blob: 903c8a538aa8417901353ca6d6b1a5cf89f09901 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Capture asynchronous results into synchronous values, and release them again.
* Capturing a result (either a returned value or a thrown error)
* means converting it into a [Result] -
* either a [ValueResult] or an [ErrorResult].
* This value can release itself by writing itself either to a
* [EventSink] or a [Completer], or by becoming a [Future].
library dart.pkg.async.results;
import "dart:async";
* The result of a computation.
abstract class Result<T> {
* Create a `Result` with the result of calling [computation].
* This generates either a [ValueResult] with the value returned by
* calling `computation`, or an [ErrorResult] with an error thrown by
* the call.
factory Result(T computation()) {
try {
return new ValueResult(computation());
} catch (e, s) {
return new ErrorResult(e, s);
* Create a `Result` holding a value.
* Alias for [ValueResult.ValueResult].
factory Result.value(T value) = ValueResult<T>;
* Create a `Result` holding an error.
* Alias for [ErrorResult.ErrorResult].
factory Result.error(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
new ErrorResult(error, stackTrace);
// Helper functions.
static _captureValue(value) => new ValueResult(value);
static _captureError(error, stack) => new ErrorResult(error, stack);
static _release(Result v) {
if (v.isValue) return v.asValue.value; // Avoid wrapping in future.
return v.asFuture;
* Capture the result of a future into a `Result` future.
* The resulting future will never have an error.
* Errors have been converted to an [ErrorResult] value.
static Future<Result> capture(Future future) {
return future.then(_captureValue, onError: _captureError);
* Release the result of a captured future.
* Converts the [Result] value of the given [future] to a value or error
* completion of the returned future.
* If [future] completes with an error, the returned future completes with
* the same error.
static Future release(Future<Result> future) {
return future.then(_release);
* Capture the results of a stream into a stream of [Result] values.
* The returned stream will not have any error events.
* Errors from the source stream have been converted to [ErrorResult]s.
* Shorthand for transforming the stream using [CaptureStreamTransformer].
static Stream<Result> captureStream(Stream source) {
return source.transform(const CaptureStreamTransformer());
* Release a stream of [result] values into a stream of the results.
* `Result` values of the source stream become value or error events in
* the retuned stream as appropriate.
* Errors from the source stream become errors in the returned stream.
* Shorthand for transforming the stream using [ReleaseStreamTransformer].
static Stream releaseStream(Stream<Result> source) {
return source.transform(const ReleaseStreamTransformer());
* Converts a result of a result to a single result.
* If the result is an error, or it is a `Result` value
* which is then an error, then a result with that error is returned.
* Otherwise both levels of results are value results, and a single
* result with the value is returned.
static Result flatten(Result<Result> result) {
if (result.isError) return result;
return result.asValue.value;
* Whether this result is a value result.
* Always the opposite of [isError].
bool get isValue;
* Whether this result is an error result.
* Always the opposite of [isValue].
bool get isError;
* If this is a value result, return itself.
* Otherwise return `null`.
ValueResult<T> get asValue;
* If this is an error result, return itself.
* Otherwise return `null`.
ErrorResult get asError;
* Complete a completer with this result.
void complete(Completer<T> completer);
* Add this result to a [StreamSink].
void addTo(EventSink<T> sink);
* Creates a future completed with this result as a value or an error.
Future<T> get asFuture;
* A result representing a returned value.
class ValueResult<T> implements Result<T> {
/** The returned value that this result represents. */
final T value;
/** Create a value result with the given [value]. */
bool get isValue => true;
bool get isError => false;
ValueResult<T> get asValue => this;
ErrorResult get asError => null;
void complete(Completer<T> completer) {
void addTo(EventSink<T> sink) {
Future<T> get asFuture => new Future.value(value);
* A result representing a thrown error.
class ErrorResult implements Result {
/** The thrown object that this result represents. */
final error;
/** The stack trace, if any, associated with the throw. */
final StackTrace stackTrace;
/** Create an error result with the given [error] and [stackTrace]. */
ErrorResult(this.error, this.stackTrace);
bool get isValue => false;
bool get isError => true;
ValueResult get asValue => null;
ErrorResult get asError => this;
void complete(Completer<T> completer) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
void addTo(EventSink<T> sink) {
sink.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future get asFuture => new Future.error(error, stackTrace);
* A stream transformer that captures a stream of events into [Result]s.
* The result of the transformation is a stream of [Result] values and
* no error events.
class CaptureStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, Result<T>> {
const CaptureStreamTransformer();
Stream<Result<T>> bind(Stream<T> source) {
return new Stream<Result<T>>.eventTransformed(source, _createSink);
static EventSink _createSink(EventSink<Result> sink) {
return new CaptureSink(sink);
* A stream transformer that releases a stream of result events.
* The result of the transformation is a stream of values and
* error events.
class ReleaseStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<Result<T>, T> {
const ReleaseStreamTransformer();
Stream<T> bind(Stream<Result<T>> source) {
return new Stream<T>.eventTransformed(source, _createSink);
static EventSink _createSink(EventSink<Result> sink) {
return new ReleaseSink(sink);
* An event sink wrapper that captures the incoming events.
* Wraps an [EventSink] that expects [Result] values.
* Accepts any value and error result,
* and passes them to the wrapped sink as [Result] values.
* The wrapped sink will never receive an error event.
class CaptureSink<T> implements EventSink<T> {
final EventSink _sink;
CaptureSink(EventSink<Result<T>> sink) : _sink = sink;
void add(T value) { _sink.add(new ValueResult(value)); }
void addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_sink.add(new ErrorResult(error, stackTrace));
void close() { _sink.close(); }
* An event sink wrapper that releases the incoming result events.
* Wraps an output [EventSink] that expects any result.
* Accepts [Result] values, and puts the result value or error into the
* corresponding output sink add method.
class ReleaseSink<T> implements EventSink<Result<T>> {
final EventSink _sink;
ReleaseSink(EventSink<T> sink) : _sink = sink;
void add(Result<T> result) {
if (result.isValue) {
} else {
ErrorResult error = result.asError;
_sink.addError(error.error, error.stackTrace);
void addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// Errors may be added by intermediate processing, even if it is never
// added by CaptureSink.
_sink.addError(error, stackTrace);
void close() { _sink.close(); }