| ## Local Development |
| |
| ### With Flutter tools (recommended) |
| |
| 1. Fork and download the [Flutter repo](https://github.com/flutter/flutter). |
| Detailed instructions can be found |
| [here](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Setting-up-the-Framework-development-environment). |
| 1. Add an alias to your `.bashrc`/`.zshrc` for Flutter Tools: |
| |
| ``` |
| alias flutter_tools='/YOUR_PATH/flutter/bin/dart --observe /YOUR_PATH/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/bin/flutter_tools.dart' |
| ``` |
| |
| > **Explanation:** |
| > |
| > - `/PATH_TO_YOUR_FLUTTER_REPO/bin/dart`: This is the path to the Dart SDK that |
| > Flutter Tools uses |
| > - `--observe`: This flag specifies we want a Dart DevTools URL for debugging |
| > - `/PATH_TO_YOUR_FLUTTER_REPO/packages/flutter_tools/bin/flutter_tools.dart`: |
| > This is the path to Flutter Tools itself |
| > |
| > _More details can be found at the Flutter Tools |
| > [README](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter_tools/README.md)._ |
| |
| 3. In your Flutter Tools |
| [`pubspec.yaml`](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter_tools/pubspec.yaml), |
| change the DWDS dependency to point to your local DWDS: |
| |
| ``` |
| dwds: |
| path: /YOUR_PATH/dwds |
| ``` |
| |
| 4. Choose a Flutter app to run (eg, the |
| [old](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/tree/master/dev/integration_tests/flutter_gallery) |
| or [new](https://github.com/flutter/gallery) Flutter Gallery apps). |
| 1. From the Flutter app repo, run your local Flutter Tools with alias you |
| defined in step #2: |
| |
| ``` |
| flutter_tools run -d chrome |
| ``` |
| |
| 6. Open up the **first** Dart DevTools URL you see printed: |
| |
| ``` |
| ... |
| The Dart VM service is listening on |
| The Dart DevTools debugger and profiler is available at: <== THIS ONE! |
| Launching lib/main.dart on Chrome in debug mode... |
| ... |
| ``` |
| |
| 7. The Dart DevTools you open is connected to your Flutter Tools, but because of |
| the path dependency added in step #3, you can debug your local DWDS as well. |
| |
| ### With WebDev |
| |
| Follow instructions in the `webdev/example` [README](/example/README.md) to run |
| the example app and connect to DWDS. |
| |
| ## Changes required when submitting a PR |
| |
| - Make sure you update the `CHANGELOG.md` with a description of the change, or use |
| the 'changelog-not-required' label to mark that the PR doesn't need a `CHANGELOG.md` |
| entry. |
| - If DWDS / Webdev was just released, then you will need to update the version |
| in the `CHANGELOG`, and the `pubspec.yaml` file as well (eg, |
| https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/pull/1462) |
| - For any directories you’ve touched, run `dart run build_runner build` to |
| check in any file that should be built. This will make sure the integration |
| tests are run against the built files. |
| |
| ## g3 Rolls |
| |
| DWDS is rolled automatically into g3 along with the Dart SDK. For more information, or to learn how to handle breaking changes, see go/roll-dwds. |
| |
| ## Release steps |
| |
| ## Step 1: Publish DWDS to pub |
| |
| - From the `/tool` directory in the mono-repo root, run: `dart run release.dart -p dwds` |
| - Submit a PR with those changes (example PR: https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/pull/1456) |
| - Once the PR is submitted, go to https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/releases and create a new |
| release, eg https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/releases/tag/dwds-v12.0.0. This should trigger |
| the auto-publisher. Verify that the package is published. |
| - From the `/tool` directory in the mono-repo root, run: `dart run release.dart --reset -p dwds -v <<new version tag>>` where the new version tag is the next minor version postfixed with `-wip` ([example PR](https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/pull/2267/files)) |
| - Submit a PR with those changes. |
| |
| > _Note: To have the right permissions for publishing, you need to be invited to |
| > the tools.dart.dev. A member of the Dart team should be able to add you at |
| > https://pub.dev/publishers/tools.dart.dev/admin._ |
| |
| ## Step 2: Publish Webdev to pub |
| |
| > _Note: DWDS is a dependency of Webdev, which is why DWDS must be published |
