as
+part of the project. Head over to <> to see
+your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
-### File headers
-All files in the project must start with the following header.
+You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one
+(even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it
-    // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-    // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-    // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
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+We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult
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index 6d507aa..2bba63e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,56 +1,60 @@
-Character code constants.
+-[![Build Status](](
+-[![Pub](]( -
-[![Build Status](](
+# Character code constants
-These libraries define symbolic names for some character codes.
+This package defines symbolic names for some character codes (aka. code points).
-## Using
+They can used when working directly with characters as integers,
+to make the code more readable: `if (firstChar == $A) ...`.
+This is not an official Google package, and is not supported by Google.
+## Usage
 Import either one of the libraries:
 import "package:charcode/ascii.dart";
 import "package:charcode/html_entity.dart";
 or import both libraries using the `charcode.dart` library:
 import "package:charcode/charcode.dart";
-# Naming
+## Naming
 The character names are preceded by a `$` to avoid conflicting with other
-variables due to the short and common names (for example "$i").
+variables, due to their short and common names (for example "$i").
-The characters that are valid in a Dart identifier directly follow the `$`.
+Characters that are valid in a Dart identifier directly follow the `$`.
 Examples: `$_`, `$a`, `$B` and `$3`. Other characters are given symbolic names.
-The names of letters are lower-case for lower-case letters, and mixed- or
-upper-case for upper-case letters. The names of symbols are all lower-case,
+The names of letters are lower-case for lower-case letters (`$sigma` for `σ`),
+and mixed- or upper-case for upper-case letters (`$Sigma` for `Σ`).
+The names of symbols and punctuation are all lower-case,
 and omit suffixes like "sign", "symbol" and "mark".
-Examples: `$plus`, `$exclamation`
+Examples: `$plus`, `$exclamation`, `$tilde`.
 The `ascii.dart` library defines a symbolic name for each ASCII character.
-For some characters, it has more than one name. For example the common `$tab`
-and the official `$ht` for the horizontal tab.
+Some characters have more than one name. For example the common name `$tab`
+and the official abbreviation `$ht` for the horisontal tab.
 The `html_entity.dart` library defines a constant for each HTML 4.01 character
-entity, using the standard entity abbreviation, including its case.
+entity using their standard entity abbreviation, including case.
 Examples: `$nbsp` for `&nbps;`, `$aring` for the lower-case `&aring;`
 and `$Aring` for the upper-case `&Aring;`.
-The HTML entities includes all characters in the Latin-1 code page, greek
+The HTML entities include all characters in the Latin-1 code page, greek
 letters and some mathematical symbols.
-The `charcode.dart` library just exports both `ascii.dart` and
+The `charcode.dart` library exports both `ascii.dart` and
+`html_entity.dart`. Where both libraries define the same name,
+the HTML entity name is preferred.
-# Rationale
+## Rationale
-The Dart language doesn't have character literals. If that ever happens, this
-library will be irrelevant. Until then, this library can be used for the most
-common characters.
-See [request for character literals](
+The Dart language doesn't have character literals.
+If that ever changes, this package will become irrelevant.
+Until then, this package can be used for the most common characters.
+See [](request for character literals).
diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml
index 20b4e83..71546a6 100644
--- a/analysis_options.yaml
+++ b/analysis_options.yaml
@@ -1,47 +1,12 @@
-include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.yaml
+# Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
+# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.1.9.0.yaml
-  strong-mode:
-    implicit-casts: false
+  errors:
+    annotate_overrides: ignore
+    prefer_single_quotes: ignore
+    use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters: ignore
-  - non-nullable
-  rules:
-    - avoid_empty_else
-    - avoid_init_to_null
-    - avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators
-    - avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
-    - await_only_futures
-    - camel_case_types
-    - cancel_subscriptions
-    - constant_identifier_names
-    - control_flow_in_finally
-    - directives_ordering
-    - empty_catches
-    - empty_constructor_bodies
-    - empty_statements
-    - hash_and_equals
-    - implementation_imports
-    - iterable_contains_unrelated_type
-    - library_names
-    - library_prefixes
-    - list_remove_unrelated_type
-    - non_constant_identifier_names
-    - overridden_fields
-    - package_api_docs
-    - package_names
-    - package_prefixed_library_names
-    - prefer_equal_for_default_values
-    - prefer_final_fields
-    - prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
-    - prefer_is_not_empty
-    - slash_for_doc_comments
-    - test_types_in_equals
-    - throw_in_finally
-    - type_init_formals
-    - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
-    - unnecessary_const
-    - unnecessary_new
-    - unrelated_type_equality_checks
-    - valid_regexps
+    - non-nullable
diff --git a/bin/charcode.dart b/bin/charcode.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02ae2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/charcode.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "dart:io"; // For writing directly to file.
+import "package:charcode/ascii.dart";
+import "src/uflags.dart";
+/// Generates Dart constant declarations for character codes.
+/// Usage:
+/// ```text
+///   charcode (character-range | rename | flags)*
+/// ```
+/// ## Character ranges
+/// A `character-range` is either
+/// * a single charater,
+/// * an escaped character `\n`, `\r`, `\t`, `\xHH`, `\uHHHH` or `\DD*`,
+///   where `H` is a hexadecimal digit and `D` is a decimal digit.
+/// * two characters separated by `-` or the `\d`, `\w` or `\s` escapes, or
+/// * a sequence of character ranges.
+/// Examples include `a`, `a-z`, or `abe-gz`.
+/// Accepts `\n`, `\r`, `\t`, `\`, `\-`, `\xHH` and `\uHHHHHH` escapes.
+/// A (re)name declaration is a single or escaped character, a `=` and an
+/// identifier name, optionally followed by a `:` and a description
+/// Example: `x=cross:"A cross product."`.
+/// The naming names or renames the character and adds or changes
+/// the associated description.
+/// It will not add the character to the output.
+/// Following occurrences of the character will use the new name.
+/// Example: `y y=why x-z` will generate `$y` for the character
+/// code of "y", then `$x`, `$why` and `$z` as well.
+/// ## Flags
+/// `-o` followed by a file name makes output be written to that file
+/// instead of to stdout.
+/// `-f` followed by a file name will read declarations from that file
+/// as well as from the command line. Each line in the file is handled
+/// like a command line argument (not including flags.)
+/// Intended for importing a set of name declarations.
+/// The line is not split on spaces, so it allows comments with spaces
+/// like:
+/// ```text
+/// x=cross:The cross character.
+/// ```
+/// `-p` followed by zero more characters makes those characters be
+/// used as prefix for later generated names. The default is the `$`
+/// character. If setting an empty prefix, names starting with digits
+/// will still use the previously configured prefix character since
+/// identifiers cannot start with a digit.
+/// `-h` includes declarations for HTML entity names.
+/// `--` disables flags in the following command line arguments.
+void main(List<String> args, [StringSink? output]) {
+  output ??= stdout;
+  String? outputFile;
+  var declarations = CharcodeBuilder();
+  addAscii(declarations);
+  var flags = Flags<String>()
+    ..add(FlagConfig("?", null, "help",
+        description: "Display this usage information"))
+    ..add(FlagConfig.optionalParameter("p", "p", "prefix", "",
+        description: "Sets prefix for later generated constants",
+        valueDescription: "PREFIX"))
+    ..add(FlagConfig.requiredParameter("o", "o", "output",
+        description: "Write generated code to file instead of stdout",
+        valueDescription: "FILE"))
+    ..add(FlagConfig.requiredParameter("f", "f", "input",
+        description:
+            "Read instructions from file. Each line of the file is treated as a non-flag command line entry.",
+        valueDescription: "FILE"))
+    ..add(FlagConfig("h", "h", "html",
+        description: "Include HTML entity names in predefined names"));
+  for (var arg in parseFlags(flags, args, stderr.writeln)) {
+    var key = arg.key;
+    if (key == null) {
+      // Not a flag, value is command line argument.
