| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Samuel Weinig <sam@webkit.org> |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| callback CustomElementConstructor = Element (); |
| |
| typedef (CanvasRenderingContext2D or WebGLRenderingContext) RenderingContext; |
| |
| [ |
| SpecialWrapFor=(HTMLDocument,XMLDocument) |
| ] interface Document : Node { |
| |
| // DOM Level 1 Core |
| readonly attribute DocumentType doctype; |
| readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation; |
| readonly attribute Element documentElement; |
| |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, PerWorldBindings, RaisesException] Element createElement(DOMString tagName); |
| DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); |
| Text createTextNode(DOMString data); |
| Comment createComment(DOMString data); |
| [RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentCreateCDATASection] CDATASection createCDATASection([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString data); // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException] ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(DOMString target, DOMString data); |
| [RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentCreateAttribute] Attr createAttribute([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name); // Removed from DOM4. |
| [DartNoAutoScope] HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString localName); |
| |
| // Introduced in DOM Level 2: |
| |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException, TypeChecking=Interface] Node importNode(Node node, optional boolean deep = false); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException] Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName); |
| [RaisesException, DeprecateAs=DocumentCreateAttributeNS] Attr createAttributeNS([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? namespaceURI, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? qualifiedName); // Removed from DOM4. |
| HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName); |
| [PerWorldBindings, DartNoAutoScope] Element getElementById(DOMString elementId); |
| |
| // DOM Level 3 Core |
| |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentInputEncoding] readonly attribute DOMString? inputEncoding; // Removed from DOM4. |
| |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentXMLEncoding] readonly attribute DOMString? xmlEncoding; // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException=Setter, MeasureAs=DocumentXMLVersion] attribute DOMString? xmlVersion; // Removed from DOM4. |
| [RaisesException=Setter, MeasureAs=DocumentXMLStandalone] attribute boolean xmlStandalone; // Removed from DOM4. |
| |
| [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks, TypeChecking=Interface] Node adoptNode(Node node); |
| |
| [ImplementedAs=url] readonly attribute DOMString? documentURI; |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Events (DocumentEvents interface) |
| |
| [RaisesException] Event createEvent(DOMString eventType); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range (DocumentRange interface) |
| |
| Range createRange(); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range (DocumentTraversal interface) |
| |
| [RaisesException, TypeChecking=Interface] NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, |
| optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, |
| optional NodeFilter? filter = null); |
| [RaisesException, TypeChecking=Interface] TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root, |
| optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, |
| optional NodeFilter? filter = null); |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Abstract Views (DocumentView interface) |
| |
| [ImplementedAs=domWindow] readonly attribute Window defaultView; |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Style (DocumentStyle interface) |
| |
| readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets; |
| |
| // DOM Level 2 Style (DocumentCSS interface) |
| |
| CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle([Default=Undefined] optional Element element, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString pseudoElement); |
| |
| // DOM 4 |
| readonly attribute DOMString contentType; |
| |
| // Common extensions |
| [CustomElementCallbacks] |
| boolean execCommand([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional boolean userInterface, |
| [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString, Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? value); |
| |
| boolean queryCommandEnabled([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command); |
| boolean queryCommandIndeterm([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command); |
| boolean queryCommandState([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command); |
| boolean queryCommandSupported([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command); |
| DOMString queryCommandValue([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString command); |
| |
| // Moved down from HTMLDocument |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, CustomElementCallbacks] attribute DOMString dir; |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, CustomElementCallbacks] attribute DOMString designMode; |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, CustomElementCallbacks] attribute DOMString title; |
| readonly attribute DOMString referrer; |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, RaisesException=Setter] attribute DOMString domain; |
| readonly attribute DOMString URL; |
| |
| [TreatNullAs=NullString, RaisesException] attribute DOMString cookie; |
| |
| [RaisesException=Setter, CustomElementCallbacks, PerWorldBindings, TypeChecking=Interface, DartNoAutoScope] attribute HTMLElement? body; |
| |
| readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement head; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection images; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds; |
| [ImplementedAs=embeds] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection links; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts; |
| readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors; |
| readonly attribute DOMString lastModified; |
| |
| [PerWorldBindings, DartNoAutoScope] NodeList getElementsByName([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString elementName); |
| |
| [PutForwards=href] readonly attribute Location location; |
| |
| // IE extensions |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentCharset, TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined, TreatNullAs=NullString] attribute DOMString charset; |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentDefaultCharset, TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined] readonly attribute DOMString defaultCharset; |
| [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined] readonly attribute DOMString readyState; |
| |
| Element elementFromPoint([Default=Undefined] optional long x, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional long y); |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentCaretRangeFromPoint] |
| Range caretRangeFromPoint([Default=Undefined] optional long x, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional long y); |
| |
| // Mozilla extensions |
| Selection getSelection(); |
| readonly attribute DOMString? characterSet; |
| |
| // WebKit extensions |
| |
| readonly attribute DOMString? preferredStylesheetSet; |
| attribute DOMString? selectedStylesheetSet; |
| |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentGetCSSCanvasContext] RenderingContext getCSSCanvasContext(DOMString contextId, DOMString name, long width, long height); |
| |
| // HTML 5 |
| HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames); |
| readonly attribute Element activeElement; |
| boolean hasFocus(); |
| |
| readonly attribute DOMString compatMode; |
| |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentExitPointerLock] void exitPointerLock(); |
| [MeasureAs=DocumentPointerLockElement] readonly attribute Element pointerLockElement; |
| |
| // Event handler attributes |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforecopy; |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforecut; |
| attribute EventHandler onbeforepaste; |
| attribute EventHandler oncopy; |
| attribute EventHandler oncut; |
| attribute EventHandler onpaste; |
| attribute EventHandler onpointerlockchange; |
| attribute EventHandler onpointerlockerror; |
| attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange; |
| attribute EventHandler onsearch; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures] attribute EventHandler onsecuritypolicyviolation; |
| attribute EventHandler onselectionchange; |
| attribute EventHandler onselectstart; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchcancel; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchend; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchmove; |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchstart; |
| attribute EventHandler onwheel; |
| |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] Touch createTouch([Default=Undefined] optional Window window, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional EventTarget target, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional long identifier, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double pageX, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double pageY, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double screenX, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double screenY, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double webkitRadiusX, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional double webkitRadiusY, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional float webkitRotationAngle, |
| [Default=Undefined] optional float webkitForce); |
| [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] TouchList createTouchList(Touch... touches); |
| |
| [CallWith=ScriptState, CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentRegisterElement] CustomElementConstructor registerElement(DOMString name, optional Dictionary options); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, PerWorldBindings, RaisesException, DartCustom] Element createElement(DOMString localName, DOMString? typeExtension); |
| [CustomElementCallbacks, RaisesException, DartCustom] Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString? typeExtension); |
| |
| // Page visibility API. |
| readonly attribute DOMString visibilityState; |
| readonly attribute boolean hidden; |
| |
| // Deprecated prefixed page visibility API. |
| // TODO(davidben): This is a property so attaching a deprecation warning results in false positives when outputting |
| // document in the console. It's possible http://crbug.com/43394 will resolve this. |
| [MeasureAs=PrefixedPageVisibility, ImplementedAs=visibilityState] readonly attribute DOMString webkitVisibilityState; |
| [MeasureAs=PrefixedPageVisibility, ImplementedAs=hidden] readonly attribute boolean webkitHidden; |
| |
| readonly attribute HTMLScriptElement currentScript; |
| }; |
| |
| Document implements GlobalEventHandlers; |
| Document implements ParentNode; |