blob: 8453ca82264451f51741b770e18473f1c3a09c7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'src/channel.dart';
import 'src/exception.dart';
import 'src/sink_completer.dart';
/// A [WebSocketChannel] that communicates using a `dart:io` [WebSocket].
class IOWebSocketChannel extends StreamChannelMixin
implements WebSocketChannel {
/// The underlying `dart:io` [WebSocket].
/// If the channel was constructed with [IOWebSocketChannel.connect], this is
/// `null` until the [WebSocket.connect] future completes.
WebSocket? _webSocket;
String? get protocol => _webSocket?.protocol;
int? get closeCode => _webSocket?.closeCode;
String? get closeReason => _webSocket?.closeReason;
final Stream stream;
final WebSocketSink sink;
/// The underlying [WebSocket], if this channel has connected.
/// `If the future returned from [WebSocket.connect] has not yet completed, or
/// completed as an error, this will be null.
WebSocket? get innerWebSocket => _webSocket;
/// Creates a new WebSocket connection.
/// Connects to [url] using [WebSocket.connect] and returns a channel that can
/// be used to communicate over the resulting socket. The [url] may be either
/// a [String] or a [Uri]. The [protocols] and [headers] parameters are the
/// same as [WebSocket.connect].
/// [pingInterval] controls the interval for sending ping signals. If a ping
/// message is not answered by a pong message from the peer, the WebSocket is
/// assumed disconnected and the connection is closed with a `goingAway` code.
/// When a ping signal is sent, the pong message must be received within
/// [pingInterval]. It defaults to `null`, indicating that ping messages are
/// disabled.
/// If there's an error connecting, the channel's stream emits a
/// [WebSocketChannelException] wrapping that error and then closes.
factory IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
Object url, {
Iterable<String>? protocols,
Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
Duration? pingInterval,
}) {
late IOWebSocketChannel channel;
final sinkCompleter = WebSocketSinkCompleter();
final stream = StreamCompleter.fromFuture(
WebSocket.connect(url.toString(), headers: headers, protocols: protocols)
.then((webSocket) {
webSocket.pingInterval = pingInterval;
channel._webSocket = webSocket;
return webSocket;
(Object error) => throw WebSocketChannelException.from(error),
return channel =
IOWebSocketChannel._withoutSocket(stream, sinkCompleter.sink);
/// Creates a channel wrapping [socket].
IOWebSocketChannel(WebSocket socket)
: _webSocket = socket,
stream = socket.handleError(
(error) => throw WebSocketChannelException.from(error)),
sink = _IOWebSocketSink(socket);
/// Creates a channel without a socket.
/// This is used with `connect` to synchronously provide a channel that later
/// has a socket added.
IOWebSocketChannel._withoutSocket(Stream stream, this.sink)
: _webSocket = null,
stream = stream.handleError(
(error) => throw WebSocketChannelException.from(error));
/// A [WebSocketSink] that forwards [close] calls to a `dart:io` [WebSocket].
class _IOWebSocketSink extends DelegatingStreamSink implements WebSocketSink {
/// The underlying socket.
final WebSocket _webSocket;
_IOWebSocketSink(WebSocket webSocket)
: _webSocket = webSocket,
Future close([int? closeCode, String? closeReason]) =>
_webSocket.close(closeCode, closeReason);