+      declarations.parse(arg.value!);
+    } else {
+      switch (key) {
+        case "p":
+          var prefix = arg.value!;
+          if (prefix.isNotEmpty &&
+              (!_isIdentifierPart(prefix) || !_startsWithNonDigit(prefix))) {
+            warn("Invalid prefix, must be valid identifier: $prefix");
+            continue;
+          }
+          declarations.prefix = prefix;
+          break;
+        case "o":
+          if (arg.value != null) {
+            outputFile = arg.value;
+          } else {
+            warn("No file name after `-o` option");
+          }
+          break;
+        case "f":
+          var inputFile = arg.value;
+          if (inputFile != null) {
+            var input = File(inputFile).readAsLinesSync();
+            for (var line in input) {
+              line = line.trimRight();
+              if (line.isNotEmpty) declarations.parse(line);
+            }
+          } else {
+            warn("No file name after `-f` option");
+          }
+          break;
+        case "h":
+          addHtmlEntities(declarations);
+          break;
+        case "?":
+          var buffer = StringBuffer(usageString);
+          flags.writeUsage(buffer);
+          output.write(buffer);
+          if (output is IOSink) output.flush();
+          return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (outputFile == null) {
+    declarations.writeTo(output);
+  } else {
+    var file = File(outputFile).openWrite();
+    declarations.writeTo(file);
+    file.close();
+  }
+/// Emits warning message.
+void warn(String warning) {
+  stderr.writeln(warning);
+/// A single declaration to be written to the output.
+class Entry implements Comparable<Entry> {
+  /// The code point.
+  final int charCode;
+  /// The non-prefixed name to be given
+  final String name;
+  /// The prefix to put before the name.
+  ///
+  /// The prefix may be empty, but it won't be if
+  /// the name be used as an identifier by itself
+  /// (which means it starts with a digit).
+  final String prefix;
+  /// Any documentation to add to the declaration.
+  final String? comment;
+  Entry(this.charCode,, this.prefix, this.comment);
+  /// Emits a declaration to [output].
+  ///
+  /// The constant declaration declares the identifier [prefix]+[name]
+  /// to have the value [codePoint].
+  void writeTo(StringSink output) {
+    var hex = charCode.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, "0");
+    if (comment != null) {
+      output.writeln("/// $comment");
+    }
+    output.writeln("const int $prefix$name = 0x$hex;");
+  }
+  /// Orders entries by [charCode] first, then by
+  /// prefixed and name.
+  int compareTo(Entry other) {
+    var delta = charCode - other.charCode;
+    if (delta == 0) {
+      delta = prefix.compareTo(other.prefix);
+      if (delta == 0) {
+        delta = name.compareTo(;
+      }
+    }
+    return delta;
+  }
+/// A name and optional description currently assigned to a code point.
+class CharacterDeclaration {
+  /// The unprefixed name to use for the code point.
+  final String name;
+  /// An optional description.
+  final String? description;
+  CharacterDeclaration(, this.description);
+/// Character code declaration builder.
+/// Remembers names and descriptions assigned to code points,
+/// and accumulates requestes for declarations for a number
+/// of those.
+/// Allows the prefix to be changed between declaration
+/// requests.
+class CharcodeBuilder {
+  /// Prefix used for all characters being added.
+  String _prefix = r"$";
+  /// Reserve prefix used for digits when [_prefix] is empty.
+  String _reservePrefix = r"$";
+  final Map<int, CharacterDeclaration> _declarations = {};
+  final Set<String> _entryNames = {};
+  final List<Entry> _entries = [];
+  void parse(String arg) {
+    var scanner = CharScanner(arg);
+    var allowRename = true;
+    while (true) {
+      var start = scanner.index;
+      var char =;
+      if (char < 0) break;
+      if (char == $backslash) {
+        var escape = interpretCharEscape(scanner);
+        if (escape >= 0) {
+          char = escape;
+        } else if (interpretRangeEscape(scanner)) {
+          allowRename = false;
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+      var peek = scanner.peek;
+      if (allowRename && peek == $equal) {
+        // A rename.
+        scanner.skip();
+        var newName =;
+        var description = _declarations[char]?.description;
+        var colon = newName.indexOf(":");
+        if (colon >= 0) {
+          description = newName.substring(colon + 1);
+          newName = newName.substring(0, colon);
+        }
+        if (newName.isEmpty || !_isIdentifierPart(newName)) {
+          warn("Invalid name: $arg");
+        }
+        rename(char, newName, description);
+        break;
+      }
+      allowRename = false;
+      if (peek != $minus) {
+        addChar(char);
+      } else {
+        var afterChar = scanner.index;
+        scanner.skip();
+        var secondChar =;
+        if (secondChar < 0) {
+          // Trailing `-`.
+          addChar(char);
+          addChar(peek);
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (secondChar == $backslash) {
+          var escape = interpretCharEscape(scanner);
+          if (escape >= 0) secondChar = escape;
+        }
+        if (char <= secondChar) {
+          addCharRange(char, secondChar);
+        } else {
+          warn(
+              "Invalid range, end before start: ${scanner.input.substring(start, scanner.index)}");
+          addChar(char);
+          scanner.index = afterChar;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /// Recognize single-character escapes.
+  ///
+  /// - `\n`: Line feed
+  /// - `\r`: Carriage return
+  /// - `\t`: Tab
+  /// - `\x..`: Hex escape, up to two digits.
+  /// - `\u......`: Hex escape, up to six digits.
+  /// - `\[0-9]+`: Decimal escape.
+  /// - `\-` and `\\`: Identity escapes.
+  static int interpretCharEscape(CharScanner scanner) {
+    if (scanner.hasNext) {
+      var char =;
+      if (char == $n) return $lf;
+      if (char == $r) return $cr;
+      if (char == $t) return $tab;
+      if (char == $u) return scanner.hex(6);
+      if (char == $x) return scanner.hex(2);
+      if (char == $backslash) return char;
+      if (char == $minus) return char;
+      if (_isDigit(char)) return scanner.dec(char);
+      scanner.index--;
+    }
+    return -1;
+  }
+  /// Renames `charCode` to `name` in following declarations.
+  ///
+  /// Returns whether the name is valid as an identifier.
+  /// If it is not valid, no change is made.
+  bool rename(int charCode, String name, [String? description]) {
+    if (!_isIdentifierPart(name)) return false;
+    _declarations[charCode] = CharacterDeclaration(name, description);
+    return true;
+  }
+  /// Adds a single character to the output.
+  bool addChar(int charCode) {
+    var declaration = _declarations[charCode];
+    if (declaration == null) return false;
+    var prefix = _prefix;
+    if (!_startsWithNonDigit( prefix = _reservePrefix;
+    var name = prefix +;
+    if (_entryNames.contains(name)) {
+      warn("Existing declaration with name \"$name\" for character "
+          "'${String.fromCharCode(charCode)}' "
+          "(U+${charCode.toRadixString(16).toUpperCase().padLeft(4, "0")})");
+      return false;
+    }
+    _entries.add(Entry(charCode,, prefix, declaration.description));
+    _entryNames.add(name);
+    return true;
+  }
+  /// Adds a range of characters, both ends inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// If a character in the range has no name, nothing is emitted fo rit.
+  void addCharRange(int start, int end) {
+    for (var charCode = start; charCode <= end; charCode++) {
+      addChar(charCode); // Ignore return value.
+    }
+  }
+  /// The current prefix used to prefix declarations.
+  ///
+  /// May be emtpy, otherwise needs to be a valid identifier.
+  String get prefix => _prefix;
+  set prefix(String prefix) {
+    if (!_isIdentifierPart(prefix) ||
+        (prefix.isNotEmpty && !_startsWithNonDigit(prefix))) {
+      throw ArgumentError.value(prefix, "Not a valid identifier start");
+    }
+    _prefix = prefix;
+    if (prefix.isNotEmpty) {
+      _reservePrefix = prefix;
+    }
+  }
+  /// Emit all the accumulated declarations on [output].
+  void writeTo(StringSink output) {
+    _entries.sort((a, b) => a.charCode - b.charCode);
+    var separator = "";
+    for (var entry in _entries) {
+      output.write(separator);
+      entry.writeTo(output);
+      separator = "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  bool interpretRangeEscape(CharScanner scanner) {
+    if (!scanner.hasNext) return false;
+    var char = scanner.peek;
+    if (char == $d) {
+      addCharRange($0, $9);
+    } else if (char == $s) {
+      addChar($space);
+      addChar($tab);
+      addChar($cr);
+      addChar($lf);
+    } else if (char == $w) {
+      addCharRange($0, $9);
+      addCharRange($A, $Z);
+      addCharRange($a, $z);
+      addChar($_);
+      addChar($$);
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+    scanner.skip();
+    return true;
+  }
+/// Whether the string starts with a non-digit.
+/// Only used on strings that have passed [_isIdentifierPart],
+/// and if those start with a non-digit, the string is a valid identifier.
+bool _startsWithNonDigit(String string) =>
+    string.isNotEmpty && (string.codeUnitAt(0) ^ $0) > 9;
+/// Whether [string] contains only characters that can be in an identifier.
