blob: 145b7354a1471167cbb7545a0830ee675bc329c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:dwds/src/events.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/services/chrome_debug_exception.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/services/chrome_proxy_service.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/services/debug_service.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/utilities/synchronized.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_interface/vm_service_interface.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
final _logger = Logger('DwdsVmClient');
// A client of the vm service that registers some custom extensions like
// hotRestart.
class DwdsVmClient {
final VmService client;
final StreamController<Map<String, Object>> _requestController;
final StreamController<Map<String, Object?>> _responseController;
static const int kFeatureDisabled = 100;
static const String kFeatureDisabledMessage = 'Feature is disabled.';
/// Null until [close] is called.
/// All subsequent calls to [close] will return this future.
Future<void>? _closed;
/// Synchronizes hot restarts to avoid races.
final _hotRestartQueue = AtomicQueue();
DwdsVmClient(this.client, this._requestController, this._responseController);
Future<void> close() => _closed ??= () async {
await _requestController.close();
await _responseController.close();
await client.dispose();
static Future<DwdsVmClient> create(
DebugService debugService,
DwdsStats dwdsStats,
) async {
// Set up hot restart as an extension.
final requestController = StreamController<Map<String, Object>>();
final responseController = StreamController<Map<String, Object?>>();
final client =
VmService(, (request) {
if (requestController.isClosed) {
'Attempted to send a request but the connection is closed:\n\n'
requestController.sink.add(Map<String, Object>.from(jsonDecode(request)));
final chromeProxyService =
debugService.chromeProxyService as ChromeProxyService;
final dwdsVmClient =
DwdsVmClient(client, requestController, responseController);
// Register '_flutter.listViews' method on the chrome proxy service vm.
// In native world, this method is provided by the engine, but the web
// engine is not aware of the VM uri or the isolates.
// Issue:
client.registerServiceCallback('_flutter.listViews', (request) async {
final vm = await chromeProxyService.getVM();
final isolates = vm.isolates;
return <String, dynamic>{
'result': <String, Object>{
'views': <Object>[
for (var isolate in isolates ?? [])
<String, Object>{
'isolate': isolate.toJson(),
await client.registerService('_flutter.listViews', 'DWDS');
(request) => captureElapsedTime(
() => dwdsVmClient.hotRestart(chromeProxyService, client),
(_) => DwdsEvent.hotRestart(),
await client.registerService('hotRestart', 'DWDS');
(request) => captureElapsedTime(
() => _fullReload(chromeProxyService),
(_) => DwdsEvent.fullReload(),
await client.registerService('fullReload', 'DWDS');
client.registerServiceCallback('ext.dwds.screenshot', (_) async {
await chromeProxyService.remoteDebugger.enablePage();
final response = await chromeProxyService.remoteDebugger
return {'result': response.result};
await client.registerService('ext.dwds.screenshot', 'DWDS');
client.registerServiceCallback('ext.dwds.sendEvent', (event) async {
_processSendEvent(event, dwdsStats);
return {'result': Success().toJson()};
await client.registerService('ext.dwds.sendEvent', 'DWDS');
client.registerServiceCallback('ext.dwds.emitEvent', (event) async {
event['type'] as String,
event['payload'] as Map<String, dynamic>,
return {'result': Success().toJson()};
await client.registerService('ext.dwds.emitEvent', 'DWDS');
client.registerServiceCallback('_yieldControlToDDS', (request) async {
final ddsUri = request['uri'] as String?;
if (ddsUri == null) {
return RPCError(
request['method'] as String,
"'Missing parameter: 'uri'",
return DebugService.yieldControlToDDS(ddsUri)
? {'result': Success().toJson()}
: {
'error': {
'code': kFeatureDisabled,
'message': kFeatureDisabledMessage,
'Existing VM service clients prevent DDS from taking control.',
await client.registerService('_yieldControlToDDS', 'DWDS');
return dwdsVmClient;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> hotRestart(
ChromeProxyService chromeProxyService,
VmService client,
) {
return => _hotRestart(chromeProxyService, client));
void _processSendEvent(
Map<String, dynamic> event,
DwdsStats dwdsStats,
) {
final type = event['type'] as String?;
final payload = event['payload'] as Map<String, dynamic>?;
switch (type) {
case 'DevtoolsEvent':
_logger.finest('Received DevTools event: $event');
