blob: 4b52f875d1fd646a36c68024b4816d5d9c4d914e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/config/tool_configuration.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/debugging/modules.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/readers/asset_reader.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/parser.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
var _startTokenId = 1337;
/// A source location, with both Dart and JS information.
class Location {
final JsLocation jsLocation;
final DartLocation dartLocation;
/// An arbitrary integer value used to represent this location.
final int tokenPos;
) : tokenPos = _startTokenId++;
static Location from(
String module,
TargetLineEntry lineEntry,
TargetEntry entry,
DartUri dartUri,
) {
final dartLine = entry.sourceLine;
final dartColumn = entry.sourceColumn;
final jsLine = lineEntry.line;
final jsColumn = entry.column;
// lineEntry data is 0 based according to:
return Location._(
JsLocation.fromZeroBased(module, jsLine, jsColumn),
DartLocation.fromZeroBased(dartUri, dartLine ?? 0, dartColumn ?? 0),
String toString() => '$dartLocation -> $jsLocation';
/// Location information for a Dart source.
class DartLocation {
final DartUri uri;
/// 1 based row offset within the Dart source code.
final int line;
/// 1 based column offset within the Dart source code.
final int column;
int compareTo(DartLocation other) => compareToLine(other.line, other.column);
int compareToLine(int otherLine, int otherColumn) {
final result = line.compareTo(otherLine);
return result == 0 ? column.compareTo(otherColumn) : result;
int get hashCode => Object.hashAll([uri, line, column]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is! DartLocation) {
return false;
return uri.serverPath == other.uri.serverPath &&
line == other.line &&
column == other.column;
String toString() => '[${uri.serverPath}:$line:$column]';
factory DartLocation.fromZeroBased(DartUri uri, int line, int column) =>
DartLocation._(uri, line + 1, column + 1);
/// Location information for a JS source.
class JsLocation {
final String module;
/// 0 based row offset within the JS source code.
final int line;
/// 0 based column offset within the JS source code.
final int column;
int compareTo(JsLocation other) => compareToLine(other.line, other.column);
int compareToLine(int otherLine, int otherColumn) {
final result = line.compareTo(otherLine);
return result == 0 ? column.compareTo(otherColumn) : result;
String toString() => '[$module:$line:$column]';
// JS Location is 0 based according to:
factory JsLocation.fromZeroBased(String module, int line, int column) =>
JsLocation._(module, line, column);
/// Contains meta data for known [Location]s.
class Locations {
final _logger = Logger('Locations');
/// [Location] data for Dart server path.
final Map<String, Set<Location>> _sourceToLocation = {};
final Map<String, AsyncMemoizer<Set<Location>>> _locationMemoizer = {};
/// `tokenPosTable` for Dart server path, as defined in the
/// Dart VM Service Protocol:
final Map<String, List<List<int>>> _sourceToTokenPosTable = {};
/// The set of all known [Location]s for a module.
final Map<String, Set<Location>> _moduleToLocations = {};
final AssetReader _assetReader;
final Modules _modules;
final String _root;
late String _entrypoint;
Locations(this._assetReader, this._modules, this._root);
Modules get modules => _modules;
void initialize(String entrypoint) {
_entrypoint = entrypoint;
/// Returns all [Location] data for a provided Dart source.
Future<Set<Location>> locationsForDart(String serverPath) async {
final module = await _modules.moduleForSource(serverPath);
if (module == null) {
_logger.warning('No module for server path $serverPath');
} else {
await _locationsForModule(module);
return _sourceToLocation[serverPath] ?? {};
/// Returns all [Location] data for a provided JS server path.
Future<Set<Location>> locationsForUrl(String url) async {
if (url.isEmpty) return {};
final dartUri = DartUri(url, _root);
final serverPath = dartUri.serverPath;
final module = await globalToolConfiguration.loadStrategy
.moduleForServerPath(_entrypoint, serverPath);
final cache = _moduleToLocations[module];
if (cache != null) return cache;
if (module != null) {
await _locationsForModule(module);
return _moduleToLocations[module] ?? {};
/// Find the [Location] for the given Dart source position.
/// The [line] number is 1-based.
Future<Location?> locationForDart(DartUri uri, int line, int column) async {
final locations = await locationsForDart(uri.serverPath);
return _bestDartLocation(locations, line, column);
/// Find the [Location] for the given JS source position.