+bool _isIdentifierPart(String string) {
+  for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
+    var char = string.codeUnitAt(i);
+    if (char ^ $0 <= 9) continue;
+    var lowerCaseChar = char | 0x20;
+    if (lowerCaseChar >= $a && lowerCaseChar <= $z) continue;
+    if (char == $$ || char == $_) continue;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+class CharScanner {
+  final String input;
+  int index = 0;
+  CharScanner(this.input);
+  // The next character of input.
+  int get peek => index < input.length ? input.codeUnitAt(index) : -1;
+  bool get hasNext => index < input.length;
+  void skip() {
+    if (index >= input.length) throw StateError("Nothing to skip");
+    index++;
+  }
+  String get rest => input.substring(index);
+  int next() => index < input.length ? input.codeUnitAt(index++) : -1;
+  /// Parses a hex number with at most [maxDigits] digits.
+  int hex(int maxDigits) {
+    var result = 0;
+    while (maxDigits > 0 && index < input.length) {
+      var char = input.codeUnitAt(index);
+      var hexValue = _hexValue(char);
+      if (hexValue < 0) break;
+      result = result * 16 + hexValue;
+      maxDigits--;
+      index++;
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  /// Parses a decimal number with the first digit already read.
+  int dec(int firstDigit) {
+    var result = firstDigit ^ 0x30;
+    while (index < input.length) {
+      var char = input.codeUnitAt(index);
+      var digit = char ^ 0x30;
+      if (digit > 9) break;
+      result = result * 10 + digit;
+      index++;
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  static int _hexValue(int char) {
+    var digit = char ^ 0x30;
+    if (digit <= 9) return digit;
+    var lc = (char | 0x20);
+    if (lc >= 0x61 && lc <= 0x66) return lc - (0x61 - 10);
+    return -1;
+  }
+bool _isDigit(int char) => (char ^ 0x30) <= 9;
+void addAscii(CharcodeBuilder descriptions) {
+  // ASCII character comments and default names.
+  descriptions
+    // Control characters
+    ..rename(0x00, "nul", '"Null character" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x01, "soh", '"Start of Header" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x02, "stx", '"Start of Text" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x03, "etx", '"End of Text" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x04, "eot", '"End of Transmission" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x05, "enq", '"Enquiry" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x06, "ack", '"Acknowledgment" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x07, "bel", '"Bell" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x08, "bs", '"Backspace" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x09, "tab", '"Horizontal Tab" control character, common name.')
+    ..rename(0x0A, "lf", '"Line feed" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x0B, "vt", '"Vertical Tab" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x0C, "ff", '"Form feed" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x0D, "cr", '"Carriage return" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x0E, "so", '"Shift Out" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x0F, "si", '"Shift In" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x10, "dle", '"Data Link Escape" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x11, "dc1", '"Device Control 1" control character (oft. XON).')
+    ..rename(0x12, "dc2", '"Device Control 2" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x13, "dc3", '"Device Control 3" control character (oft. XOFF).')
+    ..rename(0x14, "dc4", '"Device Control 4" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x15, "nak", '"Negative Acknowledgment" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x16, "syn", '"Synchronous idle" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x17, "etb", '"End of Transmission Block" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x18, "can", '"Cancel" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x19, "em", '"End of Medium" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1A, "sub", '"Substitute" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1B, "esc", '"Escape" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1C, "fs", '"File Separator" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1D, "gs", '"Group Separator" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1E, "rs", '"Record Separator" control character.')
+    ..rename(0x1F, "us", '"Unit Separator" control character.')
+    // Visible characters.
+    ..rename(0x20, "space", 'Space character.')
+    ..rename(0x21, "exclamation", 'Character `!`.')
+    ..rename(0x22, "quot", 'Character `"`, short name.')
+    ..rename(0x23, "hash", 'Character `#`.')
+    ..rename(0x24, "\$", 'Character `\$`.')
+    ..rename(0x25, "percent", 'Character `%`.')
+    ..rename(0x26, "amp", 'Character `&`, short name.')
+    ..rename(0x27, "apos", 'Character "\'".')
+    ..rename(0x28, "lparen", 'Character `(`.')
+    ..rename(0x29, "rparen", 'Character `)`.')
+    ..rename(0x2A, "asterisk", 'Character `*`.')
+    ..rename(0x2B, "plus", 'Character `+`.')
+    ..rename(0x2C, "comma", 'Character `,`.')
+    ..rename(0x2D, "minus", 'Character `-`.')
+    ..rename(0x2E, "dot", 'Character `.`.')
+    ..rename(0x2F, "slash", 'Character `/`.')
+    ..rename(0x30, "0", 'Character `0`.')
+    ..rename(0x31, "1", 'Character `1`.')
+    ..rename(0x32, "2", 'Character `2`.')
+    ..rename(0x33, "3", 'Character `3`.')
+    ..rename(0x34, "4", 'Character `4`.')
+    ..rename(0x35, "5", 'Character `5`.')
+    ..rename(0x36, "6", 'Character `6`.')
+    ..rename(0x37, "7", 'Character `7`.')
+    ..rename(0x38, "8", 'Character `8`.')
+    ..rename(0x39, "9", 'Character `9`.')
+    ..rename(0x3A, "colon", 'Character `:`.')
+    ..rename(0x3B, "semicolon", 'Character `;`.')
+    ..rename(0x3C, "lt", 'Character `<`.')
+    ..rename(0x3D, "equal", 'Character `<`.')
+    ..rename(0x3E, "gt", 'Character `>`.')
+    ..rename(0x3F, "question", 'Character `?`.')
+    ..rename(0x40, "at", 'Character `@`.')
+    ..rename(0x41, "A", 'Character `A`.')
+    ..rename(0x42, "B", 'Character `B`.')
+    ..rename(0x43, "C", 'Character `C`.')
+    ..rename(0x44, "D", 'Character `D`.')
+    ..rename(0x45, "E", 'Character `E`.')
+    ..rename(0x46, "F", 'Character `F`.')
+    ..rename(0x47, "G", 'Character `G`.')
+    ..rename(0x48, "H", 'Character `H`.')
+    ..rename(0x49, "I", 'Character `I`.')
+    ..rename(0x4A, "J", 'Character `J`.')
+    ..rename(0x4B, "K", 'Character `K`.')
+    ..rename(0x4C, "L", 'Character `L`.')
+    ..rename(0x4D, "M", 'Character `M`.')
+    ..rename(0x4E, "N", 'Character `N`.')
+    ..rename(0x4F, "O", 'Character `O`.')
+    ..rename(0x50, "P", 'Character `P`.')
+    ..rename(0x51, "Q", 'Character `Q`.')
+    ..rename(0x52, "R", 'Character `R`.')
+    ..rename(0x53, "S", 'Character `S`.')
+    ..rename(0x54, "T", 'Character `T`.')
+    ..rename(0x55, "U", 'Character `U`.')
+    ..rename(0x56, "V", 'Character `V`.')
+    ..rename(0x57, "W", 'Character `W`.')
+    ..rename(0x58, "X", 'Character `X`.')
+    ..rename(0x59, "Y", 'Character `Y`.')
+    ..rename(0x5A, "Z", 'Character `Z`.')
+    ..rename(0x5B, "lbracket", 'Character `[`.')
+    ..rename(0x5C, "backslash", r'Character `\`.')
+    ..rename(0x5D, "rbracket", 'Character `]`.')
+    ..rename(0x5E, "caret", 'Character `^`.')
+    ..rename(0x5F, "_", 'Character `_`.')
+    ..rename(0x60, "backquote", 'Character `` ` ``.')
+    ..rename(0x61, "a", 'Character `a`.')
+    ..rename(0x62, "b", 'Character `b`.')
+    ..rename(0x63, "c", 'Character `c`.')
+    ..rename(0x64, "d", 'Character `d`.')
+    ..rename(0x65, "e", 'Character `e`.')
+    ..rename(0x66, "f", 'Character `f`.')
+    ..rename(0x67, "g", 'Character `g`.')
+    ..rename(0x68, "h", 'Character `h`.')
+    ..rename(0x69, "i", 'Character `i`.')
+    ..rename(0x6A, "j", 'Character `j`.')
+    ..rename(0x6B, "k", 'Character `k`.')
+    ..rename(0x6C, "l", 'Character `l`.')
+    ..rename(0x6D, "m", 'Character `m`.')
+    ..rename(0x6E, "n", 'Character `n`.')
+    ..rename(0x6F, "o", 'Character `o`.')
+    ..rename(0x70, "p", 'Character `p`.')
+    ..rename(0x71, "q", 'Character `q`.')
