blob: 5780fae5e8e0870f64ebfafc7527e205c5bb39fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'src/arg_parser.dart';
import 'src/arg_parser_exception.dart';
import 'src/arg_results.dart';
import 'src/help_command.dart';
import 'src/usage_exception.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
export 'src/usage_exception.dart';
/// A class for invoking [Commands] based on raw command-line arguments.
class CommandRunner {
/// The name of the executable being run.
/// Used for error reporting and [usage].
final String executableName;
/// A short description of this executable.
final String description;
/// A single-line template for how to invoke this executable.
/// Defaults to "$executableName <command> [arguments]". Subclasses can
/// override this for a more specific template.
String get invocation => "$executableName <command> [arguments]";
/// Generates a string displaying usage information for the executable.
/// This includes usage for the global arguments as well as a list of
/// top-level commands.
String get usage => "$description\n\n$_usageWithoutDescription";
/// An optional footer for [usage].
/// If a subclass overrides this to return a string, it will automatically be
/// added to the end of [usage].
String get usageFooter => null;
/// Returns [usage] with [description] removed from the beginning.
String get _usageWithoutDescription {
var usage = '''
Usage: $invocation
Global options:
Run "$executableName help <command>" for more information about a command.''';
if (usageFooter != null) usage += "\n$usageFooter";
return usage;
/// An unmodifiable view of all top-level commands defined for this runner.
Map<String, Command> get commands => new UnmodifiableMapView(_commands);
final _commands = <String, Command>{};
/// The top-level argument parser.
/// Global options should be registered with this parser; they'll end up
/// available via [Command.globalResults]. Commands should be registered with
/// [addCommand] rather than directly on the parser.
ArgParser get argParser => _argParser;
final _argParser = new ArgParser();
CommandRunner(this.executableName, this.description) {
abbr: 'h', negatable: false, help: 'Print this usage information.');
addCommand(new HelpCommand());
/// Prints the usage information for this runner.
/// This is called internally by [run] and can be overridden by subclasses to
/// control how output is displayed or integrate with a logging system.
void printUsage() => print(usage);
/// Throws a [UsageException] with [message].
void usageException(String message) =>
throw new UsageException(message, _usageWithoutDescription);
/// Adds [Command] as a top-level command to this runner.
void addCommand(Command command) {
var names = []..addAll(command.aliases);
for (var name in names) {
_commands[name] = command;
argParser.addCommand(name, command.argParser);
command._runner = this;
/// Parses [args] and invokes [] on the chosen command.
/// This always returns a [Future] in case the command is asynchronous. The
/// [Future] will throw a [UsageException] if [args] was invalid.
Future run(Iterable<String> args) =>
new Future.sync(() => runCommand(parse(args)));
/// Parses [args] and returns the result, converting an [ArgParserException]
/// to a [UsageException].
/// This is notionally a protected method. It may be overridden or called from
/// subclasses, but it shouldn't be called externally.
ArgResults parse(Iterable<String> args) {
try {
return argParser.parse(args);
} on ArgParserException catch (error) {
if (error.commands.isEmpty) usageException(error.message);
var command = commands[error.commands.first];
for (var commandName in error.commands.skip(1)) {
command = command.subcommands[commandName];
/// Runs the command specified by [topLevelResults].
/// This is notionally a protected method. It may be overridden or called from
/// subclasses, but it shouldn't be called externally.
/// It's useful to override this to handle global flags and/or wrap the entire
/// command in a block. For example, you might handle the `--verbose` flag
/// here to enable verbose logging before running the command.
Future runCommand(ArgResults topLevelResults) {
return new Future.sync(() {
var argResults = topLevelResults;
var commands = _commands;
Command command;
var commandString = executableName;
while (commands.isNotEmpty) {
if (argResults.command == null) {
if ( {
if (command == null) {
// No top-level command was chosen.
return new Future.value();
command.usageException('Missing subcommand for "$commandString".');
} else {
if (command == null) {
'Could not find a command named "${[0]}".');
command.usageException('Could not find a subcommand named '
'"${[0]}" for "$commandString".');
// Step into the command.
argResults = argResults.command;
command = commands[];
command._globalResults = topLevelResults;
command._argResults = argResults;
commands = command._subcommands;
commandString += " ${}";
if (argResults['help']) {
return new Future.value();
// Make sure there aren't unexpected arguments.
if (!command.takesArguments && {
'Command "${}" does not take any arguments.');
/// A single command.
/// A command is known as a "leaf command" if it has no subcommands and is meant
/// to be run. Leaf commands must override [run].
/// A command with subcommands is known as a "branch command" and cannot be run
/// itself. It should call [addSubcommand] (often from the constructor) to
/// register subcommands.
abstract class Command {
/// The name of this command.
String get name;
/// A description of this command, included in [usage].
String get description;
/// A short description of this command, included in [parent]'s
/// [CommandRunner.usage].
/// This defaults to the first line of [description].
