blob: bb59f60e896161c325ae5606430c0dc319ffbcbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
/// An asynchronous operation that can be cancelled.
/// The value of this operation is exposed as [value]. When this operation is
/// cancelled, [value] won't complete either successfully or with an error. If
/// [value] has already completed, cancelling the operation does nothing.
class CancelableOperation<T> {
/// The completer that produced this operation.
/// That completer is canceled when [cancel] is called.
CancelableCompleter<T> _completer;
/// Creates a [CancelableOperation] with the same result as the [result]
/// future.
/// When this operation is canceled, [onCancel] will be called and any value
/// or error later produced by [result] will be discarded.
/// If [onCancel] returns a [Future], it will be returned by [cancel].
/// The [onCancel] function will be called synchronously
/// when the new operation is canceled, and will be called at most once.
/// Calling this constructor is equivalent to creating a
/// [CancelableCompleter] and completing it with [result].
factory CancelableOperation.fromFuture(Future<T> result,
{FutureOr Function()? onCancel}) =>
(CancelableCompleter<T>(onCancel: onCancel)..complete(result)).operation;
/// Creates a [CancelableOperation] which completes to [value].
/// Canceling this operation does nothing.
/// Calling this constructor is equivalent to creating a
/// [CancelableCompleter] and completing it with [value].
factory CancelableOperation.fromValue(T value) =>
/// Creates a [CancelableOperation] wrapping [subscription].
/// This overrides [StreamSubscription.onDone] and
/// [StreamSubscription.onError] so that the returned operation will complete
/// when the subscription completes or emits an error.
/// When this operation is canceled or when it emits an error, the
/// subscription will be canceled (unlike
/// `CancelableOperation.fromFuture(subscription.asFuture())`).
static CancelableOperation<void> fromSubscription(
StreamSubscription<void> subscription) {
var completer = CancelableCompleter<void>(onCancel: subscription.cancel);
subscription.onError((Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
subscription.cancel().whenComplete(() {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
return completer.operation;
/// Creates a [CancelableOperation] that completes with the value of the first
/// of [operations] to complete.
/// Once any of [operations] completes, its result is forwarded to the
/// new [CancelableOperation] and the rest are cancelled. If the
/// new operation is cancelled, all the [operations] are cancelled as
/// well.
static CancelableOperation<T> race<T>(
Iterable<CancelableOperation<T>> operations) {
operations = operations.toList();
if (operations.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError('May not be empty', 'operations');
var done = false;
// Note: if one or more of the completers have already completed,
// they're not actually cancelled by this.
Future<void> cancelAll() {
done = true;
return Future.wait([
for (var operation in operations)
if (!operation.isCanceled) operation.cancel()
var completer = CancelableCompleter<T>(onCancel: cancelAll);
for (var operation in operations) {
operation.then((value) {
if (!done) cancelAll().whenComplete(() => completer.complete(value));
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
if (!done) {
.whenComplete(() => completer.completeError(error, stackTrace));
}, propagateCancel: false);
return completer.operation;
/// The result of this operation, if not cancelled.
/// This future will not complete if the operation is cancelled.
/// Use [valueOrCancellation] for a future which completes
/// both if the operation is cancelled and if it isn't.
Future<T> get value => _completer._inner?.future ?? Completer<T>().future;
/// Creates a [Stream] containing the result of this operation.
/// This is like `value.asStream()`, but if a subscription to the stream is
/// canceled, this operation is as well.
Stream<T> asStream() {
var controller =
StreamController<T>(sync: true, onCancel: _completer._cancel);
_completer._inner?.future.then((value) {
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Creates a [Future] that completes when this operation completes *or* when
/// it's cancelled.
/// If this operation completes, this completes to the same result as [value].
/// If this operation is cancelled, the returned future waits for the future
/// returned by [cancel], then completes to [cancellationValue].
Future<T?> valueOrCancellation([T? cancellationValue]) {
var completer = Completer<T?>.sync();
value.then(completer.complete, onError: completer.completeError);
_completer._cancelCompleter?.future.then((_) {
}, onError: completer.completeError);
return completer.future;
/// Creates a new cancelable operation to be completed when this operation
/// completes normally or as an error, or is cancelled.
/// If this operation completes normally the value is passed to [onValue]
/// and the returned operation is completed with the result.