+    ..rename(0x72, "r", 'Character `r`.')
+    ..rename(0x73, "s", 'Character `s`.')
+    ..rename(0x74, "t", 'Character `t`.')
+    ..rename(0x75, "u", 'Character `u`.')
+    ..rename(0x76, "v", 'Character `v`.')
+    ..rename(0x77, "w", 'Character `w`.')
+    ..rename(0x78, "x", 'Character `x`.')
+    ..rename(0x79, "y", 'Character `y`.')
+    ..rename(0x7A, "z", 'Character `z`.')
+    ..rename(0x7B, "lbrace", 'Character `{`.')
+    ..rename(0x7C, "bar", 'Character `|`.')
+    ..rename(0x7D, "rbrace", 'Character `}`.')
+    ..rename(0x7E, "tilde", 'Character `~`.')
+    // Control character
+    ..rename(0x7F, "del", '"Delete" control character.');
+void addHtmlEntities(CharcodeBuilder descriptions) {
+  descriptions
+    ..rename(0x22, "quot", "Character '\"', short name.")
+    ..rename(0x27, "apos", "Character \"'\".")
+    ..rename(0x3C, "lt", "Character '<'.")
+    ..rename(0x3E, "gt", "Character '>'.")
+    ..rename(0x00A0, "nbsp", "no-break space (non-breaking space)")
+    ..rename(0x00A1, "iexcl", "inverted exclamation mark ('¡')")
+    ..rename(0x00A2, "cent", "cent sign ('¢')")
+    ..rename(0x00A3, "pound", "pound sign ('£')")
+    ..rename(0x00A4, "curren", "currency sign ('¤')")
+    ..rename(0x00A5, "yen", "yen sign (yuan sign) ('¥')")
+    ..rename(0x00A6, "brvbar", "broken bar (broken vertical bar) ('¦')")
+    ..rename(0x00A7, "sect", "section sign ('§')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00A8, "uml", "diaeresis (spacing diaeresis); see Germanic umlaut ('¨')")
+    ..rename(0x00A9, "copy", "copyright symbol ('©')")
+    ..rename(0x00AA, "ordf", "feminine ordinal indicator ('ª')")
+    ..rename(0x00AB, "laquo",
+        "left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet) ('«')")
+    ..rename(0x00AC, "not", "not sign ('¬')")
+    ..rename(0x00AD, "shy", "soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen)")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00AE, "reg", "registered sign (registered trademark symbol) ('®')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00AF, "macr", "macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar) ('¯')")
+    ..rename(0x00B0, "deg", "degree symbol ('°')")
+    ..rename(0x00B1, "plusmn", "plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) ('±')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00B2, "sup2", "superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) ('²')")
+    ..rename(0x00B3, "sup3",
+        "superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) ('³')")
+    ..rename(0x00B4, "acute", "acute accent (spacing acute) ('´')")
+    ..rename(0x00B5, "micro", "micro sign ('µ')")
+    ..rename(0x00B6, "para", "pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) ('¶')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00B7, "middot", "middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) ('·')")
+    ..rename(0x00B8, "cedil", "cedilla (spacing cedilla) ('¸')")
+    ..rename(0x00B9, "sup1", "superscript one (superscript digit one) ('¹')")
+    ..rename(0x00BA, "ordm", "masculine ordinal indicator ('º')")
+    ..rename(0x00BB, "raquo",
+        "right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet) ('»')")
+    ..rename(0x00BC, "frac14",
+        "vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter) ('¼')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00BD, "frac12", "vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half) ('½')")
+    ..rename(0x00BE, "frac34",
+        "vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters) ('¾')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00BF, "iquest", "inverted question mark (turned question mark) ('¿')")
+    ..rename(0x00C0, "Agrave",
+        "Latin capital letter A with grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave) ('À')")
+    ..rename(0x00C1, "Aacute", "Latin capital letter A with acute accent ('Á')")
+    ..rename(0x00C2, "Acirc", "Latin capital letter A with circumflex ('Â')")
+    ..rename(0x00C3, "Atilde", "Latin capital letter A with tilde ('Ã')")
+    ..rename(0x00C4, "Auml", "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis ('Ä')")
+    ..rename(0x00C5, "Aring",
+        "Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring) ('Å')")
+    ..rename(0x00C6, "AElig",
+        "Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE) ('Æ')")
+    ..rename(0x00C7, "Ccedil", "Latin capital letter C with cedilla ('Ç')")
+    ..rename(0x00C8, "Egrave", "Latin capital letter E with grave accent ('È')")
+    ..rename(0x00C9, "Eacute", "Latin capital letter E with acute accent ('É')")
+    ..rename(0x00CA, "Ecirc", "Latin capital letter E with circumflex ('Ê')")
+    ..rename(0x00CB, "Euml", "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis ('Ë')")
+    ..rename(0x00CC, "Igrave", "Latin capital letter I with grave accent ('Ì')")
+    ..rename(0x00CD, "Iacute", "Latin capital letter I with acute accent ('Í')")
+    ..rename(0x00CE, "Icirc", "Latin capital letter I with circumflex ('Î')")
+    ..rename(0x00CF, "Iuml", "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis ('Ï')")
+    ..rename(0x00D0, "ETH", "Latin capital letter Eth ('Ð')")
+    ..rename(0x00D1, "Ntilde", "Latin capital letter N with tilde ('Ñ')")
+    ..rename(0x00D2, "Ograve", "Latin capital letter O with grave accent ('Ò')")
+    ..rename(0x00D3, "Oacute", "Latin capital letter O with acute accent ('Ó')")
+    ..rename(0x00D4, "Ocirc", "Latin capital letter O with circumflex ('Ô')")
+    ..rename(0x00D5, "Otilde", "Latin capital letter O with tilde ('Õ')")
+    ..rename(0x00D6, "Ouml", "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis ('Ö')")
+    ..rename(0x00D7, "times", "multiplication sign ('×')")
+    ..rename(0x00D8, "Oslash",
+        "Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash) ('Ø')")
+    ..rename(0x00D9, "Ugrave", "Latin capital letter U with grave accent ('Ù')")
+    ..rename(0x00DA, "Uacute", "Latin capital letter U with acute accent ('Ú')")
+    ..rename(0x00DB, "Ucirc", "Latin capital letter U with circumflex ('Û')")
+    ..rename(0x00DC, "Uuml", "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ('Ü')")
+    ..rename(0x00DD, "Yacute", "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent ('Ý')")
+    ..rename(0x00DE, "THORN", "Latin capital letter THORN ('Þ')")
+    ..rename(0x00DF, "szlig",
+        "Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett ('ß')")
+    ..rename(0x00E0, "agrave", "Latin small letter a with grave accent ('à')")
+    ..rename(0x00E1, "aacute", "Latin small letter a with acute accent ('á')")
+    ..rename(0x00E2, "acirc", "Latin small letter a with circumflex ('â')")
+    ..rename(0x00E3, "atilde", "Latin small letter a with tilde ('ã')")
+    ..rename(0x00E4, "auml", "Latin small letter a with diaeresis ('ä')")
+    ..rename(0x00E5, "aring", "Latin small letter a with ring above ('å')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x00E6, "aelig", "Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) ('æ')")
+    ..rename(0x00E7, "ccedil", "Latin small letter c with cedilla ('ç')")
+    ..rename(0x00E8, "egrave", "Latin small letter e with grave accent ('è')")
+    ..rename(0x00E9, "eacute", "Latin small letter e with acute accent ('é')")
+    ..rename(0x00EA, "ecirc", "Latin small letter e with circumflex ('ê')")
+    ..rename(0x00EB, "euml", "Latin small letter e with diaeresis ('ë')")
+    ..rename(0x00EC, "igrave", "Latin small letter i with grave accent ('ì')")
+    ..rename(0x00ED, "iacute", "Latin small letter i with acute accent ('í')")
+    ..rename(0x00EE, "icirc", "Latin small letter i with circumflex ('î')")
+    ..rename(0x00EF, "iuml", "Latin small letter i with diaeresis ('ï')")