final action = payload?['action'] as String?;
final screen = payload?['screen'] as String?;
if (screen != null && action == 'pageReady') {
_recordDwdsStats(dwdsStats, screen);
} else {
_logger.finest('Ignoring unknown event: $event');
void _recordDwdsStats(DwdsStats dwdsStats, String screen) {
if (dwdsStats.isFirstDebuggerReady) {
final devToolsStart = dwdsStats.devToolsStart;
final debuggerStart = dwdsStats.debuggerStart;
if (devToolsStart != null) {
final devToolLoadTime =;
emitEvent(DwdsEvent.devToolsLoad(devToolLoadTime, screen));
_logger.fine('DevTools load time: $devToolLoadTime ms');
if (debuggerStart != null) {
final debuggerReadyTime =;
emitEvent(DwdsEvent.debuggerReady(debuggerReadyTime, screen));
_logger.fine('Debugger ready time: $debuggerReadyTime ms');
} else {
_logger.finest('Debugger and DevTools stats are already recorded.');
Future<int> tryGetContextId(
ChromeProxyService chromeProxyService, {
int retries = 3,
}) async {
const waitInMs = 50;
for (var retry = 0; retry < retries; retry++) {
final tryId = await;
if (tryId != null) return tryId;
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: waitInMs));
throw StateError('No context with the running Dart application.');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _hotRestart(
ChromeProxyService chromeProxyService,
VmService client,
) async {'Attempting a hot restart');
chromeProxyService.terminatingIsolates = true;
await _disableBreakpointsAndResume(client, chromeProxyService);
try {'Attempting to get execution context ID.');
await tryGetContextId(chromeProxyService);'Got execution context ID.');
} on StateError catch (e) {
// We couldn't find the execution context. `hotRestart` may have been
// triggered in the middle of a full reload.
return {
'error': {
'code': RPCErrorKind.kInternalError.code,
'message': e.message,
// Start listening for isolate create events before issuing a hot
// restart. Only return success after the isolate has fully started.
final stream = chromeProxyService.onEvent('Isolate');
try {
// Generate run id to hot restart all apps loaded into the tab.
final runId = const Uuid().v4().toString();'Issuing \$dartHotRestartDwds request');
await chromeProxyService.inspector
.jsEvaluate('\$dartHotRestartDwds(\'$runId\');', awaitPromise: true);'\$dartHotRestartDwds request complete.');
} on WipError catch (exception) {
final code = exception.error?['code'];
final message = exception.error?['message'];
// This corresponds to `Execution context was destroyed` which can
// occur during a hot restart that must fall back to a full reload.
if (code != RPCErrorKind.kServerError.code) {
return {
'error': {
'code': code,
'message': message,
'data': exception,
} on ChromeDebugException catch (exception) {
// Exceptions thrown by the injected client during hot restart.
return {
'error': {
'code': RPCErrorKind.kInternalError.code,
'message': '$exception',
}'Waiting for Isolate Start event.');
await stream.firstWhere((event) => event.kind == EventKind.kIsolateStart);
chromeProxyService.terminatingIsolates = false;'Successful hot restart');
return {'result': Success().toJson()};
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fullReload(
ChromeProxyService chromeProxyService,
) async {'Attempting a full reload');
await chromeProxyService.remoteDebugger.enablePage();
await chromeProxyService.remoteDebugger.pageReload();'Successful full reload');
return {'result': Success().toJson()};
Future<void> _disableBreakpointsAndResume(
VmService client,
ChromeProxyService chromeProxyService,
) async {'Attempting to disable breakpoints and resume the isolate');
final vm = await client.getVM();
final isolates = vm.isolates;
if (isolates == null || isolates.isEmpty) {
throw StateError('No active isolate to resume.');
final isolateId =;
if (isolateId == null) {
throw StateError('No active isolate to resume.');
await chromeProxyService.disableBreakpoints();
try {
// Any checks for paused status result in race conditions or hangs
// at this point:
// - `getIsolate()` and check for status:
// the app might still pause on existing breakpoint.
// - `pause()` and wait for `Debug.paused` event:
// chrome does not send the `Debug.Paused `notification
// without shifting focus to chrome.
// Instead, just try resuming and
// ignore failures indicating that the app is already running:
// WipError -32000 Can only perform operation while paused.
await client.resume(isolateId);
} on RPCError catch (e, s) {
if (!e.message.contains('Can only perform operation while paused')) {
_logger.severe('Hot restart failed to resume exiting isolate', e, s);
}'Successfully disabled breakpoints and resumed the isolate');