blob: 9a303a632887cb8878f5af9fb4a118bead76839f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_common/logging.dart';
import 'package:test_common/test_sdk_configuration.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import '../../fixtures/context.dart';
import '../../fixtures/project.dart';
import '../../fixtures/utilities.dart';
import 'test_inspector.dart';
void runTests({
required TestSdkConfigurationProvider provider,
required CompilationMode compilationMode,
required bool canaryFeatures,
required bool debug,
}) {
final context =
TestContext(TestProject.testExperimentWithSoundNullSafety, provider);
final testInspector = TestInspector(context);
late VmService service;
late Stream<Event> stream;
late String isolateId;
late ScriptRef mainScript;
onBreakPoint(breakPointId, body) => testInspector.onBreakPoint(
getInstanceRef(frame, expression) =>
testInspector.getInstanceRef(isolateId, frame, expression);
getFields(instanceRef, {offset, count}) => testInspector
.getFields(isolateId, instanceRef, offset: offset, count: count);
getFrameVariables(Frame frame) =>
testInspector.getFrameVariables(isolateId, frame);
group('$compilationMode |', () {
setUpAll(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
testSettings: TestSettings(
compilationMode: compilationMode,
enableExpressionEvaluation: true,
verboseCompiler: debug,
experiments: ['records', 'patterns'],
canaryFeatures: canaryFeatures,
service = context.debugConnection.vmService;
final vm = await service.getVM();
isolateId = vm.isolates!!;
final scripts = await service.getScripts(isolateId);
await service.streamListen('Debug');
stream = service.onEvent('Debug');
mainScript = scripts.scripts!
.firstWhere((each) => each.uri!.contains('main.dart'));
tearDownAll(() async {
await context.tearDown();
setUp(() => setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug));
tearDown(() => service.resume(isolateId));
test('pattern match case 1', () async {
await onBreakPoint('testPatternCase1', (event) async {
final frame = event.topFrame!;
expect(await getFrameVariables(frame), {
'obj': matchListInstance(type: 'Object'),
'a': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: InstanceKind.kString, value: 'a'),
'n': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: InstanceKind.kDouble, value: 1),
test('pattern match case 2', () async {
await onBreakPoint('testPatternCase2', (event) async {
final frame = event.topFrame!;
expect(await getFrameVariables(frame), {
'obj': matchListInstance(type: 'Object'),
'a': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: InstanceKind.kString, value: 'b'),
'n': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: InstanceKind.kDouble, value: 3.14),
test('pattern match default case', () async {
await onBreakPoint('testPatternDefault', (event) async {
final frame = event.topFrame!;
final frameIndex = frame.index!;
final instanceRef = await getInstanceRef(frameIndex, 'obj');
expect(await getFields(instanceRef), {0: 0.0, 1: 1.0});
expect(await getFrameVariables(frame), {
'obj': matchListInstance(type: 'int'),
test('stepping through pattern match', () async {
await onBreakPoint('callTestPattern1', (Event event) async {
var previousLocation = event.topFrame!.location;
for (var step in [
// Make sure we step into the callee.
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) 'Into',
// Make a few steps inside the callee.
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) 'Over',
]) {
await service.resume(isolateId, step: step);
event = await stream
.firstWhere((e) => e.kind == EventKind.kPauseInterrupted);
if (step == 'Over') {
expect(event.topFrame!.code!.name, 'testPattern');
final location = event.topFrame!.location;
expect(location, isNot(equals(previousLocation)));
previousLocation = location;
test('before instantiation of pattern-matching variables', () async {
await onBreakPoint('testPattern2Case1', (event) async {
final frame = event.topFrame!;
await getFrameVariables(frame),
{'dog': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: 'String', value: 'Prismo')},
test('after instantiation of pattern-matching variables', () async {
await onBreakPoint('testPattern2Case2', (event) async {
final frame = event.topFrame!;
final vars = await getFrameVariables(frame);
expect(vars, {
'dog': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: 'String', value: 'Prismo'),
'cats': matchListInstance(type: 'String'),
'firstCat': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: 'String', value: 'Garfield'),
'secondCat': matchPrimitiveInstance(kind: 'String', value: 'Tom'),