+    ..rename(0x00F0, "eth", "Latin small letter eth ('ð')")
+    ..rename(0x00F1, "ntilde", "Latin small letter n with tilde ('ñ')")
+    ..rename(0x00F2, "ograve", "Latin small letter o with grave accent ('ò')")
+    ..rename(0x00F3, "oacute", "Latin small letter o with acute accent ('ó')")
+    ..rename(0x00F4, "ocirc", "Latin small letter o with circumflex ('ô')")
+    ..rename(0x00F5, "otilde", "Latin small letter o with tilde ('õ')")
+    ..rename(0x00F6, "ouml", "Latin small letter o with diaeresis ('ö')")
+    ..rename(0x00F7, "divide", "division sign (obelus) ('÷')")
+    ..rename(0x00F8, "oslash",
+        "Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash) ('ø')")
+    ..rename(0x00F9, "ugrave", "Latin small letter u with grave accent ('ù')")
+    ..rename(0x00FA, "uacute", "Latin small letter u with acute accent ('ú')")
+    ..rename(0x00FB, "ucirc", "Latin small letter u with circumflex ('û')")
+    ..rename(0x00FC, "uuml", "Latin small letter u with diaeresis ('ü')")
+    ..rename(0x00FD, "yacute", "Latin small letter y with acute accent ('ý')")
+    ..rename(0x00FE, "thorn", "Latin small letter thorn ('þ')")
+    ..rename(0x00FF, "yuml", "Latin small letter y with diaeresis ('ÿ')")
+    ..rename(0x0152, "OElig", "Latin capital ligature oe ('Œ')")
+    ..rename(0x0153, "oelig", "Latin small ligature oe ('œ')")
+    ..rename(0x0160, "Scaron", "Latin capital letter s with caron ('Š')")
+    ..rename(0x0161, "scaron", "Latin small letter s with caron ('š')")
+    ..rename(0x0178, "Yuml", "Latin capital letter y with diaeresis ('Ÿ')")
+    ..rename(0x0192, "fnof",
+        "Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin) ('ƒ')")
+    ..rename(0x02C6, "circ", "modifier letter circumflex accent ('ˆ')")
+    ..rename(0x02DC, "tilde", "small tilde ('˜')")
+    ..rename(0x0391, "Alpha", "Greek capital letter Alpha ('Α')")
+    ..rename(0x0392, "Beta", "Greek capital letter Beta ('Β')")
+    ..rename(0x0393, "Gamma", "Greek capital letter Gamma ('Γ')")
+    ..rename(0x0394, "Delta", "Greek capital letter Delta ('Δ')")
+    ..rename(0x0395, "Epsilon", "Greek capital letter Epsilon ('Ε')")
+    ..rename(0x0396, "Zeta", "Greek capital letter Zeta ('Ζ')")
+    ..rename(0x0397, "Eta", "Greek capital letter Eta ('Η')")
+    ..rename(0x0398, "Theta", "Greek capital letter Theta ('Θ')")
+    ..rename(0x0399, "Iota", "Greek capital letter Iota ('Ι')")
+    ..rename(0x039A, "Kappa", "Greek capital letter Kappa ('Κ')")
+    ..rename(0x039B, "Lambda", "Greek capital letter Lambda ('Λ')")
+    ..rename(0x039C, "Mu", "Greek capital letter Mu ('Μ')")
+    ..rename(0x039D, "Nu", "Greek capital letter Nu ('Ν')")
+    ..rename(0x039E, "Xi", "Greek capital letter Xi ('Ξ')")
+    ..rename(0x039F, "Omicron", "Greek capital letter Omicron ('Ο')")
+    ..rename(0x03A0, "Pi", "Greek capital letter Pi ('Π')")
+    ..rename(0x03A1, "Rho", "Greek capital letter Rho ('Ρ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A3, "Sigma", "Greek capital letter Sigma ('Σ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A4, "Tau", "Greek capital letter Tau ('Τ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A5, "Upsilon", "Greek capital letter Upsilon ('Υ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A6, "Phi", "Greek capital letter Phi ('Φ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A7, "Chi", "Greek capital letter Chi ('Χ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A8, "Psi", "Greek capital letter Psi ('Ψ')")
+    ..rename(0x03A9, "Omega", "Greek capital letter Omega ('Ω')")
+    ..rename(0x03B1, "alpha", "Greek small letter alpha ('α')")
+    ..rename(0x03B2, "beta", "Greek small letter beta ('β')")
+    ..rename(0x03B3, "gamma", "Greek small letter gamma ('γ')")
+    ..rename(0x03B4, "delta", "Greek small letter delta ('δ')")
+    ..rename(0x03B5, "epsilon", "Greek small letter epsilon ('ε')")
+    ..rename(0x03B6, "zeta", "Greek small letter zeta ('ζ')")
+    ..rename(0x03B7, "eta", "Greek small letter eta ('η')")
+    ..rename(0x03B8, "theta", "Greek small letter theta ('θ')")
+    ..rename(0x03B9, "iota", "Greek small letter iota ('ι')")
+    ..rename(0x03BA, "kappa", "Greek small letter kappa ('κ')")
+    ..rename(0x03BB, "lambda", "Greek small letter lambda ('λ')")
+    ..rename(0x03BC, "mu", "Greek small letter mu ('μ')")
+    ..rename(0x03BD, "nu", "Greek small letter nu ('ν')")
+    ..rename(0x03BE, "xi", "Greek small letter xi ('ξ')")
+    ..rename(0x03BF, "omicron", "Greek small letter omicron ('ο')")
+    ..rename(0x03C0, "pi", "Greek small letter pi ('π')")
+    ..rename(0x03C1, "rho", "Greek small letter rho ('ρ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C2, "sigmaf", "Greek small letter final sigma ('ς')")
+    ..rename(0x03C3, "sigma", "Greek small letter sigma ('σ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C4, "tau", "Greek small letter tau ('τ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C5, "upsilon", "Greek small letter upsilon ('υ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C6, "phi", "Greek small letter phi ('φ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C7, "chi", "Greek small letter chi ('χ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C8, "psi", "Greek small letter psi ('ψ')")
+    ..rename(0x03C9, "omega", "Greek small letter omega ('ω')")
+    ..rename(0x03D1, "thetasym", "Greek theta symbol ('ϑ')")
+    ..rename(0x03D2, "upsih", "Greek Upsilon with hook symbol ('ϒ')")
+    ..rename(0x03D6, "piv", "Greek pi symbol ('ϖ')")
+    ..rename(0x2002, "ensp", "en space")
+    ..rename(0x2003, "emsp", "em space")
+    ..rename(0x2009, "thinsp", "thin space")
+    ..rename(0x200C, "zwnj", "zero-width non-joiner")
+    ..rename(0x200D, "zwj", "zero-width joiner")
+    ..rename(0x200E, "lrm", "left-to-right mark")
+    ..rename(0x200F, "rlm", "right-to-left mark")
+    ..rename(0x2013, "ndash", "en dash ('–')")
+    ..rename(0x2014, "mdash", "em dash ('—')")
+    ..rename(0x2018, "lsquo", "left single quotation mark ('‘')")
+    ..rename(0x2019, "rsquo", "right single quotation mark ('’')")
+    ..rename(0x201A, "sbquo", "single low-9 quotation mark ('‚')")
+    ..rename(0x201C, "ldquo", "left double quotation mark ('“')")
+    ..rename(0x201D, "rdquo", "right double quotation mark ('”')")
+    ..rename(0x201E, "bdquo", "double low-9 quotation mark ('„')")
+    ..rename(0x2020, "dagger", "dagger, obelisk ('†')")
+    ..rename(0x2021, "Dagger", "double dagger, double obelisk ('‡')")
+    ..rename(0x2022, "bull", "bullet (black small circle) ('•')")
+    ..rename(0x2026, "hellip", "horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) ('…')")
+    ..rename(0x2030, "permil", "per mille sign ('‰')")
+    ..rename(0x2032, "prime", "prime (minutes, feet) ('′')")
+    ..rename(0x2033, "Prime", "double prime (seconds, inches) ('″')")
+    ..rename(
+        0x2039, "lsaquo", "single left-pointing angle quotation mark ('‹')")
+    ..rename(0x203A, "rsaquo", "single right-pointing angle quotation mark ('›')")
+    ..rename(0x203E, "oline", "overline (spacing overscore) ('‾')")
+    ..rename(0x2044, "frasl", "fraction slash (solidus) ('⁄')")
+    ..rename(0x20AC, "euro", "euro sign ('€')")
+    ..rename(0x2111, "image", "black-letter capital I (imaginary part) ('ℑ')")
+    ..rename(0x2118, "weierp", "script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p) ('℘')")
+    ..rename(0x211C, "real", "black-letter capital R (real part symbol) ('ℜ')")
+    ..rename(0x2122, "trade", "trademark symbol ('™')")
+    ..rename(0x2135, "alefsym", "alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal) ('ℵ')")
+    ..rename(0x2190, "larr", "leftwards arrow ('←')")
+    ..rename(0x2191, "uarr", "upwards arrow ('↑')")
+    ..rename(0x2192, "rarr", "rightwards arrow ('→')")
