blob: 40178682548954189095a442b3a885fe7debf361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
void _expectSpan(SourceSpan source, String expected) {
final result = source.message('message');
expect(result, expected);
void main() {
YamlMap yaml;
setUpAll(() {
yaml = loadYaml(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert({
'num': 42,
'nested': {
'null': null,
'num': 42,
'null': null,
})) as YamlMap;
test('first root key', () {
line 2, column 9: message
2 │ "num": 42,
│ ^^
test('first root key', () {
line 7, column 10: message
7 │ "null": null
│ ^^^^
group('nested', () {
YamlMap nestedMap;
setUpAll(() {
nestedMap = yaml.nodes['nested'] as YamlMap;
test('first root key', () {
line 4, column 11: message
4 │ "null": null,
│ ^^^^
test('first root key', () {
line 5, column 10: message
5 │ "num": 42
│ ┌──────────^
6 │ │ },
│ └─^
group('block', () {
YamlList list, nestedList;
setUpAll(() {
const yamlStr = '''
- foo
- one
- three
- five
a : b
c : d
- bar
list = loadYaml(yamlStr) as YamlList;
nestedList = list.nodes[1] as YamlList;
test('root nodes span', () {
_expectSpan(list.nodes[0].span, r'''
line 1, column 3: message
1 │ - foo
│ ^^^
_expectSpan(list.nodes[1].span, r'''
line 3, column 3: message
3 │ ┌ - one
4 │ │ -
5 │ │ - three
6 │ │ -
7 │ │ - five
8 │ └ -
_expectSpan(list.nodes[2].span, r'''
line 10, column 3: message
10 │ ┌ a : b
11 │ └ c : d
_expectSpan(list.nodes[3].span, r'''
line 12, column 3: message
12 │ - bar
│ ^^^
test('null nodes span', () {
_expectSpan(nestedList.nodes[1].span, r'''
line 4, column 3: message
4 │ -
│ ^
_expectSpan(nestedList.nodes[3].span, r'''
line 6, column 3: message
6 │ -
│ ^
_expectSpan(nestedList.nodes[5].span, r'''
line 8, column 3: message
8 │ -
│ ^