blob: cbb6e039c1bbe7f083f67598ff02f6b5b243c12f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:math";
import "package:test/test.dart";
import "package:characters/characters.dart";
import "src/unicode_tests.dart";
import "src/unicode_grapheme_tests.dart";
import "src/various_tests.dart";
Random random;
void main([List<String> args]) {
// Ensure random seed is part of every test failure message,
// and that it can be reapplied for testing.
var seed = (args != null && args.isNotEmpty)
? int.parse(args[0])
: Random().nextInt(0x3FFFFFFF);
random = Random(seed);
group("[Random Seed: $seed]", tests);
group("characters", () {
test("operations", () {
var flag = "\u{1F1E9}\u{1F1F0}"; // Regional Indicators "DK".
var string = "Hi $flag!";
expect(string.length, 8);
var cs = gc(string);
expect(cs.length, 5);
expect(cs.toList(), ["H", "i", " ", flag, "!"]);
expect(cs.skip(2).toString(), " $flag!");
expect(cs.skipLast(2).toString(), "Hi ");
expect(cs.take(2).toString(), "Hi");
expect(cs.takeLast(2).toString(), "$flag!");
expect(cs.contains("\u{1F1E9}"), false);
expect(cs.contains(flag), true);
expect(cs.contains("$flag!"), false);
expect(cs.containsAll(gc("$flag!")), true);
expect(cs.takeWhile((x) => x != " ").toString(), "Hi");
expect(cs.takeLastWhile((x) => x != " ").toString(), "$flag!");
expect(cs.skipWhile((x) => x != " ").toString(), " $flag!");
expect(cs.skipLastWhile((x) => x != " ").toString(), "Hi ");
expect(cs.findFirst(gc("")).moveBack(), false);
expect(cs.findFirst(gc(flag)).current, flag);
expect(cs.findLast(gc(flag)).current, flag);
expect(cs.iterator.moveNext(), true);
expect(cs.iterator.moveBack(), false);
expect((cs.iterator..moveNext()).current, "H");
expect(cs.iteratorAtEnd.moveNext(), false);
expect(cs.iteratorAtEnd.moveBack(), true);
expect((cs.iteratorAtEnd..moveBack()).current, "!");
testParts(gc("a"), gc("b"), gc("c"), gc("d"), gc("e"));
// Composite pictogram example, from
var flag = "\u{1f3f3}"; // U+1F3F3, Flag, waving. Category Pictogram.
var white = "\ufe0f"; // U+FE0F, Variant selector 16. Category Extend.
var zwj = "\u200d"; // U+200D, ZWJ
var rainbow = "\u{1f308}"; // U+1F308, Rainbow. Category Pictogram
testParts(gc("$flag$white$zwj$rainbow"), gc("$flag$white"), gc("$rainbow"),
gc("$flag$zwj$rainbow"), gc("!"));
void tests() {
test("empty", () {
expectGC(gc(""), []);
group("gc-ASCII", () {
for (var text in [
]) {
test('"$text"', () {
expectGC(gc(text), charsOf(text));
test("CR+NL", () {
expectGC(gc("a\r\nb"), ["a", "\r\n", "b"]);
expectGC(gc("a\n\rb"), ["a", "\n", "\r", "b"]);
group("Non-ASCII single-code point", () {
for (var text in [
"à la mode",
]) {
test('"$text"', () {
expectGC(gc(text), charsOf(text));
group("Combining marks", () {
var text = "a\u0300 la mode";
test('"$text"', () {
expectGC(gc(text), ["a\u0300", " ", "l", "a", " ", "m", "o", "d", "e"]);
var text2 = "æble-a\u030Al";
test('"$text2"', () {
expectGC(gc(text2), ["æ", "b", "l", "e", "-", "a\u030A", "l"]);
group("Regional Indicators", () {
test('"🇦🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"', () {
// Andorra, Cayman Islands, Spain.
