| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| [ |
| SpecialWrapFor=(HTMLElement,SVGElement), |
| ] interface Element : Node { |
| |
| // DOM Level 1 Core |
| |
| readonly attribute DOMString? tagName; |
| |
| [DartNoAutoScope] DOMString? getAttribute(DOMString name); |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, DartNoAutoScope] void setAttribute(DOMString name, DOMString value); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks] void removeAttribute(DOMString name); |
| [MeasureAs=ElementGetAttributeNode] Attr getAttributeNode([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name); // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, MeasureAs=ElementSetAttributeNode] Attr setAttributeNode([Default=Undefined] optional Attr newAttr); // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, MeasureAs=ElementRemoveAttributeNode] Attr removeAttributeNode([Default=Undefined] optional Attr oldAttr); // Removed from DOM4. |
| HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString name); |
| |
| [PerWorldBindings, ImplementedAs=attributesForBindings] readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes; |
| [MeasureAs=HasAttributes] boolean hasAttributes(); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Core |
| |
| [DartNoAutoScope] DOMString? getAttributeNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName); |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, DartNoAutoScope] void setAttributeNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString value); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks] void removeAttributeNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName); |
| HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName); |
| [MeasureAs=ElementGetAttributeNodeNS] Attr getAttributeNodeNS([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? namespaceURI, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString localName); // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, DeprecateAs=ElementSetAttributeNodeNS] Attr setAttributeNodeNS([Default=Undefined] optional Attr newAttr); // Removed from DOM4. |
| boolean hasAttribute(DOMString name); |
| boolean hasAttributeNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName); |
| |
| [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style; |
| |
| // DOM4 |
| [Reflect, DartNoAutoScope] attribute DOMString id; |
| readonly attribute DOMString? namespaceURI; |
| [RaisesException=Setter] attribute DOMString? prefix; |
| [DartCustom] readonly attribute DOMString? localName; |
| |
| [RaisesException] boolean matches(DOMString selectors); |
| |
| // Common extensions |
| |
| readonly attribute long offsetLeft; |
| readonly attribute long offsetTop; |
| readonly attribute long offsetWidth; |
| readonly attribute long offsetHeight; |
| [ImplementedAs=offsetParentForBindings, PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute Element offsetParent; |
| readonly attribute long clientLeft; |
| readonly attribute long clientTop; |
| readonly attribute long clientWidth; |
| readonly attribute long clientHeight; |
| |
| // FIXME: should be: |
| // attribute (Dictionary or double) scrollLeft; |
| // attribute (Dictionary or double) scrollTop; |
| // http://crbug.com/240176 |
| [Custom=Setter] attribute double scrollLeft; |
| [Custom=Setter] attribute double scrollTop; |
| readonly attribute long scrollWidth; |
| readonly attribute long scrollHeight; |
| |
| void focus(); |
| void blur(); |
| void scrollIntoView(optional boolean alignWithTop); |
| |
| // WebKit extensions |
| |
| [MeasureAs=ElementScrollIntoViewIfNeeded] void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(optional boolean centerIfNeeded); |
| |
| // HTML 5 |
| HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames); |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException=Setter] attribute DOMString innerHTML; |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException=Setter] attribute DOMString outerHTML; |
| |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, MeasureAs=InsertAdjacentElement] Element insertAdjacentElement(DOMString where, Element element); |
| [RaisesException, MeasureAs=InsertAdjacentText] void insertAdjacentText(DOMString where, DOMString text); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException, MeasureAs=InsertAdjacentHTML] void insertAdjacentHTML(DOMString where, DOMString html); |
| |
| [Reflect=class] attribute DOMString className; |
| [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList; |
| |
| [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset; |
| |
| // WebKit extension |
| [RaisesException, ImplementedAs=matches, MeasureAs=ElementPrefixedMatchesSelector] boolean webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString selectors); |
| |
| // Shadow DOM API |
| [RaisesException, MeasureAs=ElementCreateShadowRoot] ShadowRoot createShadowRoot(); |
| [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute ShadowRoot shadowRoot; |
| NodeList getDestinationInsertionPoints(); |
| |
| // CSSOM View Module API |
| ClientRectList getClientRects(); |
| ClientRect getBoundingClientRect(); |
| |
| [MeasureAs=ElementRequestPointerLock] void requestPointerLock(); |
| |
| // Event handler attributes |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforecopy; |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforecut; |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforepaste; |
| attribute EventHandler oncopy; |
| attribute EventHandler oncut; |
| attribute EventHandler onpaste; |
| attribute EventHandler onsearch; |
| attribute EventHandler onselectstart; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchcancel; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchend; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchmove; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchstart; |
| attribute EventHandler onwheel; |
| }; |
| |
| Element implements ParentNode; |
| Element implements ChildNode; |