blob: 2bdbaec9be10285cd40ff6e2189f660545336f51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Contains logic to initialize web_components apps during development. This
/// implementation uses dart:mirrors to load each library as they are discovered
/// through HTML imports. This is only meant to be used during development in
/// dartium, and the web_components transformers replace this implementation
/// for deployment.
library web_components.src.mirror_initializer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:initialize/initialize.dart' as init;
import 'package:path/path.dart' show url;
const bool deployMode = false;
Future run({List<Type> typeFilter, init.InitializerFilter customFilter}) async {
var libraryUris =
_discoverLibrariesToLoad(document, window.location.href).map(Uri.parse);
for (var uri in libraryUris) {
typeFilter: typeFilter, customFilter: customFilter, from: uri);
return null;
/// Walks the HTML import structure to discover all script tags that are
/// implicitly loaded. This code is only used in Dartium and should only be
/// called after all HTML imports are resolved. Polymer ensures this by asking
/// users to put their Dart script tags after all HTML imports (this is checked
/// by the linter, and Dartium will otherwise show an error message).
Iterable<_ScriptInfo> _discoverScripts(Document doc, String baseUri,
[_State state]) {
if (state == null) state = new _State();
if (doc == null) {
print('warning: $baseUri not found.');
return state.scripts.values;
if (!state.seen.add(doc)) return state.scripts.values;
for (var node in doc.querySelectorAll('script,link[rel="import"]')) {
if (node is LinkElement) {
_discoverScripts(node.import, node.href, state);
} else if (node is ScriptElement && node.type == 'application/dart') {
var info = _scriptInfoFor(node, baseUri);
if (state.scripts.containsKey(info.resolvedUrl)) {
// TODO(jakemac): Move this to a web_components uri.
print('warning: Script `${info.resolvedUrl}` included more than once. '
'See for more details.');
} else {
state.scripts[info.resolvedUrl] = info;
return state.scripts.values;
/// Internal state used in [_discoverScripts].
class _State {
/// Documents that we have visited thus far.
final Set<Document> seen = new Set();
/// Scripts that have been discovered, in tree order.
final LinkedHashMap<String, _ScriptInfo> scripts = {};
/// Holds information about a Dart script tag.
class _ScriptInfo {
/// The original URL seen in the tag fully resolved.
final String resolvedUrl;
/// Whether it seems to be a 'package:' URL (starts with the package-root).
bool get isPackage => packageUrl != null;
/// The equivalent 'package:' URL, if any.
final String packageUrl;
_ScriptInfo(this.resolvedUrl, {this.packageUrl});
// TODO(sigmund): explore other (cheaper) ways to resolve URIs relative to the
// root library (see
final _rootUri = currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary.uri;
/// Returns [_ScriptInfo] for [script] which was seen in [baseUri].
_ScriptInfo _scriptInfoFor(script, baseUri) {
var uriString = script.src;
if (uriString != '') {
var uri = _rootUri.resolve(uriString);
if (!_isHttpStylePackageUrl(uri)) return new _ScriptInfo('$uri');
// Use package: urls if available. This rule here is more permissive than
// how we translate urls in polymer-build, but we expect Dartium to limit
// the cases where there are differences. The polymer-build issues an error
// when using packages/ inside lib without properly stepping out all the way
// to the packages folder. If users don't create symlinks in the source
// tree, then Dartium will also complain because it won't find the file seen
// in an HTML import.
var packagePath = uri.path
.substring(uri.path.lastIndexOf('packages/') + 'packages/'.length);
return new _ScriptInfo('$uri', packageUrl: 'package:$packagePath');
// Even in the case of inline scripts its ok to just use the baseUri since
// there can only be one per page.
return new _ScriptInfo(baseUri);
/// Whether [uri] is an http URI that contains a 'packages' segment, and
/// therefore could be converted into a 'package:' URI.
bool _isHttpStylePackageUrl(Uri uri) {
var uriPath = uri.path;
return uri.scheme == _rootUri.scheme &&
// Don't process cross-domain uris.
uri.authority == _rootUri.authority &&
uriPath.endsWith('.dart') &&
(uriPath.contains('/packages/') || uriPath.startsWith('packages/'));
Iterable<String> _discoverLibrariesToLoad(Document doc, String baseUri) =>
_discoverScripts(doc, baseUri).map(
(info) => _packageUrlExists(info) ? info.packageUrl : info.resolvedUrl);
/// All libraries in the current isolate.
final _libs = currentMirrorSystem().libraries;
bool _packageUrlExists(_ScriptInfo info) =>
info.isPackage && _libs[Uri.parse(info.packageUrl)] != null;
/// All the imports that we have checked for package path validation.
final _importsSeen = new Set<LinkElement>();
/// All the documents that we have crawled for import validation.
final _documentsSeen = new Set<Document>();
/// Validates that all html imports to packages urls point to the right packages
/// symlink (the one next to the entry point).
void _validatePackageImports(Document doc) {
var imports = doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="import"]');
for (LinkElement import in imports) {
// Don't re-validate imports.
if (!_importsSeen.add(import)) continue;
// Check that the href points to the right packages path. If it doesn't we
// don't continue checking as it will print extraneous errors.
if (import.href.contains('packages/') && !_checkPackagePath(import)) {
// Validate any imports contained in this import, if the document hasn't yet
// been seen.
var importDoc = import.import;
if (importDoc == null || !_documentsSeen.add(importDoc)) continue;
/// The path to the entry document.
final entryPath = document.baseUri;
/// Checks that the relative path from the entry point to all packages imports
/// starts with `packages/`.
bool _checkPackagePath(LinkElement import) {
var dirname = entryPath.endsWith('/') ? entryPath : url.dirname(entryPath);
var pathFromEntryPoint = url.relative(import.href, from: dirname);
if (pathFromEntryPoint.startsWith('packages/')) return true;
LinkElement correctedImport = import.clone(false);
var relativeUriParts = url.split(
url.relative(import.ownerDocument.baseUri, from: url.dirname(entryPath)));
var pathToEntryPoint = '../' * (relativeUriParts.length - 1);
var packagePath = import.href.substring(import.href.indexOf('packages/'));
correctedImport.href = '$pathToEntryPoint$packagePath';
// TODO(jakemac): Throw an exception here at the next breaking change, and add
// a test at that point (no easy way to test console.error).
Found bad packages uri in html import. All packages uris should point to the
packages symlink in the same folder as the entry point.
Entry point: $entryPath
Owner document: ${import.ownerDocument.baseUri}
Current import: ${import.outerHtml}
Corrected import: ${correctedImport.outerHtml}
For more information, please see:
return false;