expectGC(gc("🇦🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"), ["🇦🇩", "🇰🇾", "🇪🇸"]);
test('"X🇦🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"', () {
// Other, Andorra, Cayman Islands, Spain.
expectGC(gc("X🇦🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"), ["X", "🇦🇩", "🇰🇾", "🇪🇸"]);
test('"🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"', () {
// Denmark, Yemen, unmatched S.
expectGC(gc("🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"), ["🇩🇰", "🇾🇪", "🇸"]);
test('"X🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"', () {
// Other, Denmark, Yemen, unmatched S.
expectGC(gc("X🇩🇰🇾🇪🇸"), ["X", "🇩🇰", "🇾🇪", "🇸"]);
group("Hangul", () {
// Individual characters found on Wikipedia. Not expected to make sense.
test('"읍쌍된밟"', () {
expectGC(gc("읍쌍된밟"), ["읍", "쌍", "된", "밟"]);
group("Unicode test", () {
for (var gcs in splitTests) {
test("[${testDescription(gcs)}]", () {
expectGC(gc(gcs.join()), gcs);
group("Emoji test", () {
for (var gcs in emojis) {
test("[${testDescription(gcs)}]", () {
expectGC(gc(gcs.join()), gcs);
group("Zalgo test", () {
for (var gcs in zalgo) {
test("[${testDescription(gcs)}]", () {
expectGC(gc(gcs.join()), gcs);
// Converts text with no multi-code-point grapheme clusters into
// list of grapheme clusters.
List<String> charsOf(String text) => => String.fromCharCode(r)).toList();
void expectGC(Characters actual, List<String> expected) {
var text = expected.join();
// Iterable operations.
expect(actual.string, text);
expect(actual.toString(), text);
expect(actual.toList(), expected);
expect(actual.length, expected.length);
if (expected.isNotEmpty) {
expect(actual.first, expected.first);
expect(actual.last, expected.last);
} else {
expect(() => actual.first, throwsStateError);
expect(() => actual.last, throwsStateError);
if (expected.length == 1) {
expect(actual.single, expected.single);
} else {
expect(() => actual.single, throwsStateError);
expect(actual.isEmpty, expected.isEmpty);
expect(actual.isNotEmpty, expected.isNotEmpty);
expect(actual.contains(""), false);
for (var char in expected) {
expect(actual.contains(char), true);
for (int i = 1; i < expected.length; i++) {
expect(actual.contains(expected[i - 1] + expected[i]), false);
expect(actual.skip(1).toList(), expected.skip(1).toList());
expect(actual.take(1).toList(), expected.take(1).toList());
expect(actual.skip(1).toString(), expected.skip(1).join());
expect(actual.take(1).toString(), expected.take(1).join());
if (expected.isNotEmpty) {
expected.take(expected.length - 1).toList());
expected.skip(expected.length - 1).toList());
expected.take(expected.length - 1).join());
expected.skip(expected.length - 1).join());
bool isEven(String s) => s.length.isEven;
actual.skipWhile(isEven).toList(), expected.skipWhile(isEven).toList());
actual.takeWhile(isEven).toList(), expected.takeWhile(isEven).toList());
actual.skipWhile(isEven).toString(), expected.skipWhile(isEven).join());
actual.takeWhile(isEven).toString(), expected.takeWhile(isEven).join());
expect(actual.where(isEven).toString(), expected.where(isEven).join());
expect((actual + actual).toString(), actual.string + actual.string);
// Iteration.
var it = actual.iterator;
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.current, expected[i]);
expect(actual.elementAt(i), expected[i]);
expect(actual.skip(i).first, expected[i]);
expect(it.moveNext(), false);
for (var i = expected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.current, expected[i]);
expect(it.moveBack(), false);
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
// GraphemeClusters operations.