/// The [line] number is 0-based.
Future<Location?> locationForJs(String url, int line, int? column) async {
final locations = await locationsForUrl(url);
return _bestJsLocation(locations, line, column);
/// Find closest existing Dart location for the line and column.
/// Dart columns for breakpoints are either exact or start at the
/// beginning of the line - return the first existing location
/// that comes after the given column.
Location? _bestDartLocation(
Iterable<Location> locations,
int line,
int column,
) {
Location? bestLocation;
for (var location in locations) {
if (location.dartLocation.line == line &&
location.dartLocation.column >= column) {
bestLocation ??= location;
if (location.dartLocation.compareTo(bestLocation.dartLocation) < 0) {
bestLocation = location;
return bestLocation;
/// Find closest existing JavaScript location for the line and column.
/// Some JS locations are not stored in the source maps, so we find the
/// closest existing location coming before the given column.
/// This is a known problem that other code bases solve using by finding
/// the closest location to the current one:
Location? _bestJsLocation(
Iterable<Location> locations,
int line,
int? column,
) {
column ??= 0;
Location? bestLocation;
for (var location in locations) {
if (location.jsLocation.compareToLine(line, column) <= 0) {
bestLocation ??= location;
if (location.jsLocation.compareTo(bestLocation.jsLocation) > 0) {
bestLocation = location;
return bestLocation;
/// Returns the tokenPosTable for the provided Dart script path as defined
/// in:
Future<List<List<int>>> tokenPosTableFor(String serverPath) async {
var tokenPosTable = _sourceToTokenPosTable[serverPath];
if (tokenPosTable != null) return tokenPosTable;
// Construct the tokenPosTable which is of the form:
// [lineNumber, (tokenId, columnNumber)*]
tokenPosTable = <List<int>>[];
final locations = await locationsForDart(serverPath);
final lineNumberToLocation = <int, Set<Location>>{};
for (var location in locations) {
.putIfAbsent(location.dartLocation.line, () => <Location>{})
for (var lineNumber in lineNumberToLocation.keys) {
final locations = lineNumberToLocation[lineNumber]!;
for (var location in locations) ...[
_sourceToTokenPosTable[serverPath] = tokenPosTable;
return tokenPosTable;
/// Returns all known [Location]s for the provided [module].
/// [module] refers to the JS path of a DDC module without the extension.
/// This will populate the [_sourceToLocation] and [_moduleToLocations] maps.
Future<Set<Location>> _locationsForModule(String module) {
final memoizer = _locationMemoizer.putIfAbsent(module,;
return memoizer.runOnce(() async {
if (_moduleToLocations.containsKey(module)) {
return _moduleToLocations[module]!;
final result = <Location>{};
if (module.isEmpty) return _moduleToLocations[module] = result;
if (module.endsWith('dart_sdk') || module.endsWith('dart_library')) {
return result;
final modulePath = await globalToolConfiguration.loadStrategy
.serverPathForModule(_entrypoint, module);
if (modulePath == null) {
_logger.warning('No module path for module: $module');
return result;
final sourceMapPath = await globalToolConfiguration.loadStrategy
.sourceMapPathForModule(_entrypoint, module);
if (sourceMapPath == null) {
_logger.warning('No sourceMap path for module: $module');
return result;
final sourceMapContents =
await _assetReader.sourceMapContents(sourceMapPath);
final scriptLocation =
if (sourceMapContents == null) return result;
// This happens to be a [SingleMapping] today in DDC.
final mapping = parse(sourceMapContents);
if (mapping is SingleMapping) {
// Create TokenPos for each entry in the source map.
for (var lineEntry in mapping.lines) {
for (var entry in lineEntry.entries) {
final index = entry.sourceUrlId;
if (index == null) continue;
// Source map URLS are relative to the script. They may have platform separators
// or they may use URL semantics. To be sure, we split and re-join them.
// This works on Windows because path treats both / and \ as separators.
// It will fail if the path has both separators in it.
final relativeSegments = p.split(mapping.urls[index]);
final path = p.url.normalize(
p.url.joinAll([scriptLocation, ...relativeSegments]),
final dartUri = DartUri(path, _root);
for (var location in result) {
() => <Location>{},
return _moduleToLocations[module] = result;