blob: e95c43f62be5f3924b093a658e400e0a930d95f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'dart:collection' as collection;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'equality.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Returns a new [YamlMap] constructed by applying [update] onto the [nodes]
/// of this [YamlMap].
YamlMap updatedYamlMap(YamlMap map, Function(Map) update) {
final dummyMap = deepEqualsMap();
return wrapAsYamlNode(dummyMap) as YamlMap;
/// Wraps [value] into a [YamlNode].
/// [Map]s, [List]s and Scalars will be wrapped as [YamlMap]s, [YamlList]s,
/// and [YamlScalar]s respectively. If [collectionStyle]/[scalarStyle] is
/// defined, and [value] is a collection or scalar, the wrapped [YamlNode] will
/// have the respective style, otherwise it defaults to the ANY style.
/// If a [YamlNode] is passed in, no further wrapping will be done, and the
/// [collectionStyle]/[scalarStyle] will not be applied.
YamlNode wrapAsYamlNode(Object? value,
{CollectionStyle collectionStyle = CollectionStyle.ANY,
ScalarStyle scalarStyle = ScalarStyle.ANY}) {
if (value is YamlScalar) {
return value;
} else if (value is YamlList) {
for (final item in value.nodes) {
return value;
} else if (value is YamlMap) {
/// Both [entry.key] and [entry.values] are guaranteed to be [YamlNode]s,
/// so running this will just assert that they are valid scalars.
for (final entry in value.nodes.entries) {
return value;
} else if (value is Map) {
return YamlMapWrap(value, collectionStyle: collectionStyle);
} else if (value is List) {
return YamlListWrap(value, collectionStyle: collectionStyle);
} else {
return YamlScalarWrap(value, style: scalarStyle);
/// Internal class that allows us to define a constructor on [YamlScalar]
/// which takes in [style] as an argument.
class YamlScalarWrap implements YamlScalar {
/// The [ScalarStyle] to be used for the scalar.
final ScalarStyle style;
final SourceSpan span;
final dynamic value;
YamlScalarWrap(this.value, { = ScalarStyle.ANY, Object? sourceUrl})
: span = shellSpan(sourceUrl);
String toString() => value.toString();
/// Internal class that allows us to define a constructor on [YamlMap]
/// which takes in [style] as an argument.
class YamlMapWrap
with collection.MapMixin, UnmodifiableMapMixin
implements YamlMap {
/// The [CollectionStyle] to be used for the map.
final CollectionStyle style;
final Map<dynamic, YamlNode> nodes;
final SourceSpan span;
factory YamlMapWrap(Map dartMap,
{CollectionStyle collectionStyle = CollectionStyle.ANY,
Object? sourceUrl}) {
final wrappedMap = deepEqualsMap<dynamic, YamlNode>();
for (final entry in dartMap.entries) {
final wrappedKey = wrapAsYamlNode(entry.key);
final wrappedValue = wrapAsYamlNode(entry.value);
wrappedMap[wrappedKey] = wrappedValue;
return YamlMapWrap._(wrappedMap,
style: collectionStyle, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
{CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.ANY, Object? sourceUrl})
: span = shellSpan(sourceUrl),
style = nodes.isEmpty ? CollectionStyle.FLOW : style;
dynamic operator [](Object? key) => nodes[key]?.value;
Iterable get keys => => node.value);
Map get value => this;
/// Internal class that allows us to define a constructor on [YamlList]
/// which takes in [style] as an argument.
class YamlListWrap with collection.ListMixin implements YamlList {
/// The [CollectionStyle] to be used for the list.
final CollectionStyle style;
final List<YamlNode> nodes;
final SourceSpan span;
int get length => nodes.length;
set length(int index) {
throw UnsupportedError('Cannot modify an unmodifiable List');
factory YamlListWrap(List dartList,
{CollectionStyle collectionStyle = CollectionStyle.ANY,
Object? sourceUrl}) {
final wrappedList =;
return YamlListWrap._(wrappedList,
style: collectionStyle, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
{CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.ANY, Object? sourceUrl})
: span = shellSpan(sourceUrl),
style = nodes.isEmpty ? CollectionStyle.FLOW : style;
dynamic operator [](int index) => nodes[index].value;
operator []=(int index, value) {
throw UnsupportedError('Cannot modify an unmodifiable List');
List get value => this;