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// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "characters_impl.dart";
/// The characters of a string.
/// A character is a Unicode Grapheme cluster represented
/// by a substring of the original string.
/// The `Characters` class is an [Iterable] of those strings.
/// However, unlike most iterables, many of the operations are
/// *eager*. Since the underlying string is known in its entirety,
/// and is known not to change, operations which select a subset of
/// the elements can be computed eagerly, and in that case the
/// operation returns a new `Characters` object.
/// The [iterator] provided by [Characters] is a [CharacterRange]
/// which allows iterating the independent characters in both directions,
/// but which also provides ways to select other ranges of characters
/// in different ways.
abstract class Characters implements Iterable<String> {
/// An empty [Characters] containing no characters.
static const Characters empty = StringCharacters("");
/// Creates a [Characters] allowing iteration of
/// the characters of [string].
/// Returns [empty] if [string] is empty.
factory Characters(String string) =>
string.isEmpty ? empty : StringCharacters(string);
/// The string to iterate over.
String get string;
/// Iterator over the characters of this string.
/// Returns [CharacterRange] positioned before the first character
/// of this [Characters].
/// Allows iterating the characters of [string] as a plain iterator,
/// using [CharacterRange.moveNext],
/// as well as controlling the iteration in more detail.
CharacterRange get iterator;
/// Iterator over the characters of this string.
/// Returns [CharacterRange] positioned after the last character
/// of this [Characters].
/// Allows iterating the characters of [string] backwards using
/// [CharacterRange.moveBack],
/// as well as controlling the iteration in more detail.
CharacterRange get iteratorAtEnd;
/// Whether [singleCharacterString] occurs in this
/// sequence of characters.
/// Returns true only if [singleCharacterString] is
/// a string containing a *single* character
/// and that character is one of the characters
/// in this character sequence, and false otherwise.
/// This behavior is inherited from `Iterable<String>`,
/// which is why it is not [Characters]-based.
/// Use [containsAll] for a method which acts like
/// [String.contains] for characters.
bool contains(covariant String singleCharacterString);
/// Whether this sequence of characters contains [other]
/// as a subsequence.
bool containsAll(Characters other);
/// Whether this string starts with the characters of [other].
/// Returns `true` if [other] the characters of [other]
/// are also the first characters of this string,
/// and `false` otherwise.
bool startsWith(Characters other);
/// Whether this string ends with the characters of [other].
/// Returns `true` if [other] the characters of [other]
/// are also the last characters of this string,
/// and `false` otherwise.
bool endsWith(Characters other);
/// Finds the first occurrence of [characters] in this string.
/// Returns a [CharacterRange] containing the first occurrence of
/// [characters] in this string.
/// Returns `null` if there is no such occurrence.
CharacterRange? findFirst(Characters characters);
/// Finds the last occurrence of [characters].
/// Returns a [CharacterRange] containing the last occurrence of
/// [characters].
/// Returns `null` if there is no such occurrence,
CharacterRange? findLast(Characters characters);
/// Eagerly selects a subset of the characters.
/// Tests each character against [test], and returns the
/// characters of the concatenation of those character strings.
Characters where(bool Function(String) test);
/// Eagerly selects all but the first [count] characters.
/// If [count] is greater than [length], the count of character
/// available, then the empty sequence of characters
/// is returned.
Characters skip(int count);
/// Eagerly selects the first [count] characters.
/// If [count] is greater than [length], the count of character
/// available, then the entire sequence of characters
/// is returned.
Characters take(int count);
/// Eagerly selects the range of characters from [start] to [end].
/// The [start] value must be non-negative,
/// and [end], if supplied, must be greater than or equal to [start].
/// A `characters.getRange(start, end)` is equivalent to
/// ```dart
/// (end != null ? characters.take(end) : characters).skip(start)
/// ```
/// if [end] is omitted, the call is equivalent to `characters.skip(start)`.
/// If [start] is greater than or equal to [length]
/// the returned characters is empty.
/// Otherwise, if [end] is greater than [length], or omitted,
/// [end] is equivalent to [length].
