blob: 0bdfaded7c0b059306f62cc3cb6074b697dfa9aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Class to write string literals for bytes or words.
/// The string will be `'` delimited.
/// Escapes as necessary, and performs line breaks to stay within 80
/// characters.
class StringLiteralWriter {
final StringSink buffer;
final String _padding;
final int _lineLength;
final bool Function(int) _escape;
int _currentLineLength = 0;
static final Map<int, String> _escapeCache = {};
{int padding = 0, int lineLength = 80, bool Function(int)? escape})
: _padding = " " * padding,
_lineLength = lineLength,
_escape = escape ?? _defaultEscape;
static bool _defaultEscape(int codeUnit) {
return codeUnit < 0x20 || codeUnit >= 0x7f && codeUnit <= 0xa0;
void start([int initialOffset = 0]) {
if (initialOffset >= _lineLength - 2) {
initialOffset = _padding.length;
_currentLineLength = initialOffset + 1;
/// Adds a single UTF-16 code unit.
void add(int codeUnit) {
// Always escape: `\n`, `\r`, `'`, `$` and `\`, plus anything the user wants.
if (_escape(codeUnit) ||
codeUnit == 0x24 ||
codeUnit == 0x27 ||
codeUnit == 0x5c ||
codeUnit == 0x0a ||
codeUnit == 0x0d) {
if (_currentLineLength >= _lineLength - 1) {
void _writeEscape(int codeUnit) {
var replacement = _escapeCache[codeUnit];
if (replacement == null) {
if (codeUnit < 0x10) {
if (codeUnit == "\b".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\b";
} else if (codeUnit == "\t".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\t";
} else if (codeUnit == "\n".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\n";
} else if (codeUnit == "\v".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\v";
} else if (codeUnit == "\f".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\f";
} else if (codeUnit == "\r".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\r";
} else {
replacement = r"\x0" + codeUnit.toRadixString(16);
} else if (codeUnit < 0x100) {
if (codeUnit == r"$".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\$";
} else if (codeUnit == "'".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\'";
if (codeUnit == r"\".codeUnitAt(0)) {
replacement = r"\\";
} else {
replacement = r"\x" + codeUnit.toRadixString(16);
} else if (codeUnit < 0x1000) {
replacement = r"\u0" + codeUnit.toRadixString(16);
} else if (codeUnit < 0x10000) {
replacement = r"\u" + codeUnit.toRadixString(16);
} else {
replacement = "\\u{${codeUnit.toRadixString(16)}}";
_escapeCache[codeUnit] = replacement;
if (_currentLineLength + replacement.length + 1 > _lineLength) {
_currentLineLength += replacement.length;
void _wrap() {
_currentLineLength = _padding.length + 1;
void end() {