/// If this operation completes as an error, and no [onError] callback is
/// provided, the returned operation is completed with the same error and
/// stack trace.
/// If this operation completes as an error, and an [onError] callback is
/// provided, the returned operation is completed with the result.
/// If this operation is canceled, and no [onCancel] callback is provided,
/// the returned operation is canceled.
/// If this operation is canceled, and an [onCancel] callback is provided,
/// the returned operation is completed with the result.
/// At most one of [onValue], [onError], or [onCancel] will be called.
/// If any of [onValue], [onError], or [onCancel] throw a synchronous error,
/// or return a `Future` that completes as an error, the error will be
/// forwarded through the returned operation.
/// If the returned operation is canceled before this operation completes or
/// is canceled, the [onValue], [onError], and [onCancel] callbacks will not
/// be invoked. If [propagateCancel] is `true` (the default) then this
/// operation is canceled as well. Pass `false` if there are multiple
/// listeners on this operation and canceling the [onValue], [onError], and
/// [onCancel] callbacks should not cancel the other listeners.
CancelableOperation<R> then<R>(FutureOr<R> Function(T) onValue,
{FutureOr<R> Function(Object, StackTrace)? onError,
FutureOr<R> Function()? onCancel,
bool propagateCancel = true}) =>
thenOperation<R>((value, completer) {
onError: onError == null
? null
: (error, stackTrace, completer) {
completer.complete(onError(error, stackTrace));
onCancel: onCancel == null
? null
: (completer) {
propagateCancel: propagateCancel);
/// Creates a new cancelable operation to be completed when this operation
/// completes normally or as an error, or is cancelled.
/// If this operation completes normally the value is passed to [onValue]
/// with a [CancelableCompleter] controlling the returned operation.
/// If this operation completes as an error, and no [onError] callback is
/// provided, the returned operation is completed with the same error and
/// stack trace.
/// If this operation completes as an error, and an [onError] callback is
/// provided, the error and stack trace are passed to [onError] with a
/// [CancelableCompleter] controlling the returned operation.
/// If this operation is canceled, and no [onCancel] callback is provided,
/// the returned operation is canceled.
/// If this operation is canceled, and an [onCancel] callback is provided,
/// the [onCancel] callback is called with a [CancelableCompleter] controlling
/// the returned operation.
/// At most one of [onValue], [onError], or [onCancel] will be called.
/// If any of [onValue], [onError], or [onCancel] throw a synchronous error,
/// or return a `Future` that completes as an error, the error will be
/// forwarded through the returned operation.
/// If the returned operation is canceled before this operation completes or
/// is canceled, the [onValue], [onError], and [onCancel] callbacks will not
/// be invoked. If [propagateCancel] is `true` (the default) then this
/// operation is canceled as well. Pass `false` if there are multiple
/// listeners on this operation and canceling the [onValue], [onError], and
/// [onCancel] callbacks should not cancel the other listeners.
CancelableOperation<R> thenOperation<R>(
FutureOr<void> Function(T, CancelableCompleter<R>) onValue,
{FutureOr<void> Function(Object, StackTrace, CancelableCompleter<R>)?
FutureOr<void> Function(CancelableCompleter<R>)? onCancel,
bool propagateCancel = true}) {
final completer = CancelableCompleter<R>(
onCancel: propagateCancel ? _cancelIfNotCanceled : null);
// if `_completer._inner` completes before `completer` is cancelled
// call `onValue` or `onError` with the result, and complete `completer`
// with the result of that call (unless cancelled in the meantime).
// If `_completer._cancelCompleter` completes (always with a value)
// before `completer` is cancelled, then call `onCancel` (if supplied)
// with that that value and complete `completer` with the result of that
// call (unless cancelled in the meantime).
// If any of the callbacks throw synchronously, the `completer` is
// completed with that error.
// If no `onCancel` is provided, and `_completer._cancelCompleter`
// completes before `completer` is cancelled,
// then cancel `cancelCompleter`. (Cancelling twice is safe.)
_completer._inner?.future.then<void>((value) async {
if (completer.isCanceled) return;
try {
await onValue(value, completer);
} catch (error, stack) {
completer.completeError(error, stack);
onError: onError == null
? completer.completeError // Is ignored if already cancelled.