Characters getRange(int start, [int? end]);
/// Returns the single-character sequence of the [position]th character.
/// The [position] must be non-negative and less than [length].
/// This operation must iterate characters up to [position] to find
/// the result, just like [elementAt].
/// It is not an efficient way to iterate over the individual characters
/// of a `Characters`.
/// An call to `chars.characterAt(n)`
/// is equivalent to `chars.elementAt(n).characters`,
/// or to `chars.getRange(n, n + 1)`
/// (except that [getRange] allows `n` to be larger than [length]).
Characters characterAt(int position);
/// Eagerly selects all but the last [count] characters.
/// If [count] is greater than [length], the count of character
/// available, then the empty sequence of characters
/// is returned.
Characters skipLast(int count);
/// Eagerly selects the last [count] characters.
/// If [count] is greater than [length], the count of character
/// available, then the entire sequence of characters
/// is returned.
Characters takeLast(int count);
/// Eagerly selects a trailing sequence of characters.
/// Checks each character, from first to last, against [test],
/// until one is found where [test] returns `false`.
/// The characters starting with the first one
/// where [test] returns `false`, are included in the result.
/// If no characters test `false`, the result is an empty sequence
/// of characters.
Characters skipWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Eagerly selects a leading sequence of characters.
/// Checks each character, from first to last, against [test],
/// until one is found where [test] returns `false`.
/// The characters up to, but not including, the first one
/// where [test] returns `false` are included in the result.
/// If no characters test `false`, the entire sequence of character
/// is returned.
Characters takeWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Eagerly selects a leading sequence of characters.
/// Checks each character, from last to first, against [test],
/// until one is found where [test] returns `false`.
/// The characters up to and including the one with the latest index
/// where [test] returns `false` are included in the result.
/// If no characters test `false`, the empty sequence of character
/// is returned.
Characters skipLastWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Eagerly selects a trailing sequence of characters.
/// Checks each character, from last to first, against [test],
/// until one is found where [test] returns `false`.
/// The characters after the one with the latest index where
/// [test] returns `false` are included in the result.
/// If no characters test `false`, the entire sequence of character
/// is returned.
Characters takeLastWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// The characters of the concatenation of this and [other].
/// This is the characters of the concatenation of the underlying
/// strings. If there is no character break at the concatenation
/// point in the resulting string, then the result is not the concatenation
/// of the two character sequences.
/// This differs from [followedBy] which provides the lazy concatenation
/// of this sequence of strings with any other sequence of strings.
Characters operator +(Characters other);
/// Replaces [pattern] with [replacement].
/// Returns a new [Characters] sequence where all occurrences of the
/// [pattern] characters are replaced by [replacement],
/// unless the occurrence overlaps a prior
/// replaced occurrence of [pattern].
/// Returns the current characters if there is no occurrence of [pattern].
Characters replaceAll(Characters pattern, Characters replacement);
/// Splits this sequence of characters at each occurrence of [pattern].
/// Returns a lazy iterable of characters that were separated by [pattern].
/// The iterable has *at most* [maxParts] elements if a positive [maxParts]
/// is supplied.
/// Finds each occurrence of [pattern], which does not overlap with
/// a previously found occurrence, then the non-matched characters
/// before, after, and between the matches are provided in first-to-last
/// position order.
/// If [pattern] is empty, the character sequence is split into separate
/// characters, and no leading or trailing empty ranges are provided
/// unless the range itself is empty,
/// in which case a single empty range is the only result range.
/// Otherwise a range starting or ending with [pattern] will cause
/// an empty character sequence to be emitted at the start or end.
/// If [maxParts] is provided and greater than zero,
/// only the first `maxParts - 1` occurrences of [pattern] are found
/// and split at.
/// Any further occurrences will be included in the last part.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var c = "abracadabra".characters;
/// var parts = c.split("a".characters, 4).toList();
/// print(parts); // Prints is ["", "br", "c", "dabra"]
/// ```
/// If there are fewer than `maxParts - 1` occurrences of [pattern],
/// then the characters are split at all occurrences.
