blob: 953fbe796b27048f80305e5375ca300c96721988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:io";
import "dart:typed_data";
import "../src/args.dart";
import "../src/automaton_builder.dart";
import "../src/data_files.dart";
import "../src/grapheme_category_loader.dart";
import "../src/indirect_table.dart";
import "../src/shared.dart";
import "../src/string_literal_writer.dart";
import "../src/table_builder.dart";
// Generates tables used by the grapheme cluster breaking algorithm
// and a state machine used to implement the algorithm.
// The task of this tool is to take the complete table of
// grapheme cluster categories for every code point (U+0000 ... U+10FFFF)
// and build a smaller table with the same information.
// The approach taken is to split the large table into chunks,
// smaller chunks for data in the BMP (U+0000 ... U+FFFF)
// which have higher variation than later data,
// and larger chunks for non-BMP ("astral" planes) code points.
// This also corresponds to the split between one-UTF-16 code unit
// character and surrogate pairs, which gives us a natural
// branch in the string parsing code.
// Then a single table is built containing all these chunks, but where
// the chunks are allowed to overlap.
// An indirection table points to the start of each chunk
// in the larger table.
// Having many small chunks increases the size of the indirection table,
// and large chunks reduces the chance of chunks being completely
// equivalent.
// The state machines are based on the extended Grapheme Cluster breaking
// algorithm. The forward-scanning state machine is entirely regular.
// The backwards-scanning state machine needs to call out to do look-ahead
// in some cases (for example, how to combine a regional identifier
// depends on whether there is an odd or even number of
// previous regional identifiers.)
/// Print more information to stderr while generating.
/// Set while developing if you don't want to pass `-v` on the command line
/// every time.
/// Only affects this file when it's run directly.
const defaultVerbose = false;
/// Default location for table file.
const tableFile = "lib/src/grapheme_clusters/table.dart";
// Best values found for current tables.
// Update if better value found when updating data files.
// (May consider benchmark performance as well as size.)
// TODO: Write out best sizes to a file after an update, and read them back
// next time, instead of hardcoding in the source file.
// Chunk sizes must be powers of 2.
const int defaultLowChunkSize = 64;
// 512 gives best size by 431b and no discernible performance difference
// from 1024 in benchmark.
const int defaultHighChunkSize = 512;
void main(List<String> args) {
var flags = parseArgs(args, "gentable", allowOptimize: true);
var output = flags.dryrun
? null
: flags.targetFile ?? File(path(packageRoot, tableFile));
if (output != null && !output.existsSync()) {
try {
output.createSync(recursive: true);
} catch (e) {
stderr.writeln("Cannot find or create file: ${output.path}");
stderr.writeln("Writing to stdout");
output = null;
update: flags.update,
dryrun: flags.dryrun,
verbose: flags.verbose,
optimize: flags.optimize);
Future<void> generateTables(File? output,
{bool update = false,
bool dryrun = false,
bool optimize = false,
bool verbose = defaultVerbose}) async {
// Generate the category mapping for all Unicode code points.
// This is the table we want to create an compressed version of.
var table = await loadGraphemeCategories(update: update, verbose: verbose);
if (update) {
// Force license file update.
await licenseFile.load(checkForUpdate: true);
var lowChunkSize = defaultLowChunkSize;
var highChunkSize = defaultHighChunkSize;
int optimizeTable(
IndirectTable chunkTable, int lowChunkSize, int highChunkSize) {
var index = 0;
do {
chunkTable.entries.add(TableEntry(0, index, lowChunkSize));
index += lowChunkSize;
} while (index < 0x10000);
var lowChunkCount = chunkTable.entries.length;
do {
chunkTable.entries.add(TableEntry(0, index, highChunkSize));
index += highChunkSize;
} while (index < 0x110000);
var highChunkCount = chunkTable.entries.length - lowChunkCount;
assert(lowChunkCount * lowChunkSize + highChunkCount * highChunkSize ==
assert(chunkTable.chunks.length == 1);
assert(_validate(table, chunkTable, lowChunkSize, highChunkSize,
verbose: false));
assert(chunkTable.entries.length == lowChunkCount + highChunkCount);
assert(_validate(table, chunkTable, lowChunkSize, highChunkSize,
verbose: false));
assert(chunkTable.entries.length == lowChunkCount + highChunkCount);
assert(chunkTable.chunks.length == 1);
assert(_validate(table, chunkTable, lowChunkSize, highChunkSize,
verbose: false));
var size = chunkTable.chunks[0].length ~/ 2 + chunkTable.entries.length * 2;
return size;
var chunkTable = IndirectTable([table.sublist(0, table.length)], []);
var size = optimizeTable(chunkTable, lowChunkSize, highChunkSize);
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Default chunk size: $lowChunkSize/$highChunkSize: $size");
if (optimize) {
// Chunk sizes must be powers of 2.
// Smaller chunk sizes gives more smaller chunks,
// with more chance of overlap,
// but each chunks adds an entry to the index table.
for (var low in [64, 128, 32, 256]) {
for (var high in [512, 1024, 256, 2048]) {
if (low == lowChunkSize && high == highChunkSize) continue;
var newChunk = IndirectTable([table.sublist(0, table.length)], []);
var newSize = optimizeTable(newChunk, low, high);
if (verbose) {
var delta = newSize - size;
stderr.writeln("${size < newSize ? "Worse" : "Better"}"
" chunk size: $low/$high: $newSize "
"(${delta > 0 ? "+$delta" : delta})");
if (newSize < size) {
lowChunkSize = low;
highChunkSize = high;
chunkTable = newChunk;
size = newSize;
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Best low chunk size: $lowChunkSize");
stderr.writeln("Best high chunk size: $highChunkSize");
stderr.writeln("Best table size: $size");
// Write the table and automaton to source.
var buffer = StringBuffer(copyright)
..writeln("// Generated code. Do not edit.")