: (Object error, StackTrace stack) async {
if (completer.isCanceled) return;
try {
await onError(error, stack, completer);
} catch (error2, stack2) {
error2, identical(error, error2) ? stack : stack2);
final cancelForwarder = _CancelForwarder<R>(completer, onCancel);
if (_completer.isCanceled) {
} else {
(_completer._cancelForwarders ??= []).add(cancelForwarder);
return completer.operation;
/// Cancels this operation.
/// If this operation [isCompleted] or [isCanceled] this call is ignored.
/// Returns the result of the `onCancel` callback, if one exists.
Future cancel() => _completer._cancel();
Future<void>? _cancelIfNotCanceled() => isCanceled ? null : cancel();
/// Whether this operation has been canceled before it completed.
bool get isCanceled => _completer._isCanceled;
/// Whether the result of this operation is ready.
/// When ready, the [value] future is completed with the result value
/// or error, and this operation can no longer be cancelled.
/// An operation may be complete before the listeners on [value] are invoked.
bool get isCompleted => _completer._isCompleted;
/// A completer for a [CancelableOperation].
class CancelableCompleter<T> {
// The cancelable completer is in one of the following states:
// * Initial:
// _inner != null
// _cancelCompleter != null
// _mayComplete: true
// * Async-completed: `complete` called with a future while Initial.
// _inner != null
// _cancelCompleter != null
// _mayComplete: false
// * Completed: `complete` called with a value or `completeError` called
// while Initial, or the future passed in Async-completed completes
// while AsyncCompleted.
// _inner != null
// _cancelCompleter == null
// _mayComplete: false
// * Cancelled may-complete: `_cancel` called while Initial.
// Allows calling `complete`/`completeError` even if it does nothing.
// _inner == null
// _cancelCompleter != null
// _mayComplete: true
// * Cancelled can't-complete: `_cancel` called while Async-completed.
// _inner == null
// _cancelCompleter != null
// _mayComplete: false
/// The completer for the wrapped future.
/// At most one of `_inner.future` and `_cancelCompleter.future` will
/// ever complete.
/// Set to `null` when when the operation is canceled, because then
/// it's guaranteed that this completer will never complete.
Completer<T>? _inner = Completer<T>();
/// Completed when `cancel` is called.
/// At most one of `_inner.future` and `_cancelCompleter.future` will
/// ever complete.
/// Set to `null` when [_inner] is completed, because then it's
/// guaranteed that this completer will never complete.
Completer<Object?>? _cancelCompleter = Completer<Object?>();
/// The callback to call if the operation is canceled.
final FutureOr<void> Function()? _onCancel;
/// Additional cancellations to forward during cancel.
/// When a cancelable operation is chained through `then` or `thenOperation` a
/// cancellation on the original operation will synchronously cancel the
/// chained operations.
List<_CancelForwarder>? _cancelForwarders;
/// Whether [complete] or [completeError] may still be called.
/// Set to false when calling either.
/// When completing by calling [complete] with a future,
/// it's still possible to cancel until the result is actually
/// available.
/// You are also allowed to call [complete] or [completeError]
/// after the operation has been canceled, as long as you only call it once.
/// It just won't do anything after the operation is cancelled.
/// This value only guards the calls to [complete] and [completeError].
bool _mayComplete = true;
/// The operation controlled by this completer.
late final operation = CancelableOperation<T>._(this);
/// Creates a new completer for a [CancelableOperation].
/// The cancelable [operation] can be completed using
/// [complete] or [completeError].
/// The [onCancel] function is called if the [operation] is canceled,
/// by calling [CancelableOperation.cancel]
/// before the operation has completed.
/// If [onCancel] returns a [Future],
/// that future is also returned by [CancelableOperation.cancel].
/// The [onCancel] function will be called at most once.
CancelableCompleter({FutureOr Function()? onCancel}) : _onCancel = onCancel;
/// Whether the [_inner] completer has been completed.
/// At this point it's no longer possible to cancel the operation.
bool get _isCompleted => _cancelCompleter == null;
/// Whether the completer was canceled before the result was ready.
/// At this point, it's no longer possible to complete the operation.
bool get _isCanceled => _inner == null;
/// Whether the [complete] or [completeError] have been called.
/// Once this completer has been completed with either a result or error,
/// neither method may be called again.