/// If [maxParts] is zero or negative, it is ignored and the result
/// is split at all occurrences of [pattern].
Iterable<Characters> split(Characters pattern, [int maxParts = 0]);
/// Replaces the first occurrence of [pattern] with [replacement].
/// Returns a new [Characters] where the first occurence of the
/// [pattern] character sequence, if any, is replaced by [replacement].
/// Returns the current characters if there is no occurrence of [pattern].
Characters replaceFirst(Characters pattern, Characters replacement);
/// The characters of the lower-case version of [string].
Characters toLowerCase();
/// The characters of the upper-case version of [string].
Characters toUpperCase();
/// The hash code of [string].
int get hashCode;
/// Whether [other] to another [Characters] with the same [string].
bool operator ==(Object other);
/// The [string] content of these characters.
String toString();
/// A range of characters of a [Characters].
/// A range of consecutive characters in [source],
/// corresponding to a start and end position in the source sequence.
/// The range may even be empty, but that will still correspond to a position
/// where both start and end happen to be the same position.
/// The source sequence can be separated into the *preceeding* characters,
/// those before the range, the range itself, and the *following* characters,
/// those after the range.
/// Some operations inspect or act on the characters of the current range,
/// and other operations modify the range by moving the start and/or end
/// position.
/// In general, an operation with a name starting with `move` will move
/// both start and end positions, selecting an entirely new range
/// which does not overlap the current range.
/// Operations starting with `collapse` reduces the current range to
/// a sub-range of itself.
/// Operations starting with `expand` increase the current range
/// by moving/ the end postion to a later position
/// or the start position to an earlier position,
/// and operations starting with `drop` reduce the current range
/// by moving the start to a later position or the end to an earlier position,
/// therebyt dropping characters from one or both ends from the current range.
/// The character range implements [Iterator]
/// The [moveNext] operation, when called with no argument,
/// iterates the *next* single characters of the [source] sequence.
abstract class CharacterRange implements Iterator<String> {
/// Creates a new character iterator iterating the character
/// of [string].
factory CharacterRange(String string) = StringCharacterRange;
/// Creates a new character iterator on [string].
/// The iterator starts with a current range containing the
/// substring from [startIndex] to [endIndex] of [string].
/// If [startIndex] is not a character boundary,
/// the range starts at the beginning of the character
/// that [startIndex] is pointing into.
/// If [endIndex] is not a character boundary,
/// the range end at then end of the character
/// that [endIndex] is pointing into.
/// If [endIndex] is not provided,
/// it defaults to the same index as [startIndex].
/// So, if no [endIndex] is provided,
/// and [startIndex] is at a character boundary,
/// the resulting iterator's current range is empty.
/// Otherwise, the range will contain the characters
/// of the substring from [startIndex] to [endIndex],
/// extended so that it contains entire characters of the original [string].
factory string, int startIndex, [int? endIndex]) =;
/// The character sequence that this range is a sub-sequence of.
Characters get source;
/// The code units of the current character range.
Iterable<int> get utf16CodeUnits;
/// The code points of the current character range.
Runes get runes;
/// The characters of this range.
Characters get currentCharacters;
/// The characters before the current range.
Characters get charactersBefore;
/// The characters after the current range.
Characters get charactersAfter;
/// The string of the characters before the current range.
String get stringBefore;
/// The length, in code units, of [stringBefore].
int get stringBeforeLength;
/// The string of the characters after the current range.
String get stringAfter;
/// The length, in code units, of [stringAfter].
int get stringAfterLength;
/// Creates a copy of this [CharacterRange].
/// The copy is in the exact same state as this iterator.
/// Can be used to iterate the following characters more than once
/// at the same time. To simply rewind an iterator, remember the
/// start or end position and use reset the iterator to that position.
CharacterRange copy();
/// Whether the current range is empty.
/// An empty range has no characters, but still has a position as
/// a sub-sequence of the source character sequence.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Whether the current range is not empty.