+    ..rename(0x2193, "darr", "downwards arrow ('↓')")
+    ..rename(0x2194, "harr", "left right arrow ('↔')")
+    ..rename(0x21B5, "crarr", "downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return) ('↵')")
+    ..rename(0x21D0, "lArr", "leftwards double arrow ('⇐')")
+    ..rename(0x21D1, "uArr", "upwards double arrow ('⇑')")
+    ..rename(0x21D2, "rArr", "rightwards double arrow ('⇒')")
+    ..rename(0x21D3, "dArr", "downwards double arrow ('⇓')")
+    ..rename(0x21D4, "hArr", "left right double arrow ('⇔')")
+    ..rename(0x2200, "forall", "for all ('∀')")
+    ..rename(0x2202, "part", "partial differential ('∂')")
+    ..rename(0x2203, "exist", "there exists ('∃')")
+    ..rename(0x2205, "empty", "empty set (null set); see also U+8960, ⌀ ('∅')")
+    ..rename(0x2207, "nabla", "del or nabla (vector differential operator) ('∇')")
+    ..rename(0x2208, "isin", "element of ('∈')")
+    ..rename(0x2209, "notin", "not an element of ('∉')")
+    ..rename(0x220B, "ni", "contains as member ('∋')")
+    ..rename(0x220F, "prod", "n-ary product (product sign) ('∏')")
+    ..rename(0x2211, "sum", "n-ary summation ('∑')")
+    ..rename(0x2212, "minus", "minus sign ('−')")
+    ..rename(0x2217, "lowast", "asterisk operator ('∗')")
+    ..rename(0x221A, "radic", "square root (radical sign) ('√')")
+    ..rename(0x221D, "prop", "proportional to ('∝')")
+    ..rename(0x221E, "infin", "infinity ('∞')")
+    ..rename(0x2220, "ang", "angle ('∠')")
+    ..rename(0x2227, "and", "logical and (wedge) ('∧')")
+    ..rename(0x2228, "or", "logical or (vee) ('∨')")
+    ..rename(0x2229, "cap", "intersection (cap) ('∩')")
+    ..rename(0x222A, "cup", "union (cup) ('∪')")
+    ..rename(0x222B, "int", "integral ('∫')")
+    ..rename(0x2234, "there4", "therefore sign ('∴')")
+    ..rename(0x223C, "sim", "tilde operator (varies with, similar to) ('∼')")
+    ..rename(0x2245, "cong", "congruent to ('≅')")
+    ..rename(0x2248, "asymp", "almost equal to (asymptotic to) ('≈')")
+    ..rename(0x2260, "ne", "not equal to ('≠')")
+    ..rename(0x2261, "equiv", "identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' ('≡')")
+    ..rename(0x2264, "le", "less-than or equal to ('≤')")
+    ..rename(0x2265, "ge", "greater-than or equal to ('≥')")
+    ..rename(0x2282, "sub", "subset of ('⊂')")
+    ..rename(0x2283, "sup", "superset of ('⊃')")
+    ..rename(0x2284, "nsub", "not a subset of ('⊄')")
+    ..rename(0x2286, "sube", "subset of or equal to ('⊆')")
+    ..rename(0x2287, "supe", "superset of or equal to ('⊇')")
+    ..rename(0x2295, "oplus", "circled plus (direct sum) ('⊕')")
+    ..rename(0x2297, "otimes", "circled times (vector product) ('⊗')")
+    ..rename(0x22A5, "perp", "up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular) ('⊥')")
+    ..rename(0x22C5, "sdot", "dot operator ('⋅')")
+    ..rename(0x22EE, "vellip", "vertical ellipsis ('⋮')")
+    ..rename(0x2308, "lceil", "left ceiling (APL upstile) ('⌈')")
+    ..rename(0x2309, "rceil", "right ceiling ('⌉')")
+    ..rename(0x230A, "lfloor", "left floor (APL downstile) ('⌊')")
+    ..rename(0x230B, "rfloor", "right floor ('⌋')")
+    ..rename(0x2329, "lang", "left-pointing angle bracket (bra) ('⟨')")
+    ..rename(0x232A, "rang", "right-pointing angle bracket (ket) ('⟩')")
+    ..rename(0x25CA, "loz", "lozenge ('◊')")
+    ..rename(0x2660, "spades", "black spade suit ('♠')")
+    ..rename(0x2663, "clubs", "black club suit (shamrock) ('♣')")
+    ..rename(0x2665, "hearts", "black heart suit (valentine) ('♥')")
+    ..rename(0x2666, "diams", "black diamond suit ('♦')");
+const String usageString = r"""
+  charcode [-h] [-oFILE] (<character-range> | <rename> | -pPREFIX | -fFILE)*
+  A <character-range> is either
+   - A literal character,
+   - An escaped character `\n`, `\r`, `\t`, `\xhh`, `\uhhhh` or `\dd*`,
+       where `h` is a hexadecimal digit and `d` is a decimal digit.
+   - Two characters separated by `-`,
+   - The `\d`, `\w` or `\s` escapes, or
+   - A sequence of character ranges.
+  Examples: `a`, `a-z`, `\da-fA-F`, `\x00-\uFFFF`.
+  A <rename> declaration is a single or escaped character, a `=` and an
+  identifier name, optionally followed by a `:` and a description
+  Example:  x=cross:\"a cross product.\"
+  The declaration names or renames the character and adds or changes
+  the associated description, but will not add the character to the output.
+  Following occurrences of the character will use the new name.
+  Example: `charcode y y=why x-z` will generate `$y` for the character
+    code of "y", then `$x`, `$why` and `$z` as well.
diff --git a/bin/src/uflags.dart b/bin/src/uflags.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b261cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/src/uflags.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import "dart:typed_data";
+import "package:charcode/ascii.dart";
+/// Parses argument lists based on a [Flags] configuration.
+/// Arguments are either literals or flags.
+/// Flags start with `-` or `--`
+/// Flags starting with `-` are single-character flags, like `-x`.
+/// Single character flag names must be ASCII.
+/// Flags starting with `--` are named, like `--expand`.
+/// They extend to the end of the argument, or until a `=`.
+/// Flags can have parameters.
+/// Single-character flags can have an parameter:
+/// * immediately after the charcter, `-ofilename`,
+/// * with a `=` between them, `-o=filename`,
+/// * or as the next argument, `-o filename`.
+/// Named flags cannot be directly concatenated with the parameter,
+/// but must be one of `--output=filename` or `--output filename`.
+/// Named flags conflate non-ASCII alphanumeric characters, like `-` and `_`
+/// (but not `=` which delimites a parameter value).
+/// Any non-letter, non-digit character sequence is matched by any other,
+/// so `--foo-bar`, `--foo_bar` and `--foo.<!>.bar` are all the same.
+/// Flags can have *optional* parameters. A flag with an optional parameter
+/// cannot have its value in the next argument, it *must* use `=` or have
+/// the value immediately after a single character flag.
+/// It has a default value to use if the parameter is omitted.
+/// An unrecognized or malformed flag is reported using the [warn]
+/// function.
+Iterable<CmdLineArg<T>> parseFlags<T>(
+    Flags<T> flags, Iterable<String> arguments,
+    [void warn(String warning)?]) sync* {
+  warn ??= _printWarning;
+  var args = arguments.iterator;
+  while (args.moveNext()) {
+    var arg = args.current;
+    if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
+      if (arg.startsWith("-", 1)) {
+        // Named flags.
+        if (arg.length == 2) {
+          // Found `--`. Stop parsing flags.
+          break;
+        }
+        var equals = arg.indexOf("=", 2);
+        if (equals >= 0) {
+          var name = arg.substring(2, equals);
+          var value = arg.substring(equals + 1);
+          var flag = flags.byName(name);
+          if (flag != null) {
+            if (!flag.hasParameter) {
+              warn("Flag $name should not have a parameter: $arg");
+              continue;
+            }
+            yield CmdLineArg<T>(flag.key, value);
+            continue;
+          }
+          warn("Unknown flag: $arg");
+          continue;
+        }
+        var name = arg.substring(2);
+        var flag = flags.byName(name);
+        if (flag != null) {
+          var value = flag.value;
+          if (flag.hasParameter &&
+              !flag.hasOptionalParameter &&
+              args.moveNext()) {
+            value = args.current;
+          }
+          yield CmdLineArg<T>(flag.key, value);
+          continue;
+        }
+        warn("Unknown flag: $arg");
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Character flag(s).