/// If [complete] was called with a [Future] argument, this completer may be
/// completed before it's [operation] is completed. In that case the
/// [operation] may still be canceled before the result is available.
bool get isCompleted => !_mayComplete;
/// Whether the completer was canceled before the result was ready.
bool get isCanceled => _isCanceled;
/// Completes [operation] with [value].
/// If [value] is a [Future] the [operation] will complete
/// with the result of that `Future` once it is available.
/// In that case [isCompleted] will be `true` before the [operation]
/// is complete.
/// If the type [T] is not nullable [value] may be not be omitted or `null`.
/// This method may not be called after either [complete] or [completeError]
/// has been called once.
/// The [isCompleted] is true when either of these methods have been called.
void complete([FutureOr<T>? value]) {
if (!_mayComplete) throw StateError('Operation already completed');
_mayComplete = false;
if (value is! Future<T>) {
if (_inner == null) {
// Make sure errors from [value] aren't top-leveled.
value.then((result) {
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_completeNow()?.completeError(error, stackTrace);
/// Makes this [CancelableCompleter.operation] complete with the same result
/// as [result].
/// If [propagateCancel] is `true` (the default), and the [operation] of this
/// completer is canceled before [result] completes, then [result] is also
/// canceled.
void completeOperation(CancelableOperation<T> result,
{bool propagateCancel = true}) {
if (!_mayComplete) throw StateError('Already completed');
_mayComplete = false;
if (isCanceled) {
if (propagateCancel) result.cancel();
result.then<void>((value) {
value); // _inner is set to null if this.operation is cancelled.
}, onError: (error, stack) {
_inner?.completeError(error, stack);
}, onCancel: () {
if (propagateCancel) {
/// Completer to use for completing with a result.
/// Returns `null` if it's not possible to complete any more.
/// Sets [_cancelCompleter] to `null` if returning non-`null`.
Completer<T>? _completeNow() {
var inner = _inner;
if (inner == null) return null;
_cancelCompleter = null;
return inner;
/// Completes [operation] with [error] and [stackTrace].
/// This method may not be called after either [complete] or [completeError]
/// has been called once.
/// The [isCompleted] is true when either of these methods have been called.
void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
if (!_mayComplete) throw StateError('Operation already completed');
_mayComplete = false;
_completeNow()?.completeError(error, stackTrace);
/// Cancels the operation.
/// If the operation has already completed, prior to being cancelled,
/// this method does nothing.
/// If the operation has already been cancelled, this method returns
/// the same result as the first call to `_cancel`.
/// The result of the operation may only be available some time after
/// the completer has been completed (using [complete] or [completeError],
/// which sets [isCompleted] to true) if completed with a [Future].
/// The completer can be cancelled until the result becomes available,
/// even if [isCompleted] is true.
Future<void> _cancel() {
var cancelCompleter = _cancelCompleter;
if (cancelCompleter == null) return Future.value(null);
if (_inner != null) {
_inner = null;
return cancelCompleter.future;
/// Invoke [_onCancel] and forward to other completers in [_cancelForwarders].
/// Returns the same value as [_onCancel]. Legacy uses may return a value
/// despite the signature having `void` return.
Future<Object?> _invokeCancelCallbacks() async {
final FutureOr<Object?> toReturn = _onCancel?.call();
final isFuture = toReturn is Future;
final cancelFutures = <Future<Object?>>[
if (isFuture) toReturn,
final results = (isFuture && cancelFutures.length == 1)
? [await toReturn]
: cancelFutures.isNotEmpty
? await Future.wait(cancelFutures)
: const [];
return isFuture ? results.first : toReturn;
class _CancelForwarder<T> {
final CancelableCompleter<T> completer;
final FutureOr<void> Function(CancelableCompleter<T>)? onCancel;
_CancelForwarder(this.completer, this.onCancel);
Future<void>? _forward() {
if (completer.isCanceled) return null;
final onCancel = this.onCancel;
if (onCancel == null) return completer._cancel();
try {
final result = onCancel(completer);
if (result is Future) {
return result.catchError(completer.completeErrorIfPending);
} catch (error, stack) {
completer.completeErrorIfPending(error, stack);
return null;
// Helper function to avoid a closure for `List<_CancelForwarder>.map`.
Future<void>? _forward(_CancelForwarder<Object?> forwarder) =>
extension on CancelableCompleter {
void completeErrorIfPending(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (isCompleted) return;
completeError(error, stackTrace);