/// A non-empty range contains at least one character.
bool get isNotEmpty;
/// Moves the range to be the next [count] characters after the current range.
/// The new range starts and the end of the current range and includes
/// the next [count] characters, or as many as available if there
/// are fewer than [count] characters following the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the call has the same effect as [collapseToEnd].
/// Returns `true` if there were [count] following characters
/// and `false` if not.
bool moveNext([int count = 1]);
/// Moves the range to be everything after the current range.
void moveNextAll();
/// Moves the range to the next occurrence of [target]
/// after the current range.
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters following
/// the current range,
/// then the new range contains exactly the first such occurrence of [target].
/// If there is no occurrence of [target] after the current range,
/// the range is not modified.
/// Returns `true` if the range is modified and `false` if not.
bool moveTo(Characters target);
/// Moves to the range until the next occurrence of [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters following
/// the current range,
/// then the new range contains the characters from the end
/// of the current range until, but no including the first such
/// occurrence of [target].
/// If there is no occurrence of [target] after the current range,
/// the new range contains all the characters following the current range,
/// from the end of the current range until the end of the string.
/// Returns `true` if there was an occurrence of [target].
bool moveUntil(Characters target);
/// Moves the range to be the last [count] characters before the current
/// range.
/// The new range ends at the start of the current range and includes
/// the previous [count] characters, or as many as available if there
/// are fewer than [count] characters preceding the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the call has the same effect as [collapseToStart].
/// Returns `true` if there were [count] preceding characters
/// and `false` if not.
bool moveBack([int count = 1]);
/// Moves the range to be everything before the current range.
void moveBackAll();
/// Moves the range to the last occurrence of [target]
/// before the current range.
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters preceding
/// the current range,
/// then the new range contains exactly the last such occurrence of [target].
/// If there is no occurrence of [target] after the current range,
/// the range is not modified.
/// Returns `true` if the range is modified and `false` if not.
bool moveBackTo(Characters target);
/// Moves to the range after the previous occurence of [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters preceding
/// the current range,
/// then the new range contains the characters after
/// the last such occurrence, and up to the start of the current range.
/// If there is no occurrence of [target] after the current range,
/// the new range contains all the characters preceding the current range,
/// from the start of the string to the start of the current range.
/// Returns `true` if there was an occurrence of [target].
bool moveBackUntil(Characters target);
/// Expands the current range with the next [count] characters.
/// Expands the current range to include the first [count] characters
/// following the current range, or as many as are available if
/// there are fewer than [count] characters following the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the range does not change.
/// Returns `true` if there are at least [count] characters following
/// the current range, and `false` if not.
bool expandNext([int count = 1]);
/// Expands the range to include the next occurence of [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters following
/// the current range, the end of the the range is moved to just after
/// the first such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence of [target], the range is not modified.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
/// Notice that if [target] is empty,
/// the result is `true` even though the range is not modified.
bool expandTo(Characters target);
/// Expands the range to include characters until the next [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters following
/// the current range, the end of the the range is moved to just before
/// the first such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence of [target], the end of the range is
/// moved to the end of [source].
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool expandUntil(Characters target);
/// Expands the range with the following characters satisfying [test].
/// Iterates through the characters following the current range
/// and includes them into the range until finding a character that
/// [test] returns `false` for.
void expandWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Expands the range to the end of [source].
void expandAll();
/// Expands the current range with the preceding [count] characters.
/// Expands the current range to include the last [count] characters
/// preceding the current range, or as many as are available if
/// there are fewer than [count] characters preceding the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the range does not change.
/// Returns `true` if there are at least [count] characters preceding
/// the current range, and `false` if not.
bool expandBack([int count = 1]);
/// Expands the range to include the previous occurence of [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters preceding
/// the current range, the stat of the the range is moved to just before
/// the last such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence of [target], the range is not modified.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
/// Notice that if [target] is empty,
/// the result is `true` even though the range is not modified.
bool expandBackTo(Characters target);
/// Expands the range to include characters back until the previous [target].