expect(actual.toUpperCase().string, text.toUpperCase());
expect(actual.toLowerCase().string, text.toLowerCase());
expect(actual.string, text);
expect(actual.containsAll(gc("")), true);
expect(actual.containsAll(actual), true);
if (expected.isNotEmpty) {
int steps = min(5, expected.length);
for (int s = 0; s <= steps; s++) {
int i = expected.length * s ~/ steps;
expect(actual.startsWith(gc(expected.sublist(0, i).join())), true);
expect(actual.endsWith(gc(expected.sublist(i).join())), true);
for (int t = s + 1; t <= steps; t++) {
int j = expected.length * t ~/ steps;
var slice = expected.sublist(i, j).join();
var gcs = gc(slice);
expect(actual.containsAll(gcs), true);
// Random walk back and forth.
var it = actual.iterator;
int pos = -1;
if (random.nextBool()) {
pos = expected.length;
it = actual.iteratorAtEnd;
int steps = 5 + random.nextInt(expected.length * 2 + 1);
bool lastMove = false;
while (true) {
bool back = false;
if (pos < 0) {
expect(lastMove, false);
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
} else if (pos >= expected.length) {
expect(lastMove, false);
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
back = true;
} else {
expect(lastMove, true);
expect(it.current, expected[pos]);
back = random.nextBool();
if (--steps < 0) break;
if (back) {
lastMove = it.moveBack();
pos -= 1;
} else {
lastMove = it.moveNext();
pos += 1;
Characters gc(String string) => Characters(string);
void testParts(
Characters a, Characters b, Characters c, Characters d, Characters e) {
var cs = gc("$a$b$c$d$e");
test("$cs", () {
var it = cs.iterator;
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
expect(it.isNotEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "");
// moveNext().
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$a");
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$b");
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$d");
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$e");
expect(it.moveNext(), false);
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
expect(it.current, "");
// moveBack().
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$e");
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$d");
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$b");
expect(it.moveBack(), true);
expect(it.isEmpty, false);
expect(it.current, "$a");
expect(it.moveBack(), false);
expect(it.isEmpty, true);
expect(it.current, "");
// moveNext(int).
expect(it.moveTo(c), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveTo(b), false);
expect(it.moveTo(c), false);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveTo(d), true);
expect(it.current, "$d");
// moveBack(c).
expect(it.moveBackTo(c), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveBackTo(d), false);
expect(it.moveBackTo(c), false);
expect(it.moveBackTo(a), true);
expect(it.current, "$a");
// moveNext(n)
expect(it.moveBack(), false);
expect(it.moveNext(2), true);
expect(it.current, "$a$b");
expect(it.moveNext(4), false);
expect(it.current, "$c$d$e");
expect(it.moveNext(0), true);
expect(it.current, "");
expect(it.moveNext(1), false);
expect(it.current, "");
// moveBack(n).
expect(it.moveBack(2), true);
expect(it.current, "$d$e");
expect(it.moveBack(1), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.moveBack(3), false);
expect(it.current, "$a$b");
expect(it.moveBack(), false);
// moveFirst.
