blob: bee48b64ce6d05683488c41f0ea13432e34c229a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Garett Tok Ern Liang
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'package:yaml_edit/yaml_edit.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
group('throws', () {
test('RangeError in list if index is negative', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language");
expect(() => doc.update([-1], 'test'), throwsRangeError);
test('RangeError in list if index is larger than list length', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language");
expect(() => doc.update([2], 'test'), throwsRangeError);
test('PathError in list if attempting to set a key of a scalar', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language");
expect(() => doc.update([0, 'a'], 'a'), throwsPathError);
group('works on top-level', () {
test('empty document', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('');
doc.update([], 'replacement');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('replacement'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, 'replacement');
test('replaces string in document containing only a string', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('test');
doc.update([], 'replacement');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('replacement'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, 'replacement');
test('replaces top-level string to map', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('test');
doc.update([], {'a': 1});
expect(doc.toString(), equals('a: 1'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1});
test('replaces top-level list', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('- 1');
doc.update([], 'replacement');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('replacement'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, 'replacement');
test('replaces top-level map', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('a: 1');
doc.update([], 'replacement');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('replacement'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, 'replacement');
test('replaces top-level map with comment', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('a: 1 # comment');
doc.update([], 'replacement');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('replacement # comment'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, 'replacement');
group('replaces in', () {
group('block map', () {
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('YAML: test'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('(2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('test: test');
doc.update(['test'], []);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('test: []'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'test': []});
test('empty value', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('YAML: ');
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('YAML: test'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('empty value (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('YAML : ');
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('YAML : test'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('with comment', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language # comment");
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('YAML: test # comment'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('nested', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], 6);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 6
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {'d': 4, 'e': 6},
'c': 3
test('nested (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
b: {d: 4, e: 5}
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], 6);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
b: {d: 4, e: 6}
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {'d': 4, 'e': 6},
'c': 3
test('nested (3)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
b: 4
doc.update(['a'], true);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: true
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': true});
test('nested (4)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
], [
{'a': true, 'b': false}
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': [
{'a': true, 'b': false}
test('nested (5)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- a: 1
b: 2
- null
doc.update(['a', 0], false);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- false
- null
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': [false, null]
test('nested (6)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- - 1
- 2
- null
doc.update(['a', 0], false);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- false
- null
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': [false, null]
test('nested (7)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- - 0
b: false
doc.update(['a', 0], true);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- true
b: false
test('nested scalar -> flow list', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], [1, 2, 3]);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
d: 4
- 1
- 2
- 3
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {
'd': 4,
'e': [1, 2, 3]
'c': 3
test('nested block map -> scalar', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5
c: 3
doc.update(['b'], 2);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3});
test('nested block map -> scalar with comments', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5
# comment
doc.update(['b'], 2);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
b: 2
# comment
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
test('nested scalar -> block map', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], {'x': 3, 'y': 4});
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
d: 4
x: 3
y: 4
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {
'd': 4,
'e': {'x': 3, 'y': 4}
'c': 3
test('nested block map with comments', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 5 # comment
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], 6);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
d: 4
e: 6 # comment
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {'d': 4, 'e': 6},
'c': 3
test('nested block map with comments (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
d: 4 # comment
# comment
e: 5 # comment
# comment
c: 3
doc.update(['b', 'e'], 6);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
d: 4 # comment
# comment
e: 6 # comment
# comment
c: 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': 1,
'b': {'d': 4, 'e': 6},
'c': 3
group('flow map', () {
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("{YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language}");
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('{YAML: test}'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('(2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("{YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language}");
doc.update(['YAML'], 'd9]zH`FoYC/>]');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('{YAML: "d9]zH`FoYC\\/>]"}'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'd9]zH`FoYC/>]'});
test('empty value', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{YAML: }');