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters preceding
/// the current range, the start of the the range is moved to just after
/// the last such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence of [target], the end of the range is
/// moved to the end of [source].
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool expandBackUntil(Characters target);
/// Expands the range with the preceding characters satisffying [test].
/// Iterates back through the characters preceding the current range
/// and includes them into the range until finding a character that
/// [test] returns `false` for.
void expandBackWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Expands the range back to the start of [source].
void expandBackAll();
/// Collapses the range to its start.
/// Sets the end of the range to be the same position as the start.
/// The new range is empty and positioned at the start of the current range.
void collapseToStart();
/// Collapses to the first occurrence of [target] in the current range.
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters of the current
/// range, then the new range contains exactly the characters of the
/// first such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence, the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool collapseToFirst(Characters target);
/// Collapses to the last occurrence of [target] in the current range.
/// If there is an occurrence of [target] in the characters of the current
/// range, then the new range contains exactly the characters of the
/// last such occurrence.
/// If there is no such occurrence, the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool collapseToLast(Characters target);
/// Collapses the range to its end.
/// Sets the start of the range to be the same as its end.
/// The new range is an empty range positioned at the end
/// of the current range.
void collapseToEnd();
/// Drop the first [count] characters from the range.
/// Advances the start of the range to after the [count] first characters
/// of the range, or as many as are available if
/// there are fewer than [count] characters in the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there are [count] characters in the range,
/// and `false` if there are fewer.
bool dropFirst([int count = 1]);
/// Drops the first occurrence of [target] in the range.
/// If the range contains any occurrences of [target],
/// then all characters before the end of the first such occurrence
/// is removed from the range.
/// This advances the start of the range to the end of the
/// first occurrence of [target].
/// If there are no occurrences of [target] in the range,
/// the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool dropTo(Characters target);
/// Drops characters from the start of the range until before
/// the first occurrence of [target].
/// If the range contains any occurrences of [target],
/// then all characters before the start of the first such occurrence
/// is removed from the range.
/// This advances the start of the range to the start of the
/// first occurrence of [target].
/// If there are no occurrences of [target] in the range,
/// all characteres in the range are removed,
/// which gives the same effect as [collapseToEnd].
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool dropUntil(Characters target);
/// Drops characters from the start of the range while they satisfy [test].
/// Iterates the characters of the current range from the start
/// and removes all the iterated characters until one is
/// reached for which [test] returns `false`.
/// If on such character is found, all characters are removed,
/// which gives the same effect as [collapseToEnd].
void dropWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Drop the last [count] characters from the range.
/// Retracts the end of the range to before the [count] last characters
/// of the range, or as many as are available if
/// there are fewer than [count] characters in the current range.
/// The [count] must not be negative.
/// If it is zero, the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there are [count] characters in the range,
/// and `false` if there are fewer.
bool dropLast([int count = 1]);
/// Drops the last occurrence of [target] in the range.
/// If the range contains any occurrences of [target],
/// then all characters after the start of the first such occurrence
/// is removed from the range.
/// This retracts the end of the range to the start of the
/// last occurrence of [target].
/// If there are no occurrences of [target] in the range,
/// the range is not changed.
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool dropBackTo(Characters target);
/// Drops characters from the end of the range until after
/// the last occurrence of [target].
/// If the range contains any occurrences of [target],
/// then all characters after the end of the last such occurrence
/// is removed from the range.
/// This retracts the end of the range to the end of the
/// last occurrence of [target].
/// If there are no occurrences of [target] in the range,
/// all characteres in the range are removed,
/// which gives the same effect as [collapseToStart].
/// Returns `true` if there is an occurrence of [target] and `false` if not.
bool dropBackUntil(Characters target);
/// Drops characters from the end of the range while they satisfy [test].
/// Iterates the characters of the current range backwards from the end
/// and removes all the iterated characters until one is
/// reached for which [test] returns `false`.
