blob: 6fc7cb0e5ea2edd2ff7155f4f2519049ceadbe2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '../async.dart';
/// Runs asynchronous functions and caches the result for a period of time.
/// This class exists to cover the pattern of having potentially expensive code
/// such as file I/O, network access, or isolate computation that's unlikely to
/// change quickly run fewer times. For example:
/// ```dart
/// final _usersCache = new AsyncCache<List<String>>(const Duration(hours: 1));
/// /// Uses the cache if it exists, otherwise calls the closure:
/// Future<List<String>> get onlineUsers => _usersCache.fetch(() {
/// // Actually fetch online users here.
/// });
/// ```
/// This class's timing can be mocked using
/// [`fake_async`](
class AsyncCache<T> {
/// How long cached values stay fresh.
/// Set to `null` for ephemeral caches, which only stay alive until the
/// future completes.
final Duration? _duration;
/// Cached results of a previous `fetchStream` call.
StreamSplitter<T>? _cachedStreamSplitter;
/// Cached results of a previous [fetch] call.
Future<T>? _cachedValueFuture;
/// Fires when the cache should be considered stale.
Timer? _stale;
/// Creates a cache that invalidates its contents after [duration] has passed.
/// The [duration] starts counting after the Future returned by [fetch]
/// completes, or after the Stream returned by `fetchStream` emits a done
/// event.
AsyncCache(Duration duration) : _duration = duration;
/// Creates a cache that invalidates after an in-flight request is complete.
/// An ephemeral cache guarantees that a callback function will only be
/// executed at most once concurrently. This is useful for requests for which
/// data is updated frequently but stale data is acceptable.
AsyncCache.ephemeral() : _duration = null;
/// Returns a cached value from a previous call to [fetch], or runs [callback]
/// to compute a new one.
/// If [fetch] has been called recently enough, returns its previous return
/// value. Otherwise, runs [callback] and returns its new return value.
Future<T> fetch(Future<T> Function() callback) async {
if (_cachedStreamSplitter != null) {
throw StateError('Previously used to cache via `fetchStream`');
return _cachedValueFuture ??= callback()
/// Returns a cached stream from a previous call to [fetchStream], or runs
/// [callback] to compute a new stream.
/// If [fetchStream] has been called recently enough, returns a copy of its
/// previous return value. Otherwise, runs [callback] and returns its new
/// return value.
/// Each call to this function returns a stream which replays the same events,
/// which means that all stream events are cached until this cache is
/// invalidated.
/// Only starts counting time after the stream has been listened to,
/// and it has completed with a `done` event.
@Deprecated('Feature will be removed')
Stream<T> fetchStream(Stream<T> Function() callback) {
if (_cachedValueFuture != null) {
throw StateError('Previously used to cache via `fetch`');
var splitter = _cachedStreamSplitter ??= StreamSplitter(
callback().transform(StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(handleDone: (sink) {
return splitter.split();
/// Removes any cached value.
void invalidate() {
// TODO: This does not return a future, but probably should.
_cachedValueFuture = null;
// TODO: This does not await, but probably should.
_cachedStreamSplitter = null;
_stale = null;
void _startStaleTimer() {
var duration = _duration;
if (duration != null) {
_stale = Timer(duration, invalidate);
} else {