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('{YAML: test}'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test'});
test('empty value (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{YAML: , hi: bye}');
doc.update(['YAML'], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('{YAML: test, hi: bye}'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'YAML': 'test', 'hi': 'bye'});
test('with spacing', () {
final doc = YamlEditor(
"{ YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language , XML: Extensible Markup Language , HTML: Hypertext Markup Language }");
doc.update(['XML'], 'XML Markup Language');
"{ YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language , XML: XML Markup Language, HTML: Hypertext Markup Language }"));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'YAML': "YAML Ain't Markup Language",
'XML': 'XML Markup Language',
'HTML': 'Hypertext Markup Language'
group('block list', () {
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language");
doc.update([0], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('- test'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, ['test']);
test('(2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 1
- 3
doc.update([1], 2);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- 1
- 2
- 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [1, 2, 3]);
test('nested (1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language");
doc.update([0], [1, 2]);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('- - 1\n - 2'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
[1, 2]
test('with comment', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language # comment");
doc.update([0], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('- test # comment'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, ['test']);
test('with comment (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 1
- # comment
- 3
doc.update([1], 2);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- 1
- 2 # comment
- 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [1, 2, 3]);
test('with comment and spaces', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("- YAML Ain't Markup Language # comment");
doc.update([0], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('- test # comment'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, ['test']);
test('nested (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 0
- - 0
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
doc.update([1, 1], 4);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- 0
- - 0
- 4
- 2
- 2
- 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
[0, 4, 2],
test('nested (3)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 0
- 1
doc.update([0], {'item': 'Super Hoop', 'quantity': 1});
doc.update([1], {'item': 'BasketBall', 'quantity': 4});
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- item: Super Hoop
quantity: 1
- item: BasketBall
quantity: 4
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
{'item': 'Super Hoop', 'quantity': 1},
{'item': 'BasketBall', 'quantity': 4}
test('nested list flow map -> scalar', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 0
- {a: 1, b: 2}
- 2
- 3
doc.update([1], 4);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- 0
- 4
- 2
- 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [0, 4, 2, 3]);
test('nested list-map-list-number update', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- 0
- a:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 3
doc.update([1, 'a', 0], 15);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- 0
- a:
- 15
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 3
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
'a': [15, 2, 3]
group('flow list', () {
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("[YAML Ain't Markup Language]");
doc.update([0], 'test');
expect(doc.toString(), equals('[test]'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, ['test']);
test('(2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("[YAML Ain't Markup Language]");
doc.update([0], [1, 2, 3]);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('[[1, 2, 3]]'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
[1, 2, 3]
/// We cannot have empty values in a flow list.
test('with spacing (1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('[ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ]');
doc.update([1], 4);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('[ 0 , 4, 2 , 3 ]'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [0, 4, 2, 3]);
group('adds to', () {
group('flow map', () {
test('that is empty ', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('{}');
doc.update(['a'], 1);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('{a: 1}'));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1});
test('that is empty (2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
- {}
- []
doc.update([0, 'a'], [1]);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
- {a: [1]}
- []
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, [
'a': [1]
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor("{YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language}");
doc.update(['XML'], 'Extensible Markup Language');
"{XML: Extensible Markup Language, YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language}"));
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'XML': 'Extensible Markup Language',
'YAML': "YAML Ain't Markup Language",
group('block map', () {
test('(1)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
doc.update(['d'], 4);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4});
/// Regression testing to ensure it works without leading wtesttespace
test('(2)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('a: 1');
doc.update(['b'], 2);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''a: 1
b: 2
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1, 'b': 2});
test('(3)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
aa: 1
zz: 1
], {
'aaa': {'dddd': 'c'},
'bbb': [0, 1, 2]
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
aa: 1
dddd: c
- 0
- 1
- 2
zz: 1
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': {
'aa': 1,
'bb': {
'aaa': {'dddd': 'c'},
'bbb': [0, 1, 2]
'zz': 1
test('(4)', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
aa: 1
zz: 1
], [
[1, 2],
{'aaa': 'b', 'bbb': 'c'}
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
aa: 1
- 0
- - 1
- 2
- aaa: b
bbb: c
zz: 1
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {
'a': {
'aa': 1,
'bb': [
[1, 2],
{'aaa': 'b', 'bbb': 'c'}
'zz': 1
test('with complex keys', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
? Sammy Sosa
? Ken Griff''');
doc.update(['Mark McGwire'], null);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
? Sammy Sosa
? Ken Griff
Mark McGwire: null
doc, {'Sammy Sosa': null, 'Ken Griff': null, 'Mark McGwire': null});
test('with trailing newline', () {
final doc = YamlEditor('''
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
doc.update(['d'], 4);
expect(doc.toString(), equals('''
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
expectYamlBuilderValue(doc, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4});