..writeln("// Generated from [${graphemeBreakPropertyData.sourceLocation}]"
..writeln("// and [${emojiData.sourceLocation}]"
..writeln("// Licensed under the Unicode Inc. License Agreement")
..writeln("// (${licenseFile.sourceLocation}, "
writeTables(buffer, chunkTable, lowChunkSize, highChunkSize,
verbose: verbose);
writeForwardAutomaton(buffer, verbose: verbose);
writeBackwardAutomaton(buffer, verbose: verbose);
if (output == null) {
} else {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combined table writing.
void writeTables(
StringSink out, IndirectTable table, int lowChunkSize, int highChunkSize,
{required bool verbose}) {
_writeNybbles(out, "_data", table.chunks[0], verbose: verbose);
_writeStringLiteral(out, "_start", => e.start).toList(),
verbose: verbose);
_writeLookupFunction(out, "_data", "_start", lowChunkSize);
out, "_data", "_start", 65536 ~/ lowChunkSize, highChunkSize);
void _writeStringLiteral(StringSink out, String name, List<int> data,
{required bool verbose}) {
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Writing ${data.length} chars");
var prefix = "const String $name = ";
var writer = StringLiteralWriter(out, padding: 4, escape: _needsEscape);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
void _writeNybbles(StringSink out, String name, List<int> data,
{required bool verbose}) {
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Writing ${data.length} nybbles");
var prefix = "const String $name = ";
var writer = StringLiteralWriter(out, padding: 4, escape: _needsEscape);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i += 2) {
var n1 = data[i];
var n2 = data[i + 1];
assert(0 <= n1 && n1 <= 15);
assert(0 <= n2 && n2 <= 15);
writer.add(n1 + n2 * 16);
if (data.length.isOdd) writer.add(data.last);
bool _needsEscape(int codeUnit) =>
codeUnit > 0xff || codeUnit == 0x7f || codeUnit & 0x60 == 0;
void _writeLookupFunction(
StringSink out, String dataName, String startName, int chunkSize) {
out.write(_lookupMethod("low", dataName, startName, chunkSize));
void _writeSurrogateLookupFunction(StringSink out, String dataName,
String startName, int startOffset, int chunkSize) {
"high", dataName, startName, startOffset, chunkSize));
String _lookupMethod(
String name, String dataName, String startName, int chunkSize) =>
int $name(int codeUnit) {
var chunkStart = $startName.codeUnitAt(codeUnit >> ${chunkSize.bitLength - 1});
var index = chunkStart + (codeUnit & ${chunkSize - 1});
var bit = index & 1;
var pair = $dataName.codeUnitAt(index >> 1);
return (pair >> 4) & -bit | (pair & 0xF) & (bit - 1);
String _lookupSurrogatesMethod(String name, String dataName, String startName,
int startOffset, int chunkSize) =>
chunkSize == 1024
? """
int $name(int lead, int tail) {
var chunkStart = $startName.codeUnitAt($startOffset + (0x3ff & lead));
var index = chunkStart + (0x3ff & tail);
var bit = index & 1;
var pair = $dataName.codeUnitAt(index >> 1);
return (pair >> 4) & -bit | (pair & 0xF) & (bit - 1);
: """
int $name(int lead, int tail) {
var offset = ((0x3ff & lead) << 10) | (0x3ff & tail);
var chunkStart = $startName.codeUnitAt($startOffset + (offset >> ${chunkSize.bitLength - 1}));
var index = chunkStart + (offset & ${chunkSize - 1});
var bit = index & 1;
var pair = $dataName.codeUnitAt(index >> 1);
return (pair >> 4) & -bit | (pair & 0xF) & (bit - 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool _validate(Uint8List table, IndirectTable indirectTable, int lowChunkSize,
int highChunkSize,
{required bool verbose}) {
var lowChunkCount = 65536 ~/ lowChunkSize;
var lowChunkShift = lowChunkSize.bitLength - 1;
var lowChunkMask = lowChunkSize - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
var value = table[i];
var entryIndex = i >> lowChunkShift;
var entry = indirectTable.entries[entryIndex];
var indirectValue = indirectTable.chunks[entry.chunkNumber]
[entry.start + (i & lowChunkMask)];
if (value != indirectValue) {
stderr.writeln("$entryIndex: $entry");
stderr.writeln('Error: ${i.toRadixString(16)} -> Expected $value,'
' was $indirectValue');
return false;
var highChunkShift = highChunkSize.bitLength - 1;
var highChunkMask = highChunkSize - 1;
for (var i = 0x10000; i < 0x110000; i++) {
var j = i - 0x10000;
var value = table[i];
var entryIndex = lowChunkCount + (j >> highChunkShift);
var entry = indirectTable.entries[entryIndex];
var indirectValue = indirectTable.chunks[entry.chunkNumber]
[entry.start + (j & highChunkMask)];
if (value != indirectValue) {
stderr.writeln("$entryIndex: $entry");
stderr.writeln('Error: ${i.toRadixString(16)} -> Expected $value,'
' was $indirectValue');
return false;
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Table validation success");
return true;
void printIndirectTable(IndirectTable table) {
stderr.writeln("IT(chunks: ${ => "#${x.length}")},"
" entries: ${table.entries}");