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.collapseToFirst(b), true);
expect(it.current, "$b");
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.collapseToFirst(a), false);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d$e");
// moveBackTo
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.collapseToLast(c), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
// includeNext/includePrevious
expect(it.expandTo(e), true);
expect(it.current, "$c$d$e");
expect(it.expandTo(e), false);
expect(it.expandBackTo(b), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.expandBackTo(b), false);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.collapseToFirst(c), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
// includeUntilNext/expandBackUntil
expect(it.expandBackUntil(a), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c");
expect(it.expandBackUntil(a), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c");
expect(it.expandUntil(e), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d");
expect(it.expandUntil(e), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d");
// dropFirst/dropLast
expect(it.dropFirst(), true);
expect(it.current, "$c$d");
expect(it.dropLast(), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.dropTo(b), true);
expect(it.current, "$c$d$e");
expect(it.dropBackTo(d), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.dropUntil(b), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d$e");
expect(it.dropBackUntil(d), true);
expect(it.current, "$b$c$d");
it.dropWhile((x) => x == b.string);
expect(it.current, "$c$d");
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d");
it.dropBackWhile((x) => x != b.string);
expect(it.current, "$a$b");
it.dropBackWhile((x) => false);
expect(it.current, "$a$b");
// include..While
it.expandWhile((x) => false);
expect(it.current, "$a$b");
it.expandWhile((x) => x != e.string);
expect(it.current, "$a$b$c$d");
expect(it.collapseToFirst(c), true);
expect(it.current, "$c");
it.expandBackWhile((x) => false);
expect(it.current, "$c");
it.expandBackWhile((x) => x != a.string);
expect(it.current, "$b$c");
var cs2 = cs.replaceAll(c, gc(""));
var cs3 = cs.replaceFirst(c, gc(""));
var cs4 = cs.findFirst(c).replaceRange(gc(""));
var cse = gc("$a$b$d$e");
expect(cs2, cse);
expect(cs3, cse);
expect(cs4, cse);
var cs5 = cs4.replaceAll(a, c);
expect(cs5, gc("$c$b$d$e"));
var cs6 = cs5.replaceAll(gc(""), a);
expect(cs6, gc("$a$c$a$b$a$d$a$e$a"));
var cs7 = cs6.replaceFirst(b, a);
expect(cs7, gc("$a$c$a$a$a$d$a$e$a"));
var cs8 = cs7.replaceFirst(e, a);
expect(cs8, gc("$a$c$a$a$a$d$a$a$a"));
var cs9 = cs8.replaceAll(a + a, b);
expect(cs9, gc("$a$c$b$a$d$b$a"));
it = cs9.iterator;
it.moveTo(b + a);
expect("$b$a", it.current);
it.expandTo(b + a);
expect("$b$a$d$b$a", it.current);
var cs10 = it.replaceAll(b + a, e + e);
expect(cs10, gc("$a$c$e$e$d$e$e"));
var cs11 = it.replaceRange(e);
expect(cs11, gc("$a$c$e"));
expect(cs.startsWith(gc("")), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(a), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(a + b), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(gc("$a$b$c")), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(gc("$a$b$c$d")), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(gc("$a$b$c$d$e")), true);
expect(cs.startsWith(b), false);
expect(cs.startsWith(c), false);
expect(cs.startsWith(d), false);
expect(cs.startsWith(e), false);
expect(cs.endsWith(gc("")), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(e), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(d + e), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(gc("$c$d$e")), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(gc("$b$c$d$e")), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(gc("$a$b$c$d$e")), true);
expect(cs.endsWith(d), false);
expect(cs.endsWith(c), false);
expect(cs.endsWith(b), false);
expect(cs.endsWith(a), false);
it = cs.findFirst(b + c);
expect(it.startsWith(gc("")), true);
expect(it.startsWith(b), true);
expect(it.startsWith(b + c), true);
expect(it.startsWith(a + b + c), false);
expect(it.startsWith(b + c + d), false);
expect(it.startsWith(a), false);
expect(it.endsWith(gc("")), true);
expect(it.endsWith(c), true);
expect(it.endsWith(b + c), true);
expect(it.endsWith(a + b + c), false);
expect(it.endsWith(b + c + d), false);
expect(it.endsWith(d), false);
expect(it.isPrecededBy(gc("")), true);
expect(it.isPrecededBy(b), true);
expect(it.isPrecededBy(a + b), true);
expect(it.isPrecededBy(a + b + c), false);
expect(it.isPrecededBy(a), false);
expect(it.isFollowedBy(gc("")), true);
expect(it.isFollowedBy(d), true);
expect(it.isFollowedBy(d + e), true);
expect(it.isFollowedBy(c + d + e), false);
expect(it.isFollowedBy(e), false);