blob: e11c29dcd8fe44b3acecca12496546f013730fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Timeout(Duration(minutes: 2))
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dwds/src/readers/frontend_server_asset_reader.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_common/test_sdk_layout.dart';
import 'package:test_common/utilities.dart';
import '../fixtures/project.dart';
final fixturesDir = absolutePath(pathFromDwds: p.join('test', 'fixtures'));
void main() {
late FrontendServerAssetReader assetReader;
late Directory tempFixtures;
late File jsonOriginal;
late File mapOriginal;
final testProject = TestProject.testWithSoundNullSafety;
final packagesDir = testProject.absolutePackageDirectory;
Future<void> createTempFixtures() async {
tempFixtures = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dwds_test_fixtures');
await tempFixtures.create();
jsonOriginal = await File(p.join(fixturesDir, 'main.dart.dill.json'))
.copy(p.join(tempFixtures.path, 'main.dart.dill.json'));
mapOriginal = await File(p.join(fixturesDir, ''))
.copy(p.join(tempFixtures.path, ''));
setUpAll(() async {
final sdkLayout = TestSdkLayout.defaultSdkLayout;
['pub', 'upgrade'],
workingDirectory: packagesDir,
setUp(() async {
await createTempFixtures();
assetReader = FrontendServerAssetReader(
outputPath: p.join(tempFixtures.path, 'main.dart.dill'),
packageRoot: packagesDir,
tearDown(() async {
if (await tempFixtures.exists()) await tempFixtures.delete(recursive: true);
group('FrontendServerAssetReader', () {
group('sources', () {
test('as packages path can be read', () async {
final result =
await assetReader.dartSourceContents('packages/path/path.dart');
expect(result, isNotNull);
test('as relative path can be read', () async {
final result = await assetReader.dartSourceContents('lib/library.dart');
expect(result, isNotNull);
test('are null if the path does not exist', () async {
final result = await assetReader.dartSourceContents('foo/blah.dart');
expect(result, isNull);
group('source maps', () {
test('can be read', () async {
final result =
await assetReader.sourceMapContents('web/');
expect(result, isNotNull);
test('are cached', () async {
// Remove the underlying fixtures.
await tempFixtures.delete(recursive: true);
final cachedResult =
await assetReader.sourceMapContents('web/');
expect(cachedResult, isNotNull);
test('are null if the path does not exist', () async {
final result =
await assetReader.sourceMapContents('web/');
expect(result, isNull);
test('are updated with new incremental results', () async {
final missingResult =
await assetReader.sourceMapContents('web/');
expect(missingResult, isNull);
// Update fixture.
await File(p.join(tempFixtures.path, 'main.dart.dill.incremental.json'))
(await jsonOriginal.readAsString())
.replaceAll('web/main.dart.lib.js', 'web/foo.dart.lib.js'),
await File(p.join(tempFixtures.path, ''))
(await mapOriginal.readAsString())
.replaceAll('web/main.dart.lib.js', 'web/foo.dart.lib.js'),
final newResult =
await assetReader.sourceMapContents('web/');
expect(newResult, isNotNull);