Instructions on releasing Webdev

  • Make sure you are on the Dart stable SDK version (check with dart --version)
  • Update the DWDS version in /webdev/pubspec.yaml to match the newly released DWDS version, and update the Webdev version to the new version number. Also, comment out the dependency_override so that Webdev is now depending on the version of DWDS on pub (which should have just been published) instead of the local version.
  • Update /webdev/ to match the new webdev version
  • From /webdev, run dart pub upgrade
  • From /webdev run dart run build_runner build, this will build and update the version in webdev/lib/src/version.dart
  • Before submitting your PR, test that everything is working by following instructions in the webdev/example README to run the example app and connect to Dart DevTools.
  • Submit a PR with those changes (example PR:
  • Once the PR is submitted, pull from master and run dart pub publish
  • Finally, go to and create a new release, eg You might need to delete some of the content of the autogenerated notes.