blob: 0862ce9cfc3b08ffd4fc6e2d7277af414d6989f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'arg_parser.dart';
import 'arg_parser_exception.dart';
import 'arg_results.dart';
import 'option.dart';
/// The actual argument parsing class.
/// Unlike [ArgParser] which is really more an "arg grammar", this is the class
/// that does the parsing and holds the mutable state required during a parse.
class Parser {
/// If parser is parsing a command's options, this will be the name of the
/// command. For top-level results, this returns `null`.
final String? _commandName;
/// The parser for the supercommand of this command parser, or `null` if this
/// is the top-level parser.
final Parser? _parent;
/// The grammar being parsed.
final ArgParser _grammar;
/// The arguments being parsed.
final Queue<String> _args;
/// The remaining non-option, non-command arguments.
final List<String> _rest;
/// The accumulated parsed options.
final Map<String, dynamic> _results = <String, dynamic>{};
Parser(this._commandName, this._grammar, this._args,
[this._parent, List<String>? rest])
: _rest = [...?rest];
/// The current argument being parsed.
String get _current => _args.first;
/// Parses the arguments. This can only be called once.
ArgResults parse() {
var arguments = _args.toList();
if (_grammar.allowsAnything) {
return newArgResults(
_grammar, const {}, _commandName, null, arguments, arguments);
ArgResults? commandResults;
// Parse the args.
while (_args.isNotEmpty) {
if (_current == '--') {
// Reached the argument terminator, so stop here.
// Try to parse the current argument as a command. This happens before
// options so that commands can have option-like names.
var command = _grammar.commands[_current];
if (command != null) {
_validate(_rest.isEmpty, 'Cannot specify arguments before a command.');
var commandName = _args.removeFirst();
var commandParser = Parser(commandName, command, _args, this, _rest);
try {
commandResults = commandParser.parse();
} on ArgParserException catch (error) {
throw ArgParserException(
error.message, [commandName, ...error.commands]);
// All remaining arguments were passed to command so clear them here.
// Try to parse the current argument as an option. Note that the order
// here matters.
if (_parseSoloOption()) continue;
if (_parseAbbreviation(this)) continue;
if (_parseLongOption()) continue;
// This argument is neither option nor command, so stop parsing unless
// the [allowTrailingOptions] option is set.
if (!_grammar.allowTrailingOptions) break;
// Check if mandatory and invoke existing callbacks.
_grammar.options.forEach((name, option) {
var parsedOption = _results[name];
// Check if an option was mandatory and exist
// if not throw an exception
if (option.mandatory && parsedOption == null) {
throw ArgParserException('Option $name is mandatory.');
var callback = option.callback;
if (callback == null) return;
// ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
// Add in the leftover arguments we didn't parse to the innermost command.
return newArgResults(
_grammar, _results, _commandName, commandResults, _rest, arguments);
/// Pulls the value for [option] from the second argument in [_args].
/// Validates that there is a valid value there.
void _readNextArgAsValue(Option option) {
// Take the option argument from the next command line arg.
_validate(_args.isNotEmpty, 'Missing argument for "${}".');
_setOption(_results, option, _current);
/// Tries to parse the current argument as a "solo" option, which is a single
/// hyphen followed by a single letter.
/// We treat this differently than collapsed abbreviations (like "-abc") to
/// handle the possible value that may follow it.
bool _parseSoloOption() {
// Hand coded regexp: r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9])$'
// Length must be two, hyphen followed by any letter/digit.
if (_current.length != 2) return false;
if (!_current.startsWith('-')) return false;
var opt = _current[1];
if (!_isLetterOrDigit(opt.codeUnitAt(0))) return false;
return _handleSoloOption(opt);
bool _handleSoloOption(String opt) {
var option = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(opt);
if (option == null) {
// Walk up to the parent command if possible.
_validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option or flag "-$opt".');
return _parent!._handleSoloOption(opt);
if (option.isFlag) {
_setFlag(_results, option, true);
} else {
return true;
/// Tries to parse the current argument as a series of collapsed abbreviations
/// (like "-abc") or a single abbreviation with the value directly attached
/// to it (like "-mrelease").
bool _parseAbbreviation(Parser innermostCommand) {
// Hand coded regexp: r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(.*)$'
// Hyphen then at least one letter/digit then zero or more
// anything-but-newlines.
if (_current.length < 2) return false;
if (!_current.startsWith('-')) return false;
// Find where we go from letters/digits to rest.
var index = 1;
while (index < _current.length &&
_isLetterOrDigit(_current.codeUnitAt(index))) {
// Must be at least one letter/digit.
if (index == 1) return false;
// If the first character is the abbreviation for a non-flag option, then
// the rest is the value.
var lettersAndDigits = _current.substring(1, index);
var rest = _current.substring(index);
if (rest.contains('\n') || rest.contains('\r')) return false;
return _handleAbbreviation(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
bool _handleAbbreviation(
String lettersAndDigits, String rest, Parser innermostCommand) {
var c = lettersAndDigits.substring(0, 1);
var first = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
if (first == null) {
// Walk up to the parent command if possible.
_parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
return _parent!
._handleAbbreviation(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
} else if (!first.isFlag) {
// The first character is a non-flag option, so the rest must be the
// value.
var value = '${lettersAndDigits.substring(1)}$rest';
_setOption(_results, first, value);
} else {
// If we got some non-flag characters, then it must be a value, but
// if we got here, it's a flag, which is wrong.
rest == '',
'Option "-$c" is a flag and cannot handle value '
// Not an option, so all characters should be flags.
// We use "innermostCommand" here so that if a parent command parses the
// *first* letter, subcommands can still be found to parse the other
// letters.
for (var i = 0; i < lettersAndDigits.length; i++) {
var c = lettersAndDigits.substring(i, i + 1);
return true;
void _parseShortFlag(String c) {
var option = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
if (option == null) {
// Walk up to the parent command if possible.
_parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
// In a list of short options, only the first can be a non-flag. If
// we get here we've checked that already.
option.isFlag, 'Option "-$c" must be a flag to be in a collapsed "-".');
_setFlag(_results, option, true);
/// Tries to parse the current argument as a long-form named option, which
/// may include a value like "--mode=release" or "--mode release".
bool _parseLongOption() {
// Hand coded regexp: r'^--([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+)(=(.*))?$'
// Two hyphens then at least one letter/digit/hyphen, optionally an equal
// sign followed by zero or more anything-but-newlines.
if (!_current.startsWith('--')) return false;
var index = _current.indexOf('=');
var name =
index == -1 ? _current.substring(2) : _current.substring(2, index);
for (var i = 0; i != name.length; ++i) {
if (!_isLetterDigitHyphenOrUnderscore(name.codeUnitAt(i))) return false;
var value = index == -1 ? null : _current.substring(index + 1);
if (value != null && (value.contains('\n') || value.contains('\r'))) {
return false;
return _handleLongOption(name, value);
bool _handleLongOption(String name, String? value) {
var option = _grammar.findByNameOrAlias(name);
if (option != null) {
if (option.isFlag) {
value == null, 'Flag option "$name" should not be given a value.');
_setFlag(_results, option, true);
} else if (value != null) {
// We have a value like --foo=bar.
_setOption(_results, option, value);
} else {
// Option like --foo, so look for the value as the next arg.
} else if (name.startsWith('no-')) {
// See if it's a negated flag.
var positiveName = name.substring('no-'.length);
option = _grammar.findByNameOrAlias(positiveName);
if (option == null) {
// Walk up to the parent command if possible.
_validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
return _parent!._handleLongOption(name, value);
_validate(option.isFlag, 'Cannot negate non-flag option "$name".');
_validate(option.negatable!, 'Cannot negate option "$name".');
_setFlag(_results, option, false);
} else {
// Walk up to the parent command if possible.
_validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
return _parent!._handleLongOption(name, value);
return true;
/// Called during parsing to validate the arguments.
/// Throws an [ArgParserException] if [condition] is `false`.
void _validate(bool condition, String message) {
if (!condition) throw ArgParserException(message);
/// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must not be
/// a flag.
void _setOption(Map results, Option option, String value) {
if (!option.isMultiple) {
_validateAllowed(option, value);
results[] = value;
var list = results.putIfAbsent(, () => <String>[]) as List;
if (option.splitCommas) {
for (var element in value.split(',')) {
_validateAllowed(option, element);
} else {
_validateAllowed(option, value);
/// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must be a
/// flag.
void _setFlag(Map results, Option option, bool value) {
results[] = value;
/// Validates that [value] is allowed as a value of [option].
void _validateAllowed(Option option, String value) {
if (option.allowed == null) return;
'"$value" is not an allowed value for option "${}".');
bool _isLetterOrDigit(int codeUnit) =>
// Uppercase letters.
(codeUnit >= 65 && codeUnit <= 90) ||
// Lowercase letters.
(codeUnit >= 97 && codeUnit <= 122) ||
// Digits.
(codeUnit >= 48 && codeUnit <= 57);
bool _isLetterDigitHyphenOrUnderscore(int codeUnit) =>
_isLetterOrDigit(codeUnit) ||
// Hyphen.
codeUnit == 45 ||
// Underscore.
codeUnit == 95;