blob: 382307c7829f69d6565fefe09df3ff958afd1f03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'package:yaml_edit/yaml_edit.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
group('throws', () {
test('PathError if key does not exist', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: 4}');
final path = ['b'];
expect(() => doc.parseAt(path), throwsPathError);
test('PathError if path tries to go deeper into a scalar', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: 4}');
final path = ['a', 'b'];
expect(() => doc.parseAt(path), throwsPathError);
test('PathError if index is out of bounds', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('[0,1]');
final path = [2];
expect(() => doc.parseAt(path), throwsPathError);
test('PathError if index is not an integer', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('[0,1]');
final path = ['2'];
expect(() => doc.parseAt(path), throwsPathError);
group('orElse provides a default value', () {
test('simple example with null node return ', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: {d: 4}, c: ~}');
final result = doc.parseAt(['b'], orElse: () => wrapAsYamlNode(null));
expect(result.value, equals(null));
test('simple example with map return', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: {d: 4}, c: ~}');
final result =
doc.parseAt(['b'], orElse: () => wrapAsYamlNode({'a': 42}));
expect(result, isA<YamlMap>());
expect(result.value, equals({'a': 42}));
test('simple example with scalar return', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: {d: 4}, c: ~}');
final result = doc.parseAt(['b'], orElse: () => wrapAsYamlNode(42));
expect(result, isA<YamlScalar>());
expect(result.value, equals(42));
test('simple example with list return', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: {d: 4}, c: ~}');
final result = doc.parseAt(['b'], orElse: () => wrapAsYamlNode([42]));
expect(result, isA<YamlList>());
expect(result.value, equals([42]));
group('returns a YamlNode', () {
test('with the correct type', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
final expectedYamlScalar = doc.parseAt(['YAML']);
expect(expectedYamlScalar, isA<YamlScalar>());
test('with the correct value', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
expect(doc.parseAt(['YAML']).value, "YAML Ain't Markup Language");
test('with the correct value in nested collection', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: [5, 6, 7]
c: 3
expect(doc.parseAt(['b', 'e', 2]).value, 7);
test('with a null value in nested collection', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
key2: null
expect(doc.parseAt(['key1', 'key2']).value, null);
test('with the correct type (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
final expectedYamlMap = doc.parseAt([]);
expect(expectedYamlMap is YamlMap, equals(true));
test('that is immutable', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
final expectedYamlMap = doc.parseAt([]);
expect(() => (expectedYamlMap as YamlMap)['YAML'] = 'test',
test('that has immutable children', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: ['Y', 'A', 'M', 'L']");
final expectedYamlMap = doc.parseAt([]);
expect(() => ((expectedYamlMap as YamlMap)['YAML'] as List)[0] = 'X',
test('works with map keys', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: {{[1, 2]: 3}: 4}}');
[1, 2]: 3
test('works with null in path', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: { ~: 4}}');
expect(doc.parseAt(['a', null]).value, equals(4));
test('works with null value', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{a: null}');
expect(doc.parseAt(['a']).value, equals(null));