String get summary => description.split("\n").first;
/// A single-line template for how to invoke this command (e.g. `"pub get
/// [package]"`).
String get invocation {
var parents = [name];
for (var command = parent; command != null; command = command.parent) {
var invocation = parents.reversed.join(" ");
return _subcommands.isNotEmpty
? "$invocation <subcommand> [arguments]"
: "$invocation [arguments]";
/// The command's parent command, if this is a subcommand.
/// This will be `null` until [Command.addSubcommmand] has been called with
/// this command.
Command get parent => _parent;
Command _parent;
/// The command runner for this command.
/// This will be `null` until [CommandRunner.addCommand] has been called with
/// this command or one of its parents.
CommandRunner get runner {
if (parent == null) return _runner;
return parent.runner;
CommandRunner _runner;
/// The parsed global argument results.
/// This will be `null` until just before [] is called.
ArgResults get globalResults => _globalResults;
ArgResults _globalResults;
/// The parsed argument results for this command.
/// This will be `null` until just before [] is called.
ArgResults get argResults => _argResults;
ArgResults _argResults;
/// The argument parser for this command.
/// Options for this command should be registered with this parser (often in
/// the constructor); they'll end up available via [argResults]. Subcommands
/// should be registered with [addSubcommand] rather than directly on the
/// parser.
ArgParser get argParser => _argParser;
final _argParser = new ArgParser();
/// Generates a string displaying usage information for this command.
/// This includes usage for the command's arguments as well as a list of
/// subcommands, if there are any.
String get usage => "$description\n\n$_usageWithoutDescription";
/// An optional footer for [usage].
/// If a subclass overrides this to return a string, it will automatically be
/// added to the end of [usage].
String get usageFooter => null;
/// Returns [usage] with [description] removed from the beginning.
String get _usageWithoutDescription {
var buffer = new StringBuffer()
..writeln('Usage: $invocation')
if (_subcommands.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.writeln(_getCommandUsage(_subcommands, isSubcommand: true));
buffer.write('Run "${runner.executableName} help" to see global options.');
if (usageFooter != null) {
return buffer.toString();
/// An unmodifiable view of all sublevel commands of this command.
Map<String, Command> get subcommands => new UnmodifiableMapView(_subcommands);
final _subcommands = <String, Command>{};
/// Whether or not this command should be hidden from help listings.
/// This is intended to be overridden by commands that want to mark themselves
/// hidden.
/// By default, leaf commands are always visible. Branch commands are visible
/// as long as any of their leaf commands are visible.
bool get hidden {
// Leaf commands are visible by default.
if (_subcommands.isEmpty) return false;
// Otherwise, a command is hidden if all of its subcommands are.
return _subcommands.values.every((subcommand) => subcommand.hidden);
/// Whether or not this command takes positional arguments in addition to
/// options.
/// If false, [] will throw a [UsageException] if arguments
/// are provided. Defaults to true.
/// This is intended to be overridden by commands that don't want to receive
/// arguments. It has no effect for branch commands.
bool get takesArguments => true;
/// Alternate names for this command.
/// These names won't be used in the documentation, but they will work when
/// invoked on the command line.
/// This is intended to be overridden.
List<String> get aliases => const [];
Command() {
abbr: 'h', negatable: false, help: 'Print this usage information.');
/// Runs this command.
/// If this returns a [Future], [] won't complete until the
/// returned [Future] does. Otherwise, the return value is ignored.
run() {
throw new UnimplementedError("Leaf command $this must implement run().");
/// Adds [Command] as a subcommand of this.
void addSubcommand(Command command) {
var names = []..addAll(command.aliases);
for (var name in names) {
_subcommands[name] = command;
argParser.addCommand(name, command.argParser);
command._parent = this;
/// Prints the usage information for this command.
/// This is called internally by [run] and can be overridden by subclasses to
/// control how output is displayed or integrate with a logging system.
void printUsage() => print(usage);
/// Throws a [UsageException] with [message].
void usageException(String message) =>
throw new UsageException(message, _usageWithoutDescription);
/// Returns a string representation of [commands] fit for use in a usage string.
/// [isSubcommand] indicates whether the commands should be called "commands" or
/// "subcommands".
String _getCommandUsage(Map<String, Command> commands,
{bool isSubcommand: false}) {
// Don't include aliases.
var names =
commands.keys.where((name) => !commands[name].aliases.contains(name));
// Filter out hidden ones, unless they are all hidden.
var visible = names.where((name) => !commands[name].hidden);
if (visible.isNotEmpty) names = visible;
// Show the commands alphabetically.
names = names.toList()..sort();
var length = => name.length).reduce(math.max);
var buffer =
new StringBuffer('Available ${isSubcommand ? "sub" : ""}commands:');
for (var name in names) {
var lines = commands[name].summary.split("\n");
buffer.write(' ${padRight(name, length)} ${lines.first}');
for (var line in lines.skip(1)) {
buffer.write(' ' * (length + 5));
return buffer.toString();