blob: 393dcedd0da135ece88efda08c385eda9b82bdf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'result/capture_transformer.dart';
import 'result/error.dart';
import 'result/release_transformer.dart';
import 'result/value.dart';
import 'stream_sink_transformer.dart';
/// The result of a computation.
/// Capturing a result (either a returned value or a thrown error) means
/// converting it into a [Result] - either a [ValueResult] or an [ErrorResult].
/// This value can release itself by writing itself either to a [EventSink] or a
/// [Completer], or by becoming a [Future].
abstract class Result<T> {
/// A stream transformer that captures a stream of events into [Result]s.
/// The result of the transformation is a stream of [Result] values and no
/// error events. This is the transformer used by [captureStream].
static const StreamTransformer<Object, Result> captureStreamTransformer =
const CaptureStreamTransformer();
/// A stream transformer that releases a stream of result events.
/// The result of the transformation is a stream of values and error events.
/// This is the transformer used by [releaseStream].
static const StreamTransformer<Object, Result> releaseStreamTransformer =
const ReleaseStreamTransformer();
/// A sink transformer that captures events into [Result]s.
/// The result of the transformation is a sink that only forwards [Result]
/// values and no error events.
static const StreamSinkTransformer<Object, Result> captureSinkTransformer =
const StreamSinkTransformer.fromStreamTransformer(
const CaptureStreamTransformer());
/// A sink transformer that releases result events.
/// The result of the transformation is a sink that forwards of values and
/// error events.
static const StreamSinkTransformer<Object, Result> releaseSinkTransformer =
const StreamSinkTransformer.fromStreamTransformer(
const ReleaseStreamTransformer());
/// Create a `Result` with the result of calling [computation].
/// This generates either a [ValueResult] with the value returned by
/// calling `computation`, or an [ErrorResult] with an error thrown by
/// the call.
factory Result(T computation()) {
try {
return new ValueResult(computation());
} catch (e, s) {
return new ErrorResult(e, s);
/// Create a `Result` holding a value.
/// Alias for [ValueResult.ValueResult].
factory Result.value(T value) = ValueResult<T>;
/// Create a `Result` holding an error.
/// Alias for [ErrorResult.ErrorResult].
factory Result.error(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
new ErrorResult(error, stackTrace);
/// Capture the result of a future into a `Result` future.
/// The resulting future will never have an error.
/// Errors have been converted to an [ErrorResult] value.
static Future<Result/*<T>*/> capture/*<T>*/(Future/*<T>*/ future) {
return future.then((value) => new ValueResult(value),
onError: (error, stackTrace) =>
new ErrorResult/*<T>*/(error, stackTrace));
/// Release the result of a captured future.
/// Converts the [Result] value of the given [future] to a value or error
/// completion of the returned future.
/// If [future] completes with an error, the returned future completes with
/// the same error.
static Future/*<T>*/ release/*<T>*/(Future<Result/*<T>*/> future) =>
future.then/*<Future<T>>*/((result) => result.asFuture);
/// Capture the results of a stream into a stream of [Result] values.
/// The returned stream will not have any error events.
/// Errors from the source stream have been converted to [ErrorResult]s.
static Stream<Result/*<T>*/> captureStream/*<T>*/(Stream/*<T>*/ source) =>
source.transform(new CaptureStreamTransformer/*<T>*/());
/// Release a stream of [result] values into a stream of the results.
/// `Result` values of the source stream become value or error events in
/// the returned stream as appropriate.
/// Errors from the source stream become errors in the returned stream.
static Stream/*<T>*/ releaseStream/*<T>*/(Stream<Result/*<T>*/> source) =>
source.transform(new ReleaseStreamTransformer/*<T>*/());
/// Converts a result of a result to a single result.
/// If the result is an error, or it is a `Result` value
/// which is then an error, then a result with that error is returned.
/// Otherwise both levels of results are value results, and a single
/// result with the value is returned.
static Result/*<T>*/ flatten/*<T>*/(Result<Result/*<T>*/> result) {
if (result.isValue) return result.asValue.value;
return new ErrorResult/*<T>*/(
result.asError.error, result.asError.stackTrace);
/// Whether this result is a value result.
/// Always the opposite of [isError].
bool get isValue;
/// Whether this result is an error result.
/// Always the opposite of [isValue].
bool get isError;
/// If this is a value result, return itself.
/// Otherwise return `null`.
ValueResult<T> get asValue;
/// If this is an error result, return itself.
/// Otherwise return `null`.
ErrorResult<T> get asError;
/// Complete a completer with this result.
void complete(Completer<T> completer);
/// Add this result to an [EventSink].
/// Calls the sink's `add` or `addError` method as appropriate.
void addTo(EventSink<T> sink);
/// Creates a future completed with this result as a value or an error.
Future<T> get asFuture;