blob: d0a1871f43dab4798ff39a7ad7763c9c5ec2373a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
/// An asynchronous operation that can be cancelled.
/// The value of this operation is exposed as [value]. When this operation is
/// cancelled, [value] won't complete either successfully or with an error. If
/// [value] has already completed, cancelling the operation does nothing.
class CancelableOperation<T> {
/// The completer that produced this operation.
/// This is canceled when [cancel] is called.
final CancelableCompleter<T> _completer;
/// Creates a [CancelableOperation] wrapping [inner].
/// When this operation is canceled, [onCancel] will be called and any value
/// or error produced by [inner] will be discarded. The callback may return a
/// Future to indicate that asynchronous work has to be done to cancel the
/// future; this Future will be returned by [cancel].
/// [onCancel] will be called synchronously when the operation is canceled.
/// It's guaranteed to only be called once.
factory CancelableOperation.fromFuture(Future<T> inner, {onCancel()}) {
var completer = new CancelableCompleter<T>(onCancel: onCancel);
return completer.operation;
/// The value returned by the operation.
Future<T> get value => _completer._inner.future;
/// Creates a [Stream] containing the result of this operation.
/// This is like `value.asStream()`, but if a subscription to the stream is
/// canceled, this is as well.
Stream<T> asStream() {
var controller = new StreamController<T>(
sync: true, onCancel: _completer._cancel);
value.then((value) {
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Creates a [Future] that completes when this operation completes *or* when
/// it's cancelled.
/// If this operation completes, this completes to the same result as [value].
/// If this operation is cancelled, the returned future waits for the future
/// returned by [cancel], then completes to [cancellationValue].
Future valueOrCancellation([T cancellationValue]) {
var completer = new Completer<T>.sync();
value.then((result) => completer.complete(result),
onError: completer.completeError);
_completer._cancelMemo.future.then((_) {
}, onError: completer.completeError);
return completer.future;
/// Cancels this operation.
/// This returns the [Future] returned by the [CancelableCompleter]'s
/// `onCancel` callback. Unlike [Stream.cancel], it never returns `null`.
Future cancel() => _completer._cancel();
/// A completer for a [CancelableOperation].
class CancelableCompleter<T> {
/// The completer for the wrapped future.
final Completer<T> _inner;
/// The callback to call if the future is canceled.
final ZoneCallback _onCancel;
/// Creates a new completer for a [CancelableOperation].
/// When the future operation canceled, as long as the completer hasn't yet
/// completed, [onCancel] is called. The callback may return a [Future]; if
/// so, that [Future] is returned by [CancelableOperation.cancel].
/// [onCancel] will be called synchronously when the operation is canceled.
/// It's guaranteed to only be called once.
: _onCancel = onCancel,
_inner = new Completer<T>() {
_operation = new CancelableOperation<T>._(this);
/// The operation controlled by this completer.
CancelableOperation<T> get operation => _operation;
CancelableOperation<T> _operation;
/// Whether the completer has completed.
bool get isCompleted => _isCompleted;
bool _isCompleted = false;
/// Whether the completer was canceled before being completed.
bool get isCanceled => _isCanceled;
bool _isCanceled = false;
/// The memoizer for [_cancel].
final _cancelMemo = new AsyncMemoizer();
/// Completes [operation] to [value].
/// If [value] is a [Future], this will complete to the result of that
/// [Future] once it completes.
void complete([value]) {
if (_isCompleted) throw new StateError("Operation already completed");
_isCompleted = true;
if (value is! Future) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_isCanceled) {
// Make sure errors from [value] aren't top-leveled.
value.catchError((_) {});
value.then((result) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
_inner.completeError(error, stackTrace);
/// Completes [operation] to [error].
void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_isCompleted) throw new StateError("Operation already completed");
_isCompleted = true;
if (_isCanceled) return;
_inner.completeError(error, stackTrace);
/// Cancel the completer.
Future _cancel() {
if (_inner.isCompleted) return new Future.value();
return _cancelMemo.runOnce(() {
_isCanceled = true;
if (_onCancel != null) return _onCancel();