tree: 1d3f7247cffdcd9298d6ae244192752974d91e9e [path history] [tgz]
  1. example/
  2. lib/
  3. test/
  4. tool/
  5. .analysis_options
  6. .gitignore
  7. .project
  8. .travis.yml
  13. pubspec.yaml


usage is a wrapper around Google Analytics for both command-line, web, and Flutter apps.

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Using this library

In order to use this library, call the Analytics.create static method. You'll get either the command-line, web, or Flutter implementation based on the current platform.

When you are creating a new property at google analytics make sure to select not the website option, but the mobile app option.

For command-line apps

Note, for CLI apps, the usage library will send analytics pings asynchronously. This is useful it that it doesn‘t block the app generally. It does have one side-effect, in that outstanding asynchronous requests will block termination of the VM until that request finishes. So, for short-lived CLI tools, pinging Google Analytics can cause the tool to pause for several seconds before it terminates. This is often undesired - gathering analytics information shouldn’t negatively effect the tool's UX.

One solution to this is to use the waitForLastPing({Duration timeout}) method on the analytics object. This will wait until all outstanding analytics requests have completed, or until the specified duration has elapsed. So, CLI apps can do something like:

analytics.waitForLastPing(timeout: new Duration(milliseconds: 500)).then((_) {

Using the API

Import the package:

import 'package:usage/usage.dart';

And call some analytics code:

final String UA = ...;

Analytics ga = await Analytics.create(UA, 'ga_test', '1.0');

ga.sendException('foo exception');

ga.sendTiming('writeTime', 100);
ga.sendTiming('readTime', 20);

When do we send analytics data?

You can use this library in an opt-in manner or an opt-out one. It defaults to opt-out - data will be sent to Google Analytics unless the user explicitly opts-out. The mode can be adjusted by changing the value of the Analytics.analyticsOpt field.

Opt-out In opt-out mode, if the user does not explicitly opt-out of collecting analytics (Analytics.enabled = false), the usage library will send usage data.

Opt-in In opt-in mode, no data will be sent until the user explicitly opt-in to collection (Analytics.enabled = true). This includes screen views, events, timing information, and exceptions.

Other info

For both classes, you need to provide a Google Analytics tracking ID, the application name, and the application version.

Your application should provide an opt-in option for the user. If they opt-in, set the optIn field to true. This setting will persist across sessions automatically.

Note: This library is intended for use with the Google Analytics application / mobile app style tracking IDs (as opposed to the web site style tracking IDs).

For more information, please see the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Policy.

Issues and bugs

Please file reports on the GitHub Issue Tracker.


You can view our license here.