blob: b3cebe6657c3e72f653aaaae785cd70b671788ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'src/watch_event.dart';
import 'src/directory_watcher.dart';
import 'src/file_watcher.dart';
export 'src/watch_event.dart';
export 'src/directory_watcher.dart';
export 'src/directory_watcher/polling.dart';
export 'src/file_watcher.dart';
export 'src/file_watcher/polling.dart';
abstract class Watcher {
/// The path to the file or directory whose contents are being monitored.
String get path;
/// The broadcast [Stream] of events that have occurred to the watched file or
/// files in the watched directory.
/// Changes will only be monitored while this stream has subscribers. Any
/// changes that occur during periods when there are no subscribers will not
/// be reported the next time a subscriber is added.
Stream<WatchEvent> get events;
/// Whether the watcher is initialized and watching for changes.
/// This is true if and only if [ready] is complete.
bool get isReady;
/// A [Future] that completes when the watcher is initialized and watching for
/// changes.
/// If the watcher is not currently monitoring the file or directory (because
/// there are no subscribers to [events]), this returns a future that isn't
/// complete yet. It will complete when a subscriber starts listening and the
/// watcher finishes any initialization work it needs to do.
/// If the watcher is already monitoring, this returns an already complete
/// future.
Future get ready;
/// Creates a new [DirectoryWatcher] or [FileWatcher] monitoring [path],
/// depending on whether it's a file or directory.
/// If a native watcher is available for this platform, this will use it.
/// Otherwise, it will fall back to a polling watcher. Notably, watching
/// individual files is not natively supported on Windows, although watching
/// directories is.
/// If [pollingDelay] is passed, it specifies the amount of time the watcher
/// will pause between successive polls of the contents of [path]. Making this
/// shorter will give more immediate feedback at the expense of doing more IO
/// and higher CPU usage. Defaults to one second. Ignored for non-polling
/// watchers.
factory Watcher(String path, {Duration pollingDelay}) {
if (new File(path).existsSync()) {
return new FileWatcher(path, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);
} else {
return new DirectoryWatcher(path, pollingDelay: pollingDelay);