Review changes
diff --git a/lib/src/usage.dart b/lib/src/usage.dart
index 9898b44..cc84e6c 100644
--- a/lib/src/usage.dart
+++ b/lib/src/usage.dart
@@ -176,11 +176,14 @@
     numHelpLines = 0;
-  /// Wrap a single line of text into lines no longer than length.
-  /// Try to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it
-  /// under the length, then split in the middle of a word.
-  List<String> wrap(String text, int length) {
-    assert(length > 0, 'Wrap length must be larger than zero.');
+  // Wrap a single line of text into lines no longer than maxLineLength,
+  // starting at the "start" column.
+  // Try to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it
+  // under the maxLineLength, then split in the middle of a word.
+  List<String> _wrap(String text, int start) {
+    assert(start >= 0);
+    const int minColumnWidth = 10;
+    final int length = max(maxLineLength - start, minColumnWidth);
     text = text.trim();
     if (text.length <= length) {
       return [text];
@@ -210,15 +213,15 @@
   void write(int column, String text) {
-    const int minColumnWidth = 10;
     var lines = text.split('\n');
+    // If we are writing the last column, word wrap it to fit.
     if (column == columnWidths.length && maxLineLength != null) {
       var wrappedLines = <String>[];
-      var start = 0;
-      columnWidths.sublist(0, column).forEach((int width) => start += width);
+      int start = columnWidths
+          .sublist(0, column)
+          .reduce((int start, int width) => start += width);
       for (var line in lines) {
-        wrappedLines
-            .addAll(wrap(line, max(maxLineLength - start, minColumnWidth)));
+        wrappedLines.addAll(_wrap(line, start));
       lines = wrappedLines;
@@ -313,17 +316,17 @@
 bool isWhitespace(String text, int index) {
   final int rune = text.codeUnitAt(index);
-  return ((rune >= 0x0009 && rune <= 0x000D) ||
+  return rune >= 0x0009 && rune <= 0x000D ||
       rune == 0x0020 ||
       rune == 0x0085 ||
       rune == 0x00A0 ||
       rune == 0x1680 ||
       rune == 0x180E ||
-      (rune >= 0x2000 && rune <= 0x200A) ||
+      rune >= 0x2000 && rune <= 0x200A ||
       rune == 0x2028 ||
       rune == 0x2029 ||
       rune == 0x202F ||
       rune == 0x205F ||
       rune == 0x3000 ||
-      rune == 0xFEFF);
+      rune == 0xFEFF;
diff --git a/test/usage_test.dart b/test/usage_test.dart
index 3bd228c..d7ee3dc 100644
--- a/test/usage_test.dart
+++ b/test/usage_test.dart
@@ -370,43 +370,65 @@
+      parser.addFlag('longWhitespace',
+          help: '           The flag with a really long help text and whitespace at the start.');
+      parser.addFlag('longTrailspace',
+          help: 'The flag with a really long help text and whitespace at the end.             ');
       parser.addFlag('small1', help: ' a ');
       parser.addFlag('small2', help: ' a');
       parser.addFlag('small3', help: 'a ');
       validateUsage(parser, '''
-          --[no-]long           The flag
-                                with a
-                                really
-                                long help
-                                text that
-                                will be
-                                wrapped.
+          --[no-]long              The flag
+                                   with a
+                                   really
+                                   long help
+                                   text that
+                                   will be
+                                   wrapped.
-          --[no-]longNewline    The flag
-                                with a
-                                really
-                                long help
-                                text and
-                                newlines
-                                that will
-                                still be
-                                wrapped
-                                because it
-                                is really
-                                long.
+          --[no-]longNewline       The flag
+                                   with a
+                                   really
+                                   long help
+                                   text and
+                                   newlines
+                                   that will
+                                   still be
+                                   wrapped
+                                   because it
+                                   is really
+                                   long.
-          --[no-]solid          The-flag-w
-                                ith-no-whi
-                                tespace-th
-                                at-will-be
-                                -wrapped-b
-                                y-splittin
-                                g-a-word.
+          --[no-]solid             The-flag-w
+                                   ith-no-whi
+                                   tespace-th
+                                   at-will-be
+                                   -wrapped-b
+                                   y-splittin
+                                   g-a-word.
-          --[no-]small1         a
-          --[no-]small2         a
-          --[no-]small3         a
+          --[no-]longWhitespace    The flag
+                                   with a
+                                   really
+                                   long help
+                                   text and
+                                   whitespace
+                                   at the
+                                   start.
+          --[no-]longTrailspace    The flag
+                                   with a
+                                   really
+                                   long help
+                                   text and
+                                   whitespace
+                                   at the
+                                   end.
+          --[no-]small1            a
+          --[no-]small2            a
+          --[no-]small3            a