/// If on such character is found, all characters are removed,
/// which gives the same effect as [collapseToStart].
void dropBackWhile(bool Function(String) test);
/// Replaces the current range with [replacement] and returns the result.
/// Replaces the current range in [source] with [replacement]
/// and returns a range of the resulting characters
/// which contains the replacement characters.
/// The inserted characters may combine with
/// the preceding or following code points,
/// so that the start and end of the original range
/// are no longer grapheme cluster boundaries.
/// In that case, the returned range may extend into into the code points
/// before and after the original range.
CharacterRange replaceRange(Characters replacement);
/// Replaces [pattern] in the current range with [replacement].
/// Replaces all occurrences of [pattern] in the current range with
/// [replacement], unless they overlap with an earlier occurrence of
/// [pattern] which was replaced.
/// Then returns a range on the resulting characters
/// which contains all inserted replacement characters
/// and any remaining characters of the original range.
/// The inserted characters may combine with
/// the preceding or following code points,
/// so that the start and end of the original range
/// are no longer grapheme cluster boundaries.
/// In that case, the returned range may extend into into the code points
/// before and after the original range.
/// Returns `null` if there are no occurrences of [pattern]
/// in the current range.
CharacterRange? replaceAll(Characters pattern, Characters replacement);
/// Splits the current range of characters at each occurrence of [pattern].
/// Returns a lazy iterable of character ranges that were separated by
/// [pattern].
/// Each provided character range object is new
/// and unrelated to this character range
/// The iterable has *at most* [maxParts] elements if a positive [maxParts]
/// is supplied.
/// Finds each occurrence of [pattern] in the range, which does not overlap
/// with a previously found occurrence, then the non-matched characters
/// of the range before, after and between the matches are provided
/// in first-to-last position order.
/// If [pattern] is empty, the range is split into separate characters,
/// and no leading or trailing empty ranges are provided unless the
/// range itself is empty, in which case a single empty range is the
/// only result range.
/// Otherwise a range starting or ending with [pattern] will cause
/// an empty range to be emitted at the start or end.
/// If [maxParts] is provided and greater than zero,
/// only the first `maxParts - 1` occurrences of [pattern] are found
/// and split at.
/// Any further occurrences will be included in the last part.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var c = "abracadabra".characters.dropFirst().dropLast();
/// // c is "bracadabr".
/// var parts = c.split("a".characters, 3).toList();
/// print(parts); // [br, c, dabr]
/// ```
/// If there are fewer than `maxParts - 1` occurrences of [pattern],
/// then the characters are split at all occurrences.
/// If [maxParts] is zero or negative, it is ignored and the result
/// is split at all occurrences of [pattern].
Iterable<CharacterRange> split(Characters pattern, [int maxParts = 0]);
/// Replaces the first occurrence of [pattern] with [replacement].
/// Finds the first occurrence of [pattern] in the current range,
/// then replaces that occurrence with [replacement].
/// Then returns a range on the resulting characters
/// which contains the inserted replacement characters
/// and any remaining characters of the original range.
/// The inserted characters may combine with
/// the preceding or following code points,
/// so that the start and end of the original range
/// are no longer grapheme cluster boundaries.
/// In that case, the returned range may extend into into the code points
/// before and after the original range.
/// Returns `null` if there are no occurrences of [pattern]
/// in the current range.
CharacterRange? replaceFirst(Characters pattern, Characters replacement);
/// Whether the current range starts with [characters].
/// Returns `true` if the characters of the current range starts with
/// [characters], `false` if not.
bool startsWith(Characters characters);
/// Whether the current range ends with [characters].
/// Returns `true` if the characters of the current range ends with
/// [characters], `false` if not.
bool endsWith(Characters characters);
/// Whether the current range is preceded by [characters].
/// Returns `true` if the characters immediately preceding the current
/// range are [characters], and `false` if not.
bool isPrecededBy(Characters characters);
/// Whether the current range is followed by [characters].
/// Returns `true` if the characters immediately following the current
/// range are [characters], and `false` if not.
bool isFollowedBy(Characters characters);