blob: 626529eb4656c69f8bf0a252eccc778de8903fe6 [file] [log] [blame]
This repository contains the files generated by boringssl for its build.
It also contains this file and the file
The generated source is for boringssl from:
at revision:
To roll boringssl forward:
- Update the hash for boringssl_rev in the DEPS file
- gclient sync
- In this directory: git checkout -b roll-boringssl-gen origin/master
- Remove all files in this directory except src/, codereview.settings, README, and
- Run the script '$ python3 src/util/ gn'
- Build the Dart SDK. Updates to may be needed.
- git commit -a -m "Roll generated boringssl files to $HASH"
- Upload for code review: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
- Land it Gerrit after lgtm.
- Update boringssl_gen_rev in the DEPS file
- Upload changes to the DEPS file for code review, and land.