blob: 8cb8cfafc2696079dcbceb6e868fa94d376d983b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
main() {
test("YamlMap() with no sourceUrl", () {
var map = new YamlMap();
expect(map, isEmpty);
expect(map.nodes, isEmpty);
expect(map.span, isNullSpan(isNull));
test("YamlMap() with a sourceUrl", () {
var map = new YamlMap(sourceUrl: "source");
expect(map.span, isNullSpan(Uri.parse("source")));
test("YamlList() with no sourceUrl", () {
var list = new YamlList();
expect(list, isEmpty);
expect(list.nodes, isEmpty);
expect(list.span, isNullSpan(isNull));
test("YamlList() with a sourceUrl", () {
var list = new YamlList(sourceUrl: "source");
expect(list.span, isNullSpan(Uri.parse("source")));
test("YamlMap.wrap() with no sourceUrl", () {
var map = new YamlMap.wrap({
"list": [1, 2, 3],
"map": {
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
"scalar": "value"
expect(map, equals({
"list": [1, 2, 3],
"map": {
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
"scalar": "value"
expect(map.span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(map["list"], new isInstanceOf<YamlList>());
expect(map["list"].nodes[0], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(map["list"].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(map["map"], new isInstanceOf<YamlMap>());
expect(map["map"].nodes["foo"], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(map["map"]["nested"], new isInstanceOf<YamlList>());
expect(map["map"].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(map.nodes["scalar"], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(map.nodes["scalar"].value, "value");
expect(map.nodes["scalar"].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(map["scalar"], "value");
expect(map.keys, unorderedEquals(["list", "map", "scalar"]));
expect(map.nodes.keys, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>()));
expect(map.nodes[new YamlScalar.wrap("list")], equals([1, 2, 3]));
test("YamlMap.wrap() with a sourceUrl", () {
var map = new YamlMap.wrap({
"list": [1, 2, 3],
"map": {
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
"scalar": "value"
}, sourceUrl: "source");
var source = Uri.parse("source");
expect(map.span, isNullSpan(source));
expect(map["list"].span, isNullSpan(source));
expect(map["map"].span, isNullSpan(source));
expect(map.nodes["scalar"].span, isNullSpan(source));
test("YamlList.wrap() with no sourceUrl", () {
var list = new YamlList.wrap([
[1, 2, 3],
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
expect(list, equals([
[1, 2, 3],
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
expect(list.span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list[0], new isInstanceOf<YamlList>());
expect(list[0].nodes[0], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(list[0].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list[1], new isInstanceOf<YamlMap>());
expect(list[1].nodes["foo"], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(list[1]["nested"], new isInstanceOf<YamlList>());
expect(list[1].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list.nodes[2], new isInstanceOf<YamlScalar>());
expect(list.nodes[2].value, "value");
expect(list.nodes[2].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list[2], "value");
test("YamlList.wrap() with a sourceUrl", () {
var list = new YamlList.wrap([
[1, 2, 3],
"foo": "bar",
"nested": [4, 5, 6]
expect(list.span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list[0].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list[1].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
expect(list.nodes[2].span, isNullSpan(isNull));
test("re-wrapped objects equal one another", () {
var list = new YamlList.wrap([
[1, 2, 3],
{"foo": "bar"}
expect(list[0] == list[0], isTrue);
expect(list[0].nodes == list[0].nodes, isTrue);
expect(list[0] == new YamlList.wrap([1, 2, 3]), isFalse);
expect(list[1] == list[1], isTrue);
expect(list[1].nodes == list[1].nodes, isTrue);
expect(list[1] == new YamlMap.wrap({"foo": "bar"}), isFalse);
Matcher isNullSpan(sourceUrl) => predicate((span) {
expect(span, new isInstanceOf<SourceSpan>());
expect(span.length, equals(0));
expect(span.text, isEmpty);
expect(span.start, equals(span.end));
expect(span.start.offset, equals(0));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(0));
expect(span.sourceUrl, sourceUrl);
return true;