blob: 2a3ea3597e145c5ad17498f5215e8dde7fce72da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library usage.impl_test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:usage/src/usage_impl.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
void main() => defineTests();
void defineTests() {
group('ThrottlingBucket', () {
test('can send', () {
ThrottlingBucket bucket = new ThrottlingBucket(20);
expect(bucket.removeDrop(), true);
test('doesn\'t send too many', () {
ThrottlingBucket bucket = new ThrottlingBucket(20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
expect(bucket.removeDrop(), true);
expect(bucket.removeDrop(), false);
group('AnalyticsImpl', () {
test('trackingId', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.trackingId, isNotNull);
test('applicationName', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.applicationName, isNotNull);
test('applicationVersion', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.applicationVersion, isNotNull);
test('respects disabled', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.enabled = false;
mock.sendException('FooBar exception');
expect(mock.enabled, false);
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isEmpty);
test('firstRun', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.firstRun, true);
mock = createMock(props: {'firstRun': false});
expect(mock.firstRun, false);
test('setSessionValue', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
hasnt(mock.last, 'val');
mock.setSessionValue('val', 'ue');
has(mock.last, 'val');
mock.setSessionValue('val', null);
hasnt(mock.last, 'val');
test('waitForLastPing', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
return mock.waitForLastPing(timeout: new Duration(milliseconds: 100));
group('clientId', () {
test('is available immediately', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.clientId, isNotEmpty);
test('is memoized', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
final value1 = mock.clientId;
final value2 = mock.clientId;
expect(value1, isNotEmpty);
expect(value1, value2);
test('is stored in properties', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(['clientId'], isNull);
final value = mock.clientId;
expect(['clientId'], value);
group('postEncode', () {
test('simple', () {
Map<String, dynamic> map = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux norf'};
expect(postEncode(map), 'foo=bar&baz=qux%20norf');