blob: 869a7d30dbf9ab7245c42bbe227501d447bba89d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Timeout(Duration(minutes: 2))
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_common/logging.dart';
import 'package:test_common/test_sdk_configuration.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_interface/vm_service_interface.dart';
import 'fixtures/context.dart';
import 'fixtures/project.dart';
void testAll({
required TestSdkConfigurationProvider provider,
CompilationMode compilationMode = CompilationMode.buildDaemon,
IndexBaseMode indexBaseMode = IndexBaseMode.noBase,
NullSafety nullSafety = NullSafety.sound,
bool useDebuggerModuleNames = false,
bool debug = false,
}) {
if (compilationMode == CompilationMode.buildDaemon &&
indexBaseMode == IndexBaseMode.base) {
throw StateError(
'build daemon scenario does not support non-empty base in index file',
final testCircular1 = TestProject.testCircular1(nullSafety: nullSafety);
final testCircular2 = TestProject.testCircular2(
nullSafety: nullSafety,
baseMode: indexBaseMode,
final context = TestContext(testCircular2, provider);
Future<void> onBreakPoint(
String isolate,
ScriptRef script,
String breakPointId,
Future<void> Function() body,
) async {
Breakpoint? bp;
try {
final line =
await context.findBreakpointLine(breakPointId, isolate, script);
bp = await context.service
.addBreakpointWithScriptUri(isolate, script.uri!, line);
await body();
} finally {
// Remove breakpoint so it doesn't impact other tests or retries.
if (bp != null) {
await context.service.removeBreakpoint(isolate,!);
group('shared context with evaluation', () {
setUpAll(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
await context.setUp(
compilationMode: compilationMode,
enableExpressionEvaluation: true,
useDebuggerModuleNames: useDebuggerModuleNames,
verboseCompiler: debug,
tearDownAll(() async {
await context.tearDown();
setUp(() => setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug));
group('evaluateInFrame', () {
late VmServiceInterface service;
VM vm;
late Isolate isolate;
late String isolateId;
ScriptList scripts;
late ScriptRef test1LibraryScript;
late ScriptRef test2LibraryScript;
late Stream<Event> stream;
setUp(() async {
setCurrentLogWriter(debug: debug);
service = context.service;
vm = await service.getVM();
isolate = await service.getIsolate(vm.isolates!!);
isolateId =!;
scripts = await service.getScripts(isolateId);
await service.streamListen('Debug');
stream = service.onEvent('Debug');
final test1 = testCircular1.packageName;
final test2 = testCircular2.packageName;
test1LibraryScript = scripts.scripts!.firstWhere(
(each) => each.uri!.contains('package:$test1/library1.dart'),
test2LibraryScript = scripts.scripts!.firstWhere(
(each) => each.uri!.contains('package:$test2/library2.dart'),
tearDown(() async {
await service.resume(isolateId);
test('evaluate expression in _test_circular1/library', () async {
await onBreakPoint(isolateId, test1LibraryScript, 'Concatenate',
() async {
final event = await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
final result = await context.service
.evaluateInFrame(isolateId, event.topFrame!.index!, 'a');
(instance) => instance.valueAsString,
test('evaluate expression in _test_circular2/library', () async {
await onBreakPoint(
isolateId, test2LibraryScript, 'testCircularDependencies',
() async {
final event = await stream
.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint);
final result = await context.service
.evaluateInFrame(isolateId, event.topFrame!.index!, 'true');
(instance) => instance.valueAsString,