| > before Webdev can be published._ |
| |
| Follow instructions in the `webdev/webdev` |
| [CONTRIBUTING](/webdev/CONTRIBUTING.md) to release Webdev. |
| |
| ## Whenever the Dart SDK is updated |
| |
| Whenever Dart SDK is updated to a new major or minor version (~every 2 weeks), |
| any PR submissions to Webdev are blocked by the min_sdk_test until the Dart min |
| SDK constraint is updated. Therefore, whenever your PR gets blocked by the test, |
| you need to: |
| |
| 1. Create a new PR that updates all the min SDK constraints to the new version, |
| eg: https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/pull/1463. |
| 1. From each of the subdirectories (`/dwds`, `/frontend_server_client`, |
| `/frontend_server_common`, and `/webdev`) update dependencies with |
| `dart pub upgrade` |
| 1. Make sure to update the `CHANGELOG` to include the new version number |
| 1. Submit your PR. At this point, you technically will be able to submit the PR |
| that was blocked, but the point of the test is to make sure that DWDS and |
| Webdev get released after a Dart stable release. Therefore, follow the steps |
| above to publish DWDS and Webdev. |
| |
| > ### Why is this necessary? |
| > |
| > This is so that we don’t need to support older versions of the SDK and test |
| > against them, therefore every time the Dart SDK is bumped to a new major or |
| > minor version, DWDS and Webdev’s min Dart SDK constraint needs to be |
| > changed and DWDS and Webdev have to be released. Since DWDS is dependent on |
| > DDC and the runtime API, if we had a looser min constraint we would need to |
| > run tests for all earlier stable releases of the SDK that match the |
| > constraint, which would have differences in functionality and therefore need |
| > different tests. |
| |
| ## Hotfixes |
| |
| Sometimes you might need to do a hotfix release of DWDS. An example of why this |
| might be necessary is if you need to do a hotfix of DWDS into Flutter, but don't |
| want to release a new version of DWDS with the current untested changes on the |
| master branch. Instead you only want to apply a fix to the current version of |
| DWDS in Flutter. |
| |
| ### Instructions: |
| |
| 1. Create a branch off the release that needs a hotfix: |
| |
| a. In the GitHub UI's |
| [commit history view](https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/commits/master), |
| find the commit that prepared the release of DWDS that you would like to |
| hotfix. |
| |
| b. Click on `< >` ("Browse the repository at this point in history"). |
| |
| c. At the top-left, you should see the commit hash in a dropdown. Click the |
| dropdown, and type in a name for your hotfix branch (e.g. |
| `16.0.2-hotfix-release`). Then select "Create branch `16.0.2-hotfix-release` |
| from `commit_hash`". |
| |
| d. From your local clone of DWDS, run `git fetch upstream`. (_Note: this |
| assumes you have already configured git to sync your fork with the `upstream` |
| repository. If you haven't, follow |
| [these instructions](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo#configuring-git-to-sync-your-fork-with-the-upstream-repository).)_ |
| |
| e. Search for the branch that you just created, e.g. |
| `git branch -a | grep 16.0.2-hotfix-release` f. Track that branch with |
| `git checkout --track branch_name` (e.g. |
| `remotes/upstream/16.0.2-hotfix-release`) |
| |
| 1. Update the CI tests so that the branch tests against the appropriate Dart |
| SDKs: |
| |
| a. Make the appropriate changes to DWDS' `mono_pkg.yaml` then run |
| `mono_repo generate`. Submit this change to the branch you created in step |
| #3, **not** `master`. |
| |
| 1. Make the fix: |
| |
| a. You can now make the change you would like to hotfix. From the GitHub UI, |
| open a PR to merge your change into the branch you created in step #3, |
| **not** `master`. See https://github.com/dart-lang/webdev/pull/1867 as an |
| example. |
| |
| 1. Once it's merged, you can follow the instructions to |
| [publish DWDS to pub](#step-2-publish-dwds-to-pub), except instead of pulling |
| from `master`, pull from the branch your created in step #3. |
| |
| 1. If necessary, open a cherry-pick request in Flutter to update the version. |
| See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/118122 for an example. |