+      for (var i = 1; i < arg.length; i++) {
+        var char = arg.codeUnitAt(i);
+        var flag = flags.byChar(char);
+        if (flag == null) {
+          warn("Unknown flag: ${arg.substring(i, i + 1)}");
+          continue;
+        }
+        var value = flag.value;
+        if (arg.startsWith("=", i + 1)) {
+          value = arg.substring(i + 2);
+          if (!flag.hasParameter) {
+            warn(
+                "Flag ${arg.substring(i, i + 1)} should not have a parameter: ${arg.substring(i)}");
+            break;
+          }
+          yield CmdLineArg<T>(flag.key, value);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (flag.hasParameter) {
+          if (i + 1 < arg.length) {
+            value = arg.substring(i + 1);
+          } else if (!flag.hasOptionalParameter && args.moveNext()) {
+            value = args.current;
+          }
+          yield CmdLineArg<T>(flag.key, value);
+          break;
+        }
+        yield CmdLineArg<T>(flag.key, value);
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    yield CmdLineArg<Never>(null, arg);
+  }
+  // Handle entries after `--`.
+  while (args.moveNext()) {
+    yield CmdLineArg<Never>(null, args.current);
+  }
+/// A part of the arguments list recognized as a flag or not.
+/// If [key] is `null`, the [value] is a plain argument list entry.
+/// Otherwise they key corresponds to the flag that was recognized,
+/// and [value] is its parameter or default value, if any.
+class CmdLineArg<T> {
+  final T? key;
+  final String? value;
+  CmdLineArg(this.key, this.value);
+  bool get isFlag => key != null;
+/// A flag configuration.
+/// Collects one or more [FlagConfig] objects and allows quick look-up
+/// on character or name.
+class Flags<T> {
+  final List<FlagConfig<T>?> _charFlags =
+      List<FlagConfig<T>?>.filled(128, null, growable: false);
+  final Map<String, FlagConfig<T>> _namedFlags = {};
+  void add(FlagConfig<T> flag) {
+    var char = flag.flagChar;
+    if (char != null) {
+      _charFlags[char] = flag;
+    }
+    var name = flag.flagName;
+    if (name != null) {
+      _namedFlags[name] = flag;
+    }
+  }
+  void addBoolFlag(T key, String flagChar, String flagName,
+      [String? description]) {
+    add(FlagConfig.optionalParameter(key, flagChar, flagName, "true",
+        description: description, valueDescription: "true"));
+    add(FlagConfig.optionalParameter(key, null, "no-" + flagName, "false"));
+  }
+  FlagConfig<T>? byName(String name) => _namedFlags[name];
+  FlagConfig<T>? byChar(int char) =>
+      0 <= char && char <= 217 ? _charFlags[char] : null;
+  void writeUsage(StringSink buffer) {
+    const descriptionStart = 28;
+    var allFlags = [
+      ...{
+        for (var flag in _namedFlags.values)
+          if (!flag.flagName!.startsWith("no-") || flag.value != "false") flag,
+        for (var flag in _charFlags)
+          if (flag != null && flag.flagName == null) flag
+      }
+    ]..sort(_flagOrder);
+    for (var flag in allFlags) {
+      var name = flag.flagName;
+      var char = flag.flagChar;
+      var parameter = flag.valueDescription ?? "VALUE";
+      var description = flag.description;
+      var lineLength = 0;
+      if (char != null) {
+        buffer
+          ..write("  -")
+          ..writeCharCode(char);
+        lineLength = 4;
+        if (name != null) {
+          buffer..write(", --")..write(name);
+          lineLength = name.length + 8;
+        }
+      } else if (name != null) {
+        buffer..write("      --")..write(name);
+        lineLength = name.length + 8;
+      } else {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (flag.hasParameter) {
+        var end = "";
+        if (flag.hasOptionalParameter) {
+          buffer.write("[=");
+          lineLength += 2;
+          end = "]";
+        } else {
+          buffer.write("=");
+          lineLength += 1;
+        }
+        buffer.write(parameter);
+        lineLength += parameter.length;
+        buffer.write(end);
+        lineLength += end.length;
+      }
+      if (description != null) {
+        if (lineLength < descriptionStart) {
+          do {
+            buffer.write(" ");
+            lineLength += 1;
+          } while (lineLength < descriptionStart);
+        } else {
+          buffer.write(" ");
+          lineLength += 1;
+        }
+        var indent = "                              "; // 30 spaces.
+        _writeSplitDescription(buffer, description, lineLength, 80, indent);
+      } else {
+        buffer.writeln();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void _writeSplitDescription(StringSink output, String description, int indent,
+      int maxLength, String newLineIndent) {
+    var index = 0;
+    var end = index + (maxLength - indent);
+    end:
+    while (end < description.length) {
+      line:
+      while (description.codeUnitAt(end) != $space) {
+        end--;
+        if (end == index) {
+          end = index + (maxLength - indent) + 1;
+          while (end < description.length) {
+            if (description.codeUnitAt(end) == $space) {
+              break line;
+            }
+            end++;
+          }
+          break end;
+        }
+      }
+      output.writeln(description.substring(index, end));
+      index = end + 1;
+      output.write(newLineIndent);
+      indent = newLineIndent.length;
+      end = index + (maxLength - indent);
+    }
+    if (index < description.length) {
+      output.writeln(description.substring(index));
+    }
+  }
+  static int _flagOrder(FlagConfig a, FlagConfig b) {
+    var aName = a.flagName;
+    var bName = b.flagName;
+    if (aName != null) {
+      if (bName != null) return aName.compareTo(bName);
+      return aName.codeUnitAt(0) < b.flagChar! ? -1 : 1;
+    }
+    if (bName != null) {
+      return a.flagChar! < bName.codeUnitAt(0) ? -1 : 1;
+    }
+    return a.flagChar! - b.flagChar!;
+  }
+/// Configuration of a single flag.
+class FlagConfig<T> {
+  /// The user designated key linked to this flag.
+  final T key;
+  /// ASCII character code for the single-character flag.
+  ///
+  /// Must be a digit or letter. Does distinguish case.
+  final int? flagChar;
+  /// Flag name.
+  ///
+  /// Canonicalized to lower-case letters, digits and single `-` characters.
+  final String? flagName;
+  /// Whether the flag expects a parameter.
+  ///
+  /// A flag expecting a parameter which is not optional ([hasOptionalParameter])
+  /// will require a value in the argument list to be well-formed.
+  final bool hasParameter;
+  /// Whether the parameter is optional.
+  ///
+  /// An optional parameter can be omitted.
+  final bool hasOptionalParameter;
+  /// A name for the parameter, if there is a parameter.
+  ///
+  /// Traditionally an all-upper-case name.
+  final String? valueDescription;
+  /// The value associated with the flag.
+  ///
+  /// A flag without parameters can have a value configured, which allows the same
+  /// [key] to be used for different flags.
+  ///
+  /// A flag with an optional parameter will have a default value, which may be
+  /// null.
+  final String? value;
+  /// Description for documentation purposes.
+  final String? description;
+  FlagConfig._(
+      this.key,
+      String? flagChar,
+      String? flagName,
+      this.hasParameter,
+      this.hasOptionalParameter,
+      this.value,
+      this.description,
+      this.valueDescription)
+      : flagChar = _checkFlagChar(flagChar),
+        flagName = canonicalizeName(flagName);
+  FlagConfig(T key, String? flagChar, String? flagName,
+      {String? value, String? description, String valueDescription = "VALUE"})
+      : this._(key, flagChar, flagName, false, false, value, description,
+            valueDescription);
+  FlagConfig.requiredParameter(T key, String? flagChar, String? flagName,
+      {String? description, String valueDescription = "VALUE"})
+      : this._(key, flagChar, flagName, true, false, null, description,
+            valueDescription);
+  FlagConfig.optionalParameter(
+      T key, String? flagChar, String? flagName, String defaultValue,
+      {String? description, String valueDescription = "VALUE"})
+      : this._(key, flagChar, flagName, true, true, defaultValue, description,
+            valueDescription);
+  static int? _checkFlagChar(String? flagChar) {
+    if (flagChar == null) return null;
+    if (flagChar.length == 1) {
+      var char = flagChar.codeUnitAt(0);
+      if (char ^ 0x30 <= 9) return char;
+      var lc = char | 0x20;
+      if (lc >= 0x61 && lc <= 0x7b) return char;
+    }
+    throw ArgumentError.value(flagChar, "flagChar",
+        "Must be a single ASCII digit or letter character");
+  }
+String? canonicalizeName(String? name) {
+  if (name == null) return name;
+  const $dash = 0x2d;
+  var wasDash = false;
+  var i = 0;
+  while (i < name.length) {
+    var char = name.codeUnitAt(i++);
+    if (char ^ 0x30 <= 9 || char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x7b) {
+      wasDash = false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (char == $dash && !wasDash) {
+      wasDash = true;
+      continue;
+    }
+    var bytes = Uint8List(name.length);
+    var j = 0;
+    for (; j < i - 1; j++) {
+      bytes[j] = name.codeUnitAt(j);
+    }
+    // Convert all letters to lower-case, all non letter/digits to a single `-`.
