blob: a25d965b510a72f1b03c8abab069962c3e0b3a43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Some Transformers to maintain compatibility with the new `test` package,
/// since it doesn't use normal dart script tags in html. We get around this by
/// using two transformers:
/// - A transformer to convert <lint rel="x-dart-test"> intro dart script tags
/// so that they can be processed by the rest of the transformers normally.
/// - A second transformer to convert the output back, so that the `test`
/// package can find a <link rel="x-dart-test"> tag after all the
/// transformations are done.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
/// The name of the attribute that will be added to script tags that started out
/// as <link rel="x-dart-test"> tags.
const testAttribute = '_was_test';
/// The first transformer that should be ran, this does a query selector for
/// link[rel="x-dart-test"] and changes them to a normal dart script tag with a
/// special `_was_test` attribute so we know to change it back later on.
class RewriteXDartTestToScript extends _EntryPointOnlyTransformer {
RewriteXDartTestToScript(List<String> entryPoints) : super(entryPoints);
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((String html) {
var doc = parse(html);
for (var tag in doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="x-dart-test"]')) {
tag.replaceWith(new Element.tag('script')
..attributes['type'] = 'application/dart'
..attributes['src'] = tag.attributes['href']
..attributes[testAttribute] = '');
new Asset.fromString(, doc.outerHtml));
/// The last transformer that should be ran, this does a query selector for
/// `script[type="application/dart"][_was_test]` and changes matching elements
/// back to `<link rel="x-dart-test">` tags.
class RewriteScriptToXDartTest extends _EntryPointOnlyTransformer {
RewriteScriptToXDartTest(List<String> entryPoints) : super(entryPoints);
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((String html) {
var doc = parse(html);
var scripts = doc
for (var tag in scripts) {
tag.replaceWith(new Element.tag('link')
..attributes['rel'] = 'x-dart-test'
..attributes['href'] = tag.attributes['src']);
new Asset.fromString(, doc.outerHtml));
/// Internal base class to encapsulate the isPrimary logic.
abstract class _EntryPointOnlyTransformer extends Transformer {
final List<String> entryPoints;
_EntryPointOnlyTransformer(this.entryPoints) : super();
bool isPrimary(AssetId id) {
if (!id.path.startsWith('test/')) return false;
if (entryPoints != null) return entryPoints.contains(id.path);
// If no entry point is supplied, then any html file is an entry point.
return id.path.endsWith('.html');