blob: ae5e093653c7e7682afdc4d6251ac567d65d0366 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
/// Pads [source] to [length] by adding spaces at the end.
String padRight(String source, int length) =>
source + ' ' * (length - source.length);
/// Wraps a block of text into lines no longer than [length].
/// Tries to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it
/// under the limit, then it splits in the middle of a word.
/// Preserves indentation (leading whitespace) for each line (delimited by '\n')
/// in the input, and indents wrapped lines the same amount.
/// If [hangingIndent] is supplied, then that many spaces are added to each
/// line, except for the first line. This is useful for flowing text with a
/// heading prefix (e.g. "Usage: "):
/// ```dart
/// var prefix = "Usage: ";
/// print(
/// prefix + wrapText(invocation, hangingIndent: prefix.length, length: 40),
/// );
/// ```
/// yields:
/// ```
/// Usage: app main_command <subcommand>
/// [arguments]
/// ```
/// If [length] is not specified, then no wrapping occurs, and the original
/// [text] is returned unchanged.
String wrapText(String text, {int? length, int? hangingIndent}) {
if (length == null) return text;
hangingIndent ??= 0;
var splitText = text.split('\n');
var result = <String>[];
for (var line in splitText) {
var trimmedText = line.trimLeft();
final leadingWhitespace =
line.substring(0, line.length - trimmedText.length);
List<String> notIndented;
if (hangingIndent != 0) {
// When we have a hanging indent, we want to wrap the first line at one
// width, and the rest at another (offset by hangingIndent), so we wrap
// them twice and recombine.
var firstLineWrap = wrapTextAsLines(trimmedText,
length: length - leadingWhitespace.length);
notIndented = [firstLineWrap.removeAt(0)];
trimmedText = trimmedText.substring(notIndented[0].length).trimLeft();
if (firstLineWrap.isNotEmpty) {
length: length - leadingWhitespace.length - hangingIndent));
} else {
notIndented = wrapTextAsLines(trimmedText,
length: length - leadingWhitespace.length);
String? hangingIndentString;
result.addAll(<String>((String line) {
// Don't return any lines with just whitespace on them.
if (line.isEmpty) return '';
var result = '${hangingIndentString ?? ''}$leadingWhitespace$line';
hangingIndentString ??= ' ' * hangingIndent!;
return result;
return result.join('\n');
/// Wraps a block of text into lines no longer than [length],
/// starting at the [start] column, and returns the result as a list of strings.
/// Tries to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it
/// under the limit, then splits in the middle of a word. Preserves embedded
/// newlines, but not indentation (it trims whitespace from each line).
/// If [length] is not specified, then no wrapping occurs, and the original
/// [text] is returned after splitting it on newlines. Whitespace is not trimmed
/// in this case.
List<String> wrapTextAsLines(String text, {int start = 0, int? length}) {
assert(start >= 0);
/// Returns true if the code unit at [index] in [text] is a whitespace
/// character.
/// Based on:
bool isWhitespace(String text, int index) {
var rune = text.codeUnitAt(index);
return rune >= 0x0009 && rune <= 0x000D ||
rune == 0x0020 ||
rune == 0x0085 ||
rune == 0x1680 ||
rune == 0x180E ||
rune >= 0x2000 && rune <= 0x200A ||
rune == 0x2028 ||
rune == 0x2029 ||
rune == 0x202F ||
rune == 0x205F ||
rune == 0x3000 ||
rune == 0xFEFF;
if (length == null) return text.split('\n');
var result = <String>[];
var effectiveLength = math.max(length - start, 10);
for (var line in text.split('\n')) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.length <= effectiveLength) {
var currentLineStart = 0;
int? lastWhitespace;
for (var i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) {
if (isWhitespace(line, i)) lastWhitespace = i;
if (i - currentLineStart >= effectiveLength) {
// Back up to the last whitespace, unless there wasn't any, in which
// case we just split where we are.
if (lastWhitespace != null) i = lastWhitespace;
result.add(line.substring(currentLineStart, i).trim());
// Skip any intervening whitespace.
while (isWhitespace(line, i) && i < line.length) {
currentLineStart = i;
lastWhitespace = null;
return result;