+    outer:
+    do {
+      if (char >= 0x41 && char <= 0x5b) {
+        bytes[j++] = char | 0x20;
+        i++;
+        wasDash = false;
+      } else {
+        if (!wasDash) {
+          bytes[j++] = $dash;
+          i++;
+          wasDash = true;
+        }
+      }
+      while (i < name.length) {
+        char = name.codeUnitAt(i++);
+        if (char ^ 0x30 <= 9 || char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x7b) {
+          bytes[j++] = char;
+          wasDash = false;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (char == $dash && !wasDash) {
+          bytes[j++] = char;
+          wasDash = true;
+          continue;
+        }
+        continue outer;
+      }
+      break;
+    } while (true);
+    return String.fromCharCodes(bytes);
+  }
+  return name;
+void _printWarning(String message) {
+  print(message);
diff --git a/example/example.dart b/example/example.dart
index de6432f..13818d4 100644
--- a/example/example.dart
+++ b/example/example.dart
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart';
+import "package:charcode/charcode.dart";
 void main() {
@@ -16,3 +16,18 @@
+/// Check whether `(` and `)` are balanced in [input].
+bool checkBalancedParentheses(String input) {
+  var openParenCount = 0;
+  for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
+    var char = input.codeUnitAt(i);
+    if (char == $lparen) {
+      openParenCount++;
+    } else if (char == $rparen) {
+      openParenCount--;
+      if (openParenCount < 0) return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return openParenCount == 0;
diff --git a/lib/ascii.dart b/lib/ascii.dart
index 085a484..319ab73 100644
--- a/lib/ascii.dart
+++ b/lib/ascii.dart
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
 /// Declare integer constants for each ASCII character.
 /// The constants all start with "$" to avoid conflicting with other constants.
diff --git a/lib/charcode.dart b/lib/charcode.dart
index e7d57b7..6a702d7 100644
--- a/lib/charcode.dart
+++ b/lib/charcode.dart
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@
 /// `ascii.dart`.
 library charcode;
-export 'ascii.dart';
-export 'html_entity.dart' hide $minus, $tilde, $sub;
+export "ascii.dart";
+export "html_entity.dart" hide $minus, $tilde, $sub;
diff --git a/lib/html_entity.dart b/lib/html_entity.dart
index d5c6f2b..fa7c493 100644
--- a/lib/html_entity.dart
+++ b/lib/html_entity.dart
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 /// libraries.
 library charcode.htmlentity.dollar_lowercase;
-export 'ascii.dart' show $quot, $amp, $apos, $lt, $gt;
+export "ascii.dart" show $quot, $amp, $apos, $lt, $gt;
 /// no-break space (non-breaking space)
 const int $nbsp = 0x00A0;
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 396897e..8ccc61f 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
 name: charcode
 version: 1.2.0-nullsafety.1
-description: >-
-  Constants for ASCII and common non-ASCII character codes represented by
-  top-level constants.
+description: >
+  Constants for ASCII and common non-ASCII character codes.
   # This must remain a tight constraint until nnbd is stable
   sdk: '>=2.10.0-0 <2.11.0'
-  pedantic: ^1.0.0
+  test: ^1.15.0
+  pedantic: '>=1.9.0 <2.0.0'
     git: git://
     git: git://
-  charcode:
-    git: git://
     git: git://
diff --git a/test/charcode_test.dart b/test/charcode_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cb557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/charcode_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:io';
+import "package:test/test.dart";
+import "../bin/charcode.dart" as bin;
+void main() {
+  testOutput([], (output) {
+    expect(output, isEmpty);
+  });
+  testOutput(["a"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 1);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 3);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $c = 0x63"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["b=bee:Explanation!", "a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 3);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+    expect(output, isNot(contains(r"int $b = 0x62")));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $bee = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int Explanation!"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $c = 0x63"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["b", "b=bee:Explanation!", "b"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 2);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $bee = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int Explanation!"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 3);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $c = 0x63"));
+  });
+  // Escapes
+  testOutput([r"\x61-\99\u000065"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 4);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $c = 0x63"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $e = 0x65"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\0=nil", r"\0"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $nil = 0x00;"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\d"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 10);
+    checkRange(output, "0", "9");
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\w"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r" $"), 64);
+    checkRange(output, "0", "9");
+    checkRange(output, "a", "z");
+    checkRange(output, "A", "Z");
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $$ = 0x24"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $_ = 0x5f"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\s"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 4);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $tab = 0x09;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $lf = 0x0a;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $cr = 0x0d;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $space = 0x20;"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\t"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 1);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $tab = 0x09;"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\n"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 1);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $lf = 0x0a;"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\r"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 1);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $cr = 0x0d;"));
+  });
+  // Accept one digit for for \x.
+  testOutput([r"\x0z"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 2);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $nul = 0x00;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $z = 0x7a;"));
+  });
+  // At most two digits for \x.
+  testOutput([r"\x41F"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 2);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $A = 0x41;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $F = 0x46;"));
+  });
+  // At most six digits for \u.
+  testOutput([r"\u10FFFF=last", r"\u10FFFFF"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 2);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $last = 0x10ffff;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $F = 0x46;"));
+  });
+  testOutput([r"\d-a"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 12);
+    checkRange(output, "0", "9");
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $minus = 0x2d;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61;"));
+  });
+  // Setting the prefix.
+  testOutput(["-p_", "a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _c = 0x63;"));
+  });
+  // Optional prefix cannot be split into next argument.
+  testOutput(["-p", "_", "a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int c = 0x63;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _ = 0x5f;"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["--prefix=_", "a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _c = 0x63;"));
+  });
+  // Optional prefix cannot be split into next argument.
+  testOutput(["--prefix", "_", "a-c"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int c = 0x63;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _ = 0x5f;"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["b", "-p_", "b", "-px", "b"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int xb = 0x62;"));
+  });
+  // Empty prefix uses previous non-empty prefix for
+  // invalid identifiers
+  testOutput(["-p", "a-c0"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $0 = 0x30;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int c = 0x63;"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["-p_", "-p", "a-c0"], (output) {
+    expect(output, contains(r"int _0 = 0x30;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int a = 0x61;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int b = 0x62;"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int c = 0x63;"));
+  });
+  testOutput(["--help"], (output) {
+    expect(output, startsWith("Usage:"));
+  });
+  void testReadFile(List<String> commands, void Function(String) check) {
+    group("File-test", () {
+      var tmpDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync("test");
+      var file = File("${tmpDir.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}file.txt");
+      setUp(() {
+        file.writeAsStringSync(commands.join("\n"));
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
+      });
+      testOutput(["-f${file.path}"], check);
+    });
+  }
+  // Commands can be read from file,
+  // both character ranges and declarations.
+  testReadFile(["a", "b"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 2);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $a = 0x61"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+  });
+  testReadFile(["b=bee", "b"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 1);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $bee = 0x62"));
+  });
+  // Flags are not recognized when reading from file.
+  testReadFile(["-p_", "b"], (output) {
+    expect(count(output, r"$"), 4);
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $b = 0x62"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $p = 0x70"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $minus = 0x2d"));
+    expect(output, contains(r"int $_ = 0x5f"));
+  });
+void testOutput(List<String> commands, void Function(String) outputTest) {
+  test("charcode ${commands.join(" ")}", () {
+    var buffer = StringBuffer();
+    bin.main(commands, buffer);
+    outputTest(buffer.toString());
+  });
+int count(String output, String part) {
+  var count = 0;
+  var pos = 0;
+  while ((pos = output.indexOf(part, pos)) >= 0) {
+    count++;
+    pos += part.length;
+  }
+  return count;
+void checkRange(String output, String start, String end, [String p = r"$"]) {
+  var from = start.codeUnitAt(0);
+  var to = end.codeUnitAt(0);
+  for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
+    expect(output,
+        contains("$p${String.fromCharCode(i)} = 0x${i.toRadixString(16)};"));
+  }