update mirror based implementation to work with new LibraryIdentifier and unify url normalization logic
diff --git a/lib/build/html_import_annotation_inliner.dart b/lib/build/html_import_annotation_inliner.dart
index 416e162..491b4c7 100644
--- a/lib/build/html_import_annotation_inliner.dart
+++ b/lib/build/html_import_annotation_inliner.dart
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
 import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart' as dom;
 import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
+import '../src/normalize_path.dart';
 /// Given an html entry point with a single dart bootstrap file created by the
 /// `initialize` transformer, this will open that dart file and remove all
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@
       var importPaths;
       return dartEntryPoint.readAsString().then((dartCode) {
         var matches = _htmlImportWithRawString.allMatches(dartCode);
-        importPaths = new Set.from(matches.map((match) =>  _normalizePath(
-            match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3),
-            htmlEntryPoint.id.package)));
+        importPaths = new Set.from(matches.map((match) =>
+            normalizeHtmlImportPath(
+                match.group(1),
+                match.group(2) == 'null' ? null : match.group(2),
+                match.group(3))));
         var newDartCode = dartCode.replaceAll(_htmlImportWithRawString, '');
         var leftoverMatches = _htmlImportGeneral.allMatches(newDartCode);
@@ -81,38 +83,6 @@
-  String _normalizePath(String htmlPath, String dartFilePackage,
-       String dartFilePath, String rootDartPackage) {
-    // If they already supplied a packages path, just return that.
-    if (htmlPath.startsWith('package:')) {
-      return htmlPath.replaceFirst('package:', 'packages/');
-    }
-    var dartFileDir = path.url.dirname(dartFilePath);
-    var dartFileDirSegments = path.url.split(dartFileDir);
-    var inLibDir = dartFileDirSegments[0] == 'lib';
-    // The dartFileDir without the leading dir.
-    var dartFileSubDir = path.url.joinAll(
-        dartFileDirSegments.getRange(1, dartFileDirSegments.length));
-    // Relative path to something not under lib. All other paths will be turned
-    // into a packages/ path.
-    if (dartFilePackage == 'null' && !inLibDir) {
-      return path.url.normalize(path.url.join(dartFileSubDir, htmlPath));
-    }
-    if (!inLibDir) {
-      _logger.error('Can only import assets from a folder other than `lib` if '
-          'they are in the same package as the entry point. Found '
-          '$dartFilePackage:$dartFilePath');
-    }
-    // Only option left is a packages/ path.
-    var package = dartFilePackage == 'null' ? rootDartPackage : dartFilePackage;
-    return path.url.normalize(
-        path.url.join('packages/', package, dartFileSubDir, htmlPath));
-  }
   // Matches HtmlImport constructors which are supplied a raw string. These are
   // the only ones currently supported for inlining.
   final RegExp _htmlImportWithRawString = new RegExp(
diff --git a/lib/html_import_annotation.dart b/lib/html_import_annotation.dart
index 7039064..098a1ee 100644
--- a/lib/html_import_annotation.dart
+++ b/lib/html_import_annotation.dart
@@ -6,23 +6,26 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:html';
 import 'package:initialize/initialize.dart';
+import 'src/normalize_path.dart';
 /// Annotation for a dart library which injects an html import into the
 /// current html document. The imported file must not contain any dart script
 /// tags, as they cannot be dynamically loaded.
-class HtmlImport implements Initializer<Symbol> {
-  final String source;
+class HtmlImport implements Initializer<LibraryIdentifier> {
+  final String filePath;
-  const HtmlImport(this.source);
+  const HtmlImport(this.filePath);
-  Future initialize(Symbol library) {
-    var element = new LinkElement()..rel = 'import'..href = source;
+  Future initialize(LibraryIdentifier library) {
+    var element = new LinkElement()
+      ..rel = 'import'
+      ..href = normalizeHtmlImportPath(filePath, library.package, library.path);
     var completer = new Completer();
     var listeners = [
       element.on['load'].listen((_) => completer.complete()),
       element.on['error'].listen((_) {
-        print('Error loading html import from path `$source`');
+        print('Error loading html import from path `$filePath`');
@@ -31,3 +34,5 @@
diff --git a/lib/src/normalize_path.dart b/lib/src/normalize_path.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a44fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/normalize_path.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+library web_components.src.normalizePath;
+import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
+String normalizeHtmlImportPath(String filePath, String dartFilePackage,
+     String dartFilePath) {
+  // If they already supplied a packages path, just return that.
+  if (filePath.startsWith('package:')) {
+    return filePath.replaceFirst('package:', 'packages/');
+  }
+  var dartFileDir = path.url.dirname(dartFilePath);
+  var segments = path.url.split(dartFileDir);
+  // The dartFileDir without the leading dir (web, lib, test, etc).
+  var dartFileSubDir = path.url.joinAll(segments.getRange(1, segments.length));
+  // Relative paths have no package supplied.
+  if (dartFilePackage == null) {
+    return path.url.normalize(path.url.join(dartFileSubDir, filePath));
+  }
+  // Only option left is a packages/ path.
+  return path.url.normalize(
+      path.url.join('packages/', dartFilePackage, dartFileSubDir, filePath));
diff --git a/test/build/html_import_annotation_inliner_test.dart b/test/build/html_import_annotation_inliner_test.dart
index 3badb2f..bee6668 100644
--- a/test/build/html_import_annotation_inliner_test.dart
+++ b/test/build/html_import_annotation_inliner_test.dart
@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@
             new InitEntry(const i2.initMethod, i0.baz),
             new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'web/foo.dart')),
             new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'web/foo/foo.dart')),
-            new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'lib/foo.dart')),
-            new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'lib/foo/foo.dart')),
-            new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('../foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'lib/foo/foo.dart')),
+            new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('../foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'web/foo/foo.dart')),
             new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('package:foo/foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'lib/foo.dart')),
             new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('package:foo/foo/foo.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#foo, null, 'lib/foo/foo.dart')),
             new InitEntry(const i1.HtmlImport('bar.html'), const LibraryIdentifier(#bar, 'bar